He says to me traducir español
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You don't know what he says to me in private.
No sabes lo que me dice a solas.
Anyway, he says to me :
Él me dijo...
He says to me the other day, he says,
Vino el otro dia, y me dice...
And he says to me, "Quaid, get out of here!"
Y me dijo : "¡ Sal de aquí, Quaid!".
So I says to him, "What's wrong with my meatloaf?" And he says to me...
Le digo : "¿ Qué le pasa a la carne?" Y me dice...
" "Harry" ", he says to me, " "I think you" ve earned your spurs.
"Harry", me dijo, " creo que has demostrado lo que vales.
" "Harry" ", he says to me, " " you make beautiful pants.
"Harry", me dice, " hace pantalones muy bonitos.
" "Harry" ", he says to me, " "if it" s the only thing I " m remembered for, then so be it.
"Harry", me dijo, " si es lo único por lo que se me recuerda, que así sea.
" "Harry" ", he says to me, " " Your guys pay peanuts.
"Harry", me dijo, " esos hombres tuyos sólo dan chatarrilla.
Stanciugel comes to me, he says to me :
Stanciugel se me acercó, me dijo :
He says to me,'You look knackered.'
Y va y me dice : "Pareces cansado".
Guy calls, says he wants to meet me.
El tipo me llama. Quiere verme.
The letter says he had orders to leave. It suggests a soldier to me.
Recibe orden de partir, eso me hace pensar en soldados, militares...
Jacomuzzi says the autopsy was normal. I've agreed to the burial.
Jacomuzzi me ha comunicado que no hay nada anormal... y he autorizado la inhumación.
This guy Psycho Mike, he says someone's saying shit about me. It's making him look bad, and I have to go confront the guy over in West Block.
El Loco Mike dice que alguien está diciendo cosas malas sobre mí... que está arruinando su reputación y debo ir a verlo al bloque oeste.
"I'm drowning", he says to himself.
"Me ahogo", piensa.
I talked to Antoine. Even if he says the opposite, I really think... he's taking advantage... of your feelings for me.
Yaunque Antoine me dice que no, tengo la impresión de que se está aprovechando de... de sus sentimientos, de su simpatía hacia mí, no sé.
And then he asksme, he says, "Pop-Pop, when people play the numbers, what number do they try to win?"
Y entonces el me pregunta, "Abuelito... cuando las personas tocan los numeros... que numeros ellos intentan hacer ganar?"
He wants to sell me this gun. He says he's got all these guns in the car outside.
Quiere venderme un arma dice que tiene varias en su auto.
I head to the main carpark and... he pulls me up, he says :
Me dirigí al principal él me jala y me dice :
He says he can't understand you, that's why he wanted to leave with me.
Dice que no te entiende. Por eso quería ires, conmigo.
nah, i prefer being independant of course i'm not sulking, we're just working that's all... yeah he reminds me of you when he says he says he doesn't want his parents to help.
No, prefiero ser independiente. Por supuesto no estoy de mal humor, nosotros trabajamos, eso es todo... si. Cuando él dice eso, me recuerda a algo lo de que él no quiere ayuda de sus padres.
He likes to play around, and I've been patient because he says while he may flirt with other women he sleeps only with me.
Le gusta jugar, y yo he sido muy paciente porque él decía que mientras él pueda coquetear con otras mujeres él sólo dormiría solo conmigo.
We're shooting a scene and while the camera is rolling I feel Clint come up real close to my ear and He says ¸ :
Estamos grabando una escena, y mientras rueda la cámara, siento que se me acerca Clint y me dice al oído :
An emergency patient comes in... He says " Yumi, I have to work.
Cada vez que llegaba un paciente urgente... me decía " Yumi, tengo que trabajar.
He says they would grab me in a second and use me to get to him.
Dice que me atraparían y me utilizarían para cogerle a él.
He says he wants me to run the unit.
Me dijo que quiere que dirija la unidad.
He says he wants me to run the unit.
Dice que quiere que corra la unidad.
He says, "Come over to the house." He can't prescribe over phone. lt's unethical.
Me dijo : "Ven a casa". No puede dar la receta por teléfono. No es ético.
First of all, forgive me if I'm repeating somebody else but I'd be remiss if I didn't make sure you understood section 194 of the Federal Code says Congress can turn your testimony over to a U.S. attorney, and he'd impanel a grand jury.
Primero, discúlpenme si repito a alguien más pero debo asegurarme de que entendieron que según la sección 194 del Código, el Congreso podría entregar el testimonio a un procurador oficial federal, y éste deberá elegir a un gran jurado.
It's classic George Truman. He says he doesn't want me to come. but what he means is.
Dice que no quiere que vaya, pero en el fondo dice : anda, pero no quiero comprometerte.
This morning I'm saying good-bye to my youngest and he says - I swear to God -
Hoy en la mañana me despedí de mi hijo y me dice...
Jim is taking me to Shelter Island for the weekend, and he says he has something important he wants to tell me.
Jim me llevará a Shelter Island por el fin de semana. Y dice que tiene algo importante que quiere decirme.
Then he says France isn't a good idea. He'll have to work the whole time. Still, no big deal.
Luego me dice que el asunto de Francia no es buena idea porque tiene que trabajar todo el tiempo.
Kleiman says he has to go to the storeroom... the secretary's always checking records... and the other one, that Miep... something about her I don't like.
La secretaria siempre esta chequeando expedientes... y esa otra, esa Miep... hay algo sobre ella que no me gusta. Ella es astuta, esa.
He says, "One to pray in, and one to never set foot in so long as I live, so help me God."
El dice, "Rezaba en una, y la otra era para nunca pisar en ella por toda mi vida."
He turns to me, says...
Él se vuelve hacia mí y dice...
He says, "Rabbi, my wife is trying to poison me."
Él dice : "Rabino, creo que mi esposa está tratando de envenenarme."
Lola, before I forget, I spoke to the manager and he says Many can start right away.
Lola, antes de que se me olvide... He hablado con el director y me ha dicho que Manny se puede incorporar inmediatamente al trabajo.
Then I go out into the yard and meet a distant relation who says during a talk, the content of which I forget, but which was about someone who was unable to do something... So, he says ironically by way of conclusion :
Entonces salgo al patio y me encuentro con un familiar que en medio de una discusión, dice algo que olvido, y entonces alguien preguntaba por algo que no sabe hacer y que al concluir, dice irónicamente :
And he says to tell you, your ghost is flesh and blood.
Y me ha dicho, que le diga a usted que su fantasma es de carne y hueso.
And he gives me a call and he says, "lt's cool, you went to see me."
Y él me da una llamada y él dice, "cool LT, usted fue a ver a mí".
This is his property. He calls me about a month ago. He says " if anything should happen to me, you start digging.
Me llamó hará un mes y me dijo, "Si me ocurre algo ponte a cavar y cuida de mis cosas a toda costa."
- He sends me to a masseuse... and, you know, after 45 minutes, I'm on my back... she says, "Do you want me to finish you off?"
- Me mandó a una masajista y 45 minutos después, yo estaba boca arriba y ella me dijo : "¿ Quieres que te termine?"
He hands me his and says he doesn't want to play anymore.
Me dio el suyo y me dijo que no quiere jugar más.
Cresus says... he has rarely had... a vision so powerful, and he wants me to find the Sintar.
Cresus dice... que raramente tiene... una visión tan poderosa, y el quiere que busque al Sintar
Says he needs to forget about me for a while.
Dice que necesita olvidarse de mí por un tiempo.
His dad says to me he don't want the kid back because his new family would be upset.
Su padre me dice que él no quiere que el chico de vuelta debido a su nueva familia sería molesto.
I meet him yesterday to make a payment... he says it's taken care of.
Lo vi ayer para pagarle... -... me dijo que ya lo habían hecho.
He calls, he says he needs to see me.
Me llamó y dijo que necesitaba verme.
He says, "Lady, I don't know, that's why I'm sending them to the lab."
Y me dijo : "No sé, señora, por eso los mandaré a analizar."
he says 1126
he says no 33
he says hi 20
he says it's important 32
he says that 22
he says it's urgent 59
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
he says no 33
he says hi 20
he says it's important 32
he says that 22
he says it's urgent 59
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
he said 3206
he said nothing 22
he said to me 71
he said he would 25
he said he was sorry 19
he said yes 66
he saw 28
he saw us 28
he said no 115
he said it 77
he said nothing 22
he said to me 71
he said he would 25
he said he was sorry 19
he said yes 66
he saw 28
he saw us 28
he said no 115
he said it 77