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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ H ] / He can't leave

He can't leave traducir español

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No, he can't leave.
No, él no puede ir.
We can't leave him like this. He'll catch his death of cold.
No podemos dejarle aquí, se pondrá malo.
He's in command, and he can't leave his ship.
Ya sé. Está al mando y no puede abandonar el barco.
But once here I ´ ve seen why he can ´ t leave.
Pero una vez aquí, he visto por qué no puede marcharse.
He can't leave here.
- No puede salir.
Well, we can't go and leave his wife here alone, even though he's forgotten she came along.
Bueno, no podemos irnos y dejar a su esposa sola... aunque él haya olvidado que vino.
I've found it and I can't leave it.
La he encontrado y no puedo abandonarla.
Why he can't leave Vienna if he wants to?
Por qué no puede irse de Viena, si él quiere?
Curley won't go after you because he can't leave the passengers in a fix like this.
Curly no Io perseguirá. No puede dejar a los pasajeros en una situación como esta.
- I can't. He gets upset if I leave him.
- No, se molestará si me voy.
I can't leave him out on a limb as long as he thinks we got a chance in this.
No puedo dejarle mientras crea que tenemos posibilidades.
He's on deck, sir. He can't leave.
- Aún está en cubierta, señor.
A fellow with a daughter can't leave home for a minute, can he?
¿ Es que un tipo con una hija no puede dejar su hogar un minuto?
- Maybe he can't leave.
- A lo mejor no puede venir.
He can't leave. He must stay here.
No puede partir, debe quedarse aquí.
He can't sleep out his whole leave in London.
No puede pasarse el permiso en Londres durmiendo.
What! ? You mean I can't leave yet?
Le he dado mi palabra.
He can't leave us alone for a minute.
No nos deja en paz.
He can't leave us, unless he swims.
No hay que preocuparse, me encargaré de él.
But I can't leave Harry now, just when he's starting his first New York show.
El Mauritania y todo. No puedo dejar a Harry ahora que comienza su primera obra en N.Y.
You can't leave her there to be hurt and hurt again... not knowing what she's done wrong or how to do right... happy as a child because he so much as sends a plant to her room.
No puede dejarla allí sufriendo, sin saber qué ha hecho mal y cómo hacerlo bien. Alegrándose porque él le lleva - una planta y...
With the tips he makes, I can't leave him all that money.
Con tantas propinas como saca, no le voy a dejar a él ese dinero.
... and when you get tired you couldn't be rid of me... and I made up my mind that if you come back I'd tell you this. ... but whatever you want, Quirt, you can leave...
Lo he decidido, si volvías quería decirte cuando Io desees, Quirt, puedes...
Oh, but, steve, we can't leave him here like this. He's all right.
No podemos dejarle así.
Well he certainly got his leave of absence under false pretenses. I can't forgive him for that.
Solicitó la baja con falsos motivos, y no se lo perdono.
What can I do if he doesn't want to leave prison?
¿ Y qué quieres que yo haga con un demonio si no quiere salir de la carcel?
Leave him alone. Can't you see he's sick?
- ¿ No veis que se encuentra mal?
An American will stay right on the railroad Where you don't leave a trail. He can keep on all night that way, and along toward morning,
Seguiría allí toda la noche y cuando empezara a amanecer trataría de llegar a la carretera a través de algún paso.
I can't leave my daughter in camisole to let you advertise!
He dejado a mi hija en camisón por venir hasta aquí. ¡ Vamos!
He won't leave it lying around where Owens can get his hands on it.
No lo dejará tirado por ahí para que Owens lo agarre.
We can't depend on Yancy. I'm gonna leave him where he is.
No podemos depender de Yancy.
But I can't see why he should want to leave her in such a hurry.
Pero lo que no entiendo es por qué la dejó con tanta prisa.
We can't leave him here if he's playing with knives.
No puede quedarse aquí si juega con cuchillos.
That's why he can't leave his daughter Klara alone.
Es urgente.
I can't say good-bye to him, or he won't let me leave.
No me despido porque si se da cuenta no dejará que me vaya.
But you can't leave her alone.
- Se lo he dicho, arriba no subo.
Mama, fred isn't... well, i don't suppose he is, but i can't leave things like this lying around for anyone to walk in, help themselves to.
- Mamá, Fred no es... - Ya me lo supongo. Pero no puedo dejar estas cosas por ahí tiradas para que llegue alguien y se las lleve.
But I can't leave Alfredo as long as he's still unwell.
Pero no podré dejar jamás a Alfredo hasta que no se haya curado.
The fact is that Tasca can't leave the farm because, if he goes and someone else moves in and discovers the tank, we're ruined.
El caso es que Tasca no puede dejar la tierra... porque, si se va, entra otro y encuentra el tanque... estamos perdidos.
He ain't gonna leave the mouth of the cave unless we can draw him in here somehow.
No abandonará la entrada de la cueva a menos que le hagamos venir aquí.
When a man starts watching his mind at work you can't leave him alone for 5 minutes without he frightens himself to death.
Cuando un hombre empieza a ver cómo su mente trabaja no lo puedes dejar solo por 5 minutos sin que se atemorice a muerte.
If he can't leave me with anyone they might fire him.
- Cállate. Dice que si no me coloca, lo echan.
I can't leave. He might kill me if I tried.
No puedo marcharme, me matará si lo intento.
You're gonna build this guy up and he's gonna leave you. He can't.
Lo vas a hacer famoso, y luego te dejará.
- Leave him alone, can't you see he's innocent?
- Déjalo en paz, ¿ no ves que es un inocente?
I mean, we can't just leave him here. He'd starve to death.
No podemos dejarlo aquí, se moriría de hambre.
When he's in America, You'll write him a little note Explaining that you can't possibly leave your play,
Cuando esté en América le escribes una carta diciéndole que no estás dispuesta a abandonar el teatro.
- Cousin Henry won't mind us being one day late... but he'll draw the line at two. - I can't leave you here, Robert.
No quiero dejarte aquí.
I've tried to leave him, but I can't.
He intentado dejarle, pero no puedo.
The only trouble is, he can't leave the ranch.
Si Little Joe quiere verme, el sabe donde estoy.
I can't leave my grandfather alone, he's blind.
No puedo dejar solo a mi abuelo, es ciego.

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