Leave that to me traducir español
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You leave that to me.
Déjamelo a mí.
Leave that to me.
Déjame eso a mí.
- Leave that to me.
- Déjamelo a mí.
And that he'd leave everything to me.
Y que me dejaría todo a mí.
Now that I'm of age, I may have to leave Centauri Prime for some time before it is safe for me to return and claim the throne.
Ahora que estoy en edad, tal vez deba dejar Centauri Primera por algún tiempo hasta que sea seguro para mi regresar y reclamar el trono.
Know what? Leave it to me'cause that's my thing.
Déjala conmigo que yo entiendo más de esto. ¡ CHOMP!
Do you know when I realized that I had to leave Hal?
¿ Sabes cuando me dí cuenta que tenía que dejar a Hal? ¿ Hal?
40 years it means that you should to have enough you leave to know to what me I refer with my words.
40 años significa que debes tener suficiente sal para saber a qué me refiero con mis palabras.
You believe that I will leave you to listen to me to request money?
¿ Crees que te voy a dejar escucharme pedir dinero?
I didn't know that you were waiting for me to leave.
No sabía que estubieras esperando a que me fuera.
I've been ordered by triumvir Mark Antony To escort you both back to your ship, And to make sure that you leave alexandria as soon as the wind allows.
Me ha ordenado el triunviro Marco Antonio que las escolte a ambas de regreso a su barco y que me asegure que dejen Alejandría tan pronto como el viento lo permita.
The fact that you didn't want to leave Stars Hollow, that you were dead set against redoing the wedding, that you didn't want to have a baby with me.
Que no quisieras abandonar Stars Hollow, que estuvieras decidida a no reorganizar la boda, que no quisieras tener hijos conmigo.
There is nothing that you, your sister or your mother could ever do that would make me want to leave you.
No hay nada que Tú, tu hermana o tu madre Podáis hacer para que me entren ganas de abandonaros.
If you're that hot and you leave your house, then you're asking to be stalked.
Si estás tan bueno y sales de casa, me estás pidiendo que te acose.
Seriously me jode when I think of all that that we made for those black of the sand we came undone of Saddam, we implement the democracy, we give up our to maintain them safe and I don't look for a thank you but I want them to leave of
En serio me jode cuando pienso en todo lo que hicimos por esos negros de la arena nos deshicimos de Saddam, implementamos la democracia, renunciamos a nuestras para mantenerlos a salvo y no busco un gracias pero quiero que dejen de
At least they'll be near a bunny. I was also happy to see her leave,'cause that allowed me to do # 52 on my list.
También estaba feliz de ver que se iba, porque eso me permitía hacer el # 52 de mi lista.
Actually, I am here only till June, after that I leave to Brazil.
A mí en realidad sólo me sirve hasta junio, después me voy a Brasil.
And er... on that note, I'm afraid we leave Eton and congratulate our glorious and glamorous victresses, who will go on next week to the grand final to meet Cheltenham Ladies'College
Y er... con ello, me temo que despedimos a Eton y felicitamos a nuestras gloriosas y glamorosas ganadoras, quienes continuarán la próxima semana a la gran final enfrentando al Colegio de Señoritas Cheltenham.
All right, I just thought that by the time you did, You'd be used to the idea, And maybe then you wouldn't leave me.
Pensé que para cuando lo descubrieras, ya te habrías acostumbrado y quizá entonces no me abandonarías.
In addition, I've taken t liberty of photographing the area from multiple angles to ensure that you leave it as pristine as you found it.
Además, me he tomado la libertad de fotografiar el área... desde múltiples ángulos para asegurar que lo dejas... tan primitivo como lo encontraste.
I promised her that I would take care of you so you wouldn't have to leave your life here. But you won't let me.
Le prometí que te iba a cuidar para que siguieras tu vida aquí, pero no me dejas.
Just keep roasting me I just need for you to promise that you'll leave her alone.
Continúa rostizándome sólo necesito que me prometas que la dejarás en paz.
I had to leave too, I couldn't stay there, because even that wasn't my home anymore.
Yo tambien me tuve que ir, No podia Quedarme ahi. Por que ese... ya no era mi hogar
Are you saying that because you had to leave Harvard early?
¿ Me dices esto porque tuviste que dejar Harvard pronto?
I wanted to thank you for everything that you have done for Freddy and me but I have decided that we must leave Candleford.
Quisiera darle las gracias por todo lo que ha hecho por Freddy y por mí pero he decidido que debemos irnos de Candleford.
He needed to prove that never leave me.
Él necesitaba demostrar que nunca me abandonaría.
I really didn't think he'd leave or... that I was sending him to be killed... which seems to be killing my brother...
Realmente no creo que se haya ido. Me iban a matar, y parece que matara a mi hermano.
I need to know - Why did you leave me like that?
¿ Por qué me abandonasteis así?
I'm very lucky that I have met you, how lucky you are, you'll come to know when this guy also leave your work in middle, excuse me lady, I don't like anyone to interfere in me and my work,
Realmente me siento muy afortunado de haberte conocido Usted sabrá la suerte que tiene..... cuando este hombre deje el trabajo también sin terminar Disculpe, lady no te interpongas entre mi trabajo y yo ¿ Entendido?
And I'd like to say I'm a little glad about that, But my poor, sick sister has asked for my assistance In the matter, so I'll leave it at this...
- Y me gustaría decir que me siento contento por eso, pero mi pobre y enferma hermana pidió que la ayudara en cuanto a esto se refiere, así que dejaré esto así :
I almost forgot to leave you the information that I discussed with your parents.
Casi me olvido de dejarte la información sobre lo que discutí con tus padres. - ¿ Qué es?
When I think of all that's best about her, sometimes I forget the things that drove me to leave.
Cuando pienso que es lo mejor de allí, a veces olvido las cosas que me llevaron a abandonarla.
I talked to that ring-toss guy. He confirmed Von Deenis didn't leave till after them clowns would've gone into the pond. He didn't do it.
Hablé con el tipo del juego de lanzar los anillos y me confirmó que Von Deene no se fue del circo hasta después de que los payasos cayeron a la laguna así que él no lo hizo.
I went to the school chapel every day and prayed - - prayed that he would... just walk through the door and... give me a hug and tell me I was forgiven for... whatever it was that made him leave.
Fui a la capilla de la escuela todos los días y oré - oré para que... entrara caminando por la puerta y... me diera un abrazo y me dijera que me perdonaba por... lo que sea que lo había hecho dejarme.
If you please leave your number I'll see to it that nobody calls you again.
Si me deja su número, haré que nadie la vuelva a llamar.
I know that you didn't mean to leave me in prison.
Sé que no quisiste dejarme en la cárcel.
You saw me after ten years and right away you decided that I'm my father and, like him, I'm in love with my patient and that I'm pushing Kate to having an affair so that I can have an excuse to leave the house.
Me ves después de 10 años y de repente decides que soy como mi padre, y que, como él, estoy enamorado de una paciente mía, y que estoy empujando a Kate a tener una relación, de forma que yo pueda tener una excusa para irme de casa.
Before you and I were to leave Paris a friend came and told me that Victor was alive.
Justo antes de que tú y yo dejáramos París juntos un amigo vino y me dijo que Victor estaba vivo.
It's tough because there are really only two other aerospace companies in the area that do the work in the fields that I specialize in, so it's... I got three kids in school, so we-we really don't want to leave the area.
Es difícil porque sólo hay dos compañías aeroespaciales más en el área que trabajan en los campos en los que me especializo, así que tengo tres niñas en la escuela así que realmente no queremos dejar la zona.
- I came up with the bar trick thing, and that didn't work out so well, so I think I'll just... leave it to the pros.
A mi se me ocurrió lo del bar... y no funcionó muy bien, Así que creo que voy a... dejar a los profesionales.
If that's so, then leave the rest to me.
Si es así... me ocuparé de todo.
Before I leave today, I want to hear from you that you will take on the new collection, this coming Sunday.
Antes de que me marche, hoy quiero oirle decir que hará el reparto, este próximo domingo.
You don't know how much I've loved you, how can you deny that you were mine, but nevertheless you've asked me now to leave you, to go on, to cast you into oblivion.
[Canta] No sabes cuánto te he querido, cómo has de negar que fuiste mío... Y sin embargo me has pedido... que te deje, que me vaya, que te hunda en el olvido.
That's why I'm going to take mine and leave Before the company shows up.
Y es por eso que tomaré el mío y me iré antes de que aparezca la compañía.
They would have asked me to leave. Is that why you killed him?
- Me pedirán que me vaya.
have no place to go when you leave e... thought that might stay with you.
No tengo adonde ir cuando salga y... me preguntaba si me podía quedar contigo.
I can go to the service, but after that I have to leave.
Puedo ir al servicio, pero después de eso me tengo que ir.
He was gonna walk away and... and leave the darlings. And he, uh, he wanted me to know that he was. he was sorry for everything.
El iba a marcharse y... a dejar a los Darling y el, uh, el queria que supiera que el estaba el estaba avergonzado por todo
I know, Gran used to leave the windows open all day, but I haven't felt safe doin'that in a while.
Sí, mi abuela solía dejar las ventanas abiertas todo el día pero por ahora no me siento segura haciendo eso.
I have a civil-service job, and the only way that I am going to leave the los angeles police department is if I get shot, have a heart attack, and then you run me over.
Tengo un trabajo de servicio público, y la única manera en que dejaré... la Policía de Los Ángeles... es si me disparan, tengo un ataque cardíaco, y entonces me atropella.
You knew that if Manuel successfully defended himself against Gomez and Gonzales that I would be forced to leave him in the county jail while I investigated his story, where you put a bounty on his head so one of his fellow prisoners would kill him!
Sabías que si Manuel se defendía con éxito de Gómez y González yo me vería forzada a dejarlo en la cárcel del condado mientras que investigaba su historia, donde pondrías una recompensa sobre su cabeza así uno de sus compañeros en prisión lo mataría.
leave that 81
leave that alone 40
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
leave me 436
leave 1433
leaves 53
leave it here 29
leave that alone 40
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
leave me 436
leave 1433
leaves 53
leave it here 29
leave me the fuck alone 22
leave it with me 73
leave me in peace 46
leave a message 819
leave me alone 2886
leave us alone 361
leave it to me 292
leave it 1083
leave it there 89
leave it out 59
leave it with me 73
leave me in peace 46
leave a message 819
leave me alone 2886
leave us alone 361
leave it to me 292
leave it 1083
leave it there 89
leave it out 59
leave me a message 124
leave it at that 22
leave her 167
leave us 380
leave now 176
leave it be 22
leave me here 38
leave me out of this 19
leave it alone 263
leave me be 96
leave it at that 22
leave her 167
leave us 380
leave now 176
leave it be 22
leave me here 38
leave me out of this 19
leave it alone 263
leave me be 96