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He'll kill me traducir español

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He'll kill me the first chance he gets.
Me matará si puede.
Easy there, talk like that to him and he'll kill you. I've never seen him like this before.
no se entiende no, hablar así que voy a matar en 25 años, que yo sepa, no he nunca me ha visto en esta situación
No se lo digan a Butch.
He'll come back and kill me, sir!
¡ Él regresará y me matará, señor!
He'll kill you, kill you all, and then take the keys and come to me.
Les matará a todos ustedes, cogerá las llaves y vendrá a por mí.
He'll kill me.
Me matará.
He'll kill me.
Él me matará.
Help me to prove he's responsible, I'll put him where he won't kill anybody.
Ayúdeme a probar su responsabilidad y haré que no pueda matar a nadie.
He'll kill you, Joe.
Ya me cuidaré de eso.
He'll kill me!
¡ Me matará!
If you don't open the gate, he'll kill me.
Si no abre la puerta, me matará.
Warden, please, he'll kill me.
Alcaide, por favor, me matará. ¡ Me matará!
You made a nervous wreck out of me, you tortured me, you took my pride away, my self-respect and I stood for it, but if you try to tell me that he just came here to bring a handbag, I'll kill you.
Me hiciste poner nervioso, me torturaste, me quitaste mi orgullo y mi autoestima y lo soporté, pero si intentas decirme que sólo vino a traerte una cartera, te mataré.
- He'll kill me if I tell.
- Me matará si lo cuento.
He'll kill me, don't let him kill me.
Te lo ruego, va a matarme.
He'll come back and kill me!
¡ Volverá y me matará!
She said as soon as you leave they'll kill me so I called for help. I didn't want you to leave me to be murdered.
Ha dicho que en cuanto se fueran iban a matarme... por eso he pedido socorro. No quería que me asesinaran.
When he comes down here to kill you, you'll know right away that he killed Kaufman. - And then he'll kill you because you know that he killed Kaufman, and then I'll know he killed you, so he'll kill me. - Yes.
Cuando baje a matarte, sabrás quien mató a Kaufman.
If he gets intimate I'll kill him!
¡ Cómo se ponga íntimo, me lo cargo!
He'll kill me! Not if you keep quiet.
No si no hace ruido.
No, he won't hurt me, he'll just kill me!
No, no me hará daño, sólo me matará.
If you kill him, he'll wring my neck.
Porque si Io jaIas a él, me van a tronar a mí.
He'll kill me! Come back!
¡ Regresa, Paul!
He'll kill me Mr Poster!
Ayúdela, señora Hollis.
- They'll kill me. - Who is he?
¡ ¿ Quién es?
If he killed George, he'll kill me, too, to get even for what I said at the trial.
Si mató a George, también me matará a mí, para vengarse por lo del juicio.
If Parry finds me, he'll kill me.
Si Parry me encuentra, me matará.
- That's why he'll kill me!
- ¡ Por eso va a matarme!
If your father finds out, he'll kill me.
Si tu padre se entera, me matará.
He'll kill me.
- Me matará.
If he tries to stop me, I'll kill him.
Y si intenta detenerme, le mataré.
He won't quit till he's got me and he'll kill you both to do it.
No abandonará hasta que me coja, y os matará para conseguirlo.
I ain't never going back there, he'll kill me.
No voy a volver nunca ahí, él me matará.
He'll kill me! Oh, shut up!
- ¿ Queréis callaros?
If he wakes up, he'll kill me.
Como un día se despierte, me mata.
- He'll kill me, if he can catch me.
- Me matará, si puede atraparme.
He'd say, "Give me the money, you can have her, then I'll kill you."
Diría "Dame los 300 millones ahora y mi mujer es tuya"...
He'll kill me, he'll kill me, don't let him
Va a matarme, va a matarme, no le dejéis.
He'll kill me.
Me mataría.
He'll find a way to kill me, even if it's on the witness stand.
Ordenará matarme aunque esté declarando.
He'll kill me tonight with all your uniforms around.
Me matará aún estando la policía.
And if he's to stop me, he'll have to kill me.
Y si quiere detenerme, tendrá que matarme.
He'll kill me.
- Me mataría.
He'll kill me if I tell!
¡ Si lo cuento, me matarán!
Maybe he'll kill me.
Quizá él me mate a mí.
I like Starrett too, but I'll kill him if I have to.
A mí Starrett también me cae bien, pero lo mataré si he de hacerlo.
If he finds out about us, he'll kill me.
... me mataría. Entonces, ¿ qué hacemos?
If you kill me, he'll be a witness.
Si me mata, él será testigo.
Tell me where he is or I'll kill you!
- ¡ Dime dónde está o te mato!
Maybe he'll kill me tonight.
Quizás quiera matarme esta noche.
It's decided then, I'll kill myself.
Ya lo he decidido : me mataré.

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