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Hates me traducir español

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This guy hates me, and not like you hate me.
Este tío me odia, y no como me odias tú.
He hates me hates me.
Él me odia odia.
McLAREN : She hates me.
Me odia.
Look, Amy, oil already hates me'cause we're closing their tax loopholes and making them pay for cleanup, so now I'm eating everyone's shit.
Amy, los petroleros me odian porque acabamos con algunas lagunas fiscales e hicimos que paguen por la limpieza, así que ahora me la tienen jurada.
Not yet. ( SlRENS blaring ) Okay, Doyle and the party hate me because of Chuck and oil hates me because of Chuck.
Vale, Doyle y el partido me odian por designar a Chuck y los petroleros me odian por designar a Chuck.
- Because she hates me.
- Porque ella me odia.
She hates me.
Me odia.
Oh, she does. She hates me.
Lo hace.
- She hates me
Me odia.
I-I get why Siobhan hates me.
Entiendo por qué Siobhan me odia.
Phil hates me.
Phil me odia a mí.
You'll start double-checking your work, and the work of your residents when the time comes, because otherwise, you'll be me, walking in to apologize to a family that hates me almost as much as I hate myself right now.
Empezarás a comprobar dos veces tu trabajo, y el trabajo de tus residentes cuando llegue el momento, porque de otra forma, serás yo, yendo a disculparme ante una familia que me odia casi tanto como me odio yo ahora mismo.
Man, she hates me.
Tío, me odia.
He hates me.
Me odia.
Besides, her dad hates me enough already.
De cualquier modo, su padre ya me odia.
I don't hate him, he hates me.
Es él quien me odia a mí.
She hates me.
Ella me odia.
I gave her to a happy family, not to some jerk who's moving to New York with an 18-year-old girl who hates me!
La di a una familia feliz, no a un memo que se muda a Nueva York ¡ con una chica de 18 años que me odia!
'Cause everyone hates me, that's why.
Porque todo el mundo me odia, por eso.
Dustin hates me now.
Dustin me odia.
The whole school hates me.
Toda la escuela me odia.
He's filthy and he hates me.
Es sucio y me odia.
Wade hates me.
Wade me odia.
Wade still hates me.
Wade aún me odia.
Everyone hates me now and it isn't fair.
Todo el mundo me odia ahora y no es justo.
'The only person who hates me more than my father.
La única persona que me odia más que mi padre.
But he hates me.
Pero me odia.
He hates me anyway.
Él me odia de todos modos.
Sheldon hates me.
Sheldon me odia.
Even if he hates me for it.
Incluso si me odia por ello.
Except for the fact that Gina hates me, my ballvery backfired, and my high-school nemesis is being very nefarious,
Exceptuando el hecho de que Gina me odia, mis pelotas-valentía me ha fallado, y mi enemiga del instituto está siendo muy perversa,
Derek hates me, and I don't particularly like him.
Derek me odia, y particularmente no me gusta.
Because Victoria hates me, and you're pretending to be me.
Porque Victoria me odia, y tú pretendes ser yo.
I think the whole world hates me.
Creo que todo el mundo me odia.
- Her father really hates me.
- Su padre me odia.
Your boss hates me, too.
Tu jefa también me odia.
He hates me going back to college, but I won't let him keep me down any more.
Él odió que yo regrese a la universidad, pero ya no dejaré que me perjudique más.
You know your mother hates me.
Sabes que tu madre me odia.
Well, no, I don't think she hates me.
Bueno, no, no creo que me odie a mí.
Everyone at school hates me.
Todos en el instituto me odian.
Please don't ever hate me the way she hates me.
Por favor no me odies de la forma en que me odia ella.
It's like I'm her boyfriend, except she hates me.
Es como si fuera su novio, excepto que ella me odia.
But now the whole school hates me.
Pero ahora me odia toda la escuela.
Mwah. I don't care how much mom hates you.
No me importa lo mucho que te odie mamá.
My friends, if the world hates you, know that it hated me first.
Mis amigos, Si el mundo los odia, sepan que odió a mí primero.
I think Emmett's mom hates me.
Creo que la mamá de Emmett me odia.
He hates confrontation, and obviously there is something that he needs to confront me about.
Odia la confrontación, y obviamente hay algo por lo que debe enfrentarse a mí.
He loves me more than he hates Mona, that's how.
Me quiere más de lo que odia a Mona, así lo he conseguido.
And come on, move, my aunt's expecting me at the convent at eight and she hates tardiness.
Y venga, muévete, mi tía me espera en el convento a las 8 y odia la impuntualidad.
I think my new team probably just hates the fact they got stuck with me as a team Captain.
Creo que mi nuevo equipo probablemente sólo odia el hecho de que se quedó atascado conmigo como capitán del equipo.
Except she hates everything I like.
Excepto por el hecho de que odia todo lo que a mi me gusta.

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