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He'll be back traducir español

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He'll be back.
Él regresará.
He'll be back for me.
Regresará a buscarme.
How come? He went to Porto and he'll be back only the day after tomorrow.
Fue a Oporto y no regresará hasta pasado mañana.
Do you know when he'll be back?
¿ Sabes cuándo volverá?
Do you know when he'll be back?
¿ Sabe cuándo regresa?
He lets go of my hand and says he'll be back. And he goes.
Y el suelta mi mano, mientras se va.
He'll be back.
No telling when he'll be back.
No se sabe cuándo va a volver.
- Do you know when he'll be back?
- ¿ Sabes cuándo va a regresar?
I mean, he's a really good dog and I'll be back as soon as I can.
Es un muy buen perro. Regresaré lo antes posible.
There'll be no more water left by the time you come Then I'll come back earlier next time Let me do these chores I've told you not to do those chores
No habrá más agua para la hora de tu regreso tonces volveré mas temprano para la próxima Déjame hacer estas tareas te he dicho que no hagas esas tareas
He'll be back, right?
Volverá, ¿ verdad?
We think he " ll be heading back. Your position?
Creemos que regresó a Nevada. ¿ Dónde estás?
So when we get back, he'll be fit enough to see us.
Bueno, y cuando volvamos estará mejor y podremos verlo.
Now that blood has been spilled, he'll be back.
Ahora que la sangre ha sido derramada, él volverá.
He'll be back within 6 months, tail between his legs, and begging for a handout.
Volverá dentro de 6 meses, con la cola entre las piernas, pidiendo limosna.
He'll be back playing with all of you in no time.
El volverá a jugar con todos ustedes en muy poco tiempo.
He'll be back shortly.
Volverá pronto.
One is buried here back over there and the other... He'll also be here soon.
Uno está enterrado aquí detrás y el otro... pronto lo tendremos por aquí
I don't know when he'll be back, but I do know he's back in the hospital.
No sé cuándo regresará pero sé que ha regresado al hospital.
Well, Miss Walsh, I've grown kind of fond of young Kevin, and the longer it takes me to find him, the harder it'll be for me to keep him from going back into prison.
Bueno, señorita Walsh, le he tomado cierto aprecio... al joven Kevin y cuanto más me demore en encontrarlo... más difícil me será mantenerlo lejos de volver a prisión.
Do you know what time he'll be back?
¿ Sabe cuándo regresará?
Do you know what time he'll be back?
¿ Sabe a que hora regresará?
If he goes back to Ireland, flashes that money to his father, he'll be back within a week and with more muscle, heat and protection.
Si vuelve a Irlanda y le muestra ese dinero a su padre estará de vuelta en una semana con muchos más hombres, energía, y protección.
When he comes back, we'll be one happy family again.
Cuando él regrese, seremos nuevamente una familia feliz.
No, we'll be gone the second he gets back.
Nos iremos en cuanto regrese.
He'll be back.
Estará de vuelta.
He'll be back, now that blood's been spilled again.
El volverá, ahora que la sangre ha sido derramada de nuevo.
Do you know when he'll be back?
¿ Sabe cuándo regresará?
# I've gone, but I'll be circling back #
# Me he ido, pero estaré dando vueltas #
And once he's out, he'll sell up and we'll be back to square one.
Y una vez que esté fuera, todo volverá a empezar.
Soon as you're back, he'll be treating you like shit.
Ni bien hayas regresado, te tratará como mierda.
"Hey..." He'll be back on his knees, so please
He'll be back on his knees, so please " "Hey.. Regresará de rodillas, Así que por favor"
Oh, he'll be back.
Oh, él volverá.
And he'll be back for these, I guarantee it.
Y el volvera por eso, te lo garantizo
He'll be back from wyoming soon.
Volverá pronto de Wyoming.
If he has so much as a scratch when I get back, you'll be sorry.
Si tiene un solo rasguño cuando regrese lo lamentarás.
He'll be back in a couple hours.
Volverá en un par de horas.
Er... do you know when he'll be back?
- ¿ Tardará mucho?
I'm sure he'll be back soon.
Estoy segura. Volverá pronto.
He'll be back, don'tworry.
Volverá, no se preocupe.
He'll be back soon.
- Regresará pronto.
He'll be back.
I owe him 100 quid and he wants it back, right now. He's got my schoolbooks and if I don't get them back, that'll be more money I owe.
Tiene mis libros escolares y si no lo devuelvo, será más lo que deba, no sé que hacer y es todo tu culpa.
He'll be back soon.
Volverá pronto.
They'll be best friends, and maybe they can room together in college and then get an apartment afterwards, and then he won't come back and live with us.
Serán mejores amigos, y quizá compartan cuarto en la universidad y después cojan un apartamento y él no volverá a vivir con nosotros.
And I don't know when he'll be back.
Y no sé cuándo regresará
He'll be back when he wants feeding.
Volverá cuando quiera alimentarse.
I mean, we know he's fertile, and I know how to get it out of him. I'll be back in 20 minutes.
Sabemos que es fertil, se como sacarselo asi que estare de regreso en 20 minutos.
He'll be back sooner or later ; you'll see.
Volverá tarde o temprano ; ya lo verás.
He'll be back,
Él estará de vuelta,

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