I knew him traducir español
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I knew him, you know.
Yo lo conocía, sabes.
Andreotti is a decent person, I knew him personally.
Andreotti es una persona de bien, yo le conocí personalmente.
Your mother and I knew him.
Yo y tu madre le conocimos.
I knew him.
Yo le conocía.
But I knew him.
Pero yo le conocía.
And when I knew him he wasn't so... young.
Y cuando lo conocí no era tan... joven.
I knew him when.
Lo conocí primero.
I knew him as a child.
Lo conocí de niño.
I thought I knew him.
Pensé que lo conocía.
I told you I knew him from somewhere.
Te dije que lo conocía de alguna parte.
- I knew him.
- Lo conozco.
He did used to enjoy a tipple, though that were long before I knew him. - Man of the sea?
Sí que le daba, pero fue antes de conocerle.
That was before I knew him.
Eso fue antes de conocerle.
Well, I knew him.
Bueno, que le conocí.
Rust, yeah, I knew him.
¿ Rust? Sí, lo conocí.
And my husband was... Well, I only knew him for like two weeks before we got married.
Y mi marido fue... bueno, solo le conocí durante dos semanas antes de conocernos.
I thought you knew him better than that.
Pensé que lo conocías mejor.
- I was good for him, and he knew it...
- Que era bueno para él, y él lo sabía...
I never really liked the way the band sounded, but I knew how important it was to him.
Nunca me gustó cómo sonaba la banda, pero sabía lo importante que era para él.
Hell, I never knew him.
Nunca lo traté.
I don't know. I barely knew him.
No sé. Apenas lo conocí.
Get this, he was actually from St. Olivia, so I thought that maybe yöu knew him.
Obtener esta, que era en realidad de San Olivia, , así que pensé que tal vez usted lo conocía.
I first met Elliot two years ago and I knew right away all I needed to know about him.. that he made my daughter happy.
Conocí a Elliot hace dos años y de inmediato supe todo lo que necesitaba saber sobre él que hacía feliz a mi hija.
I knew you'd approve once you met him. Isn't he divine?
sabía que lo aprobarías en cuanto lo conocieras. ¿ no es divino?
And then we were on the beach, all covered in tomatoes, and there was this sunset and suddenly it was three years ago and I looked into his eyes and I knew... I don't feel anything for him.
y entonces fuimos a la playa, todo lleno de tomates, y había esa puesta de sol y de repente era como hace tres años le miré a los ojos y supe... que no sentía nada por él.
I knew I should have given him a massage.
Sabía que debería haberle dado un masaje.
Idiot hardly knew his leg, and I got him to run faster and faster.
El idiota apenas conocía su pierna y fui más y más rápido.
He knew nothing about women. I went out with him.
No sabía nada de mujeres, así que yo lo llevaba a bailar.
He knew there was something odd about me, and I told him I didn't know anything about the calls or the girls, but he didn't believe me.
Él sabía que no había algo raro en mí, y yo le dije que no lo hiciera saber nada acerca de las llamadas o las niñas, pero él no me creen.
Well, I, you know, knew him... heh... a couple times.
Bueno, yo, ya sabes, lo conocía... je... un par de veces.
But I knew if they arrested him, he'd still have the resources to come after me.
Pero sabía que si lo arrestaban, tendría los recursos para venir por mi.
And then he knew I was a risk to him.
Entonces supo que era un riesgo para él.
I knew you'd do this for him.
Sabía que harías esto por él.
He knew I'd have seen right through him.
Sabía que lo vería de inmediato.
And my mother knew that I was not in the house, and she was like, "Okay, you're not going to find him."
Mi madre sabía que yo no estaba, y les respondía : "No lo encontraréis".
"ohat's it, I'm going somewhere else," I knew that I am not going to see him again.
"Se acabó, me voy a otra parte", supe que no volvería a verle.
and I asked him, actually, in that conversation to disown me, because I knew the pressure of the society.
En aquella conversación le pedí que renegase públicamente de mí, porque conocía las presiones de nuestras sociedad.
I watched him hold you, and I knew that no one would ever care for you more.
Lo vi cargarte... Y supe que nadie se preocuparía tanto por ti.
I knew he adored him.
Yo sabía que él lo adoraba.
Ididn'tbelieve him because I knew you wouldn't but when he was looking through the window of your dorm, did you...
No lo creí porque sabía usted no pero cuando él estaba mirando a través la ventana de su dormitorio, hice que...
Yeah, I knew it the first moment I saw him.
Sí, sabía TI El primer momento que lo vi
I just asked how you knew him.
Sólo pregunté cómo se conocían.
Then... if I knew his name, then I could find him.
Entonces... si sabías su nombre, entonces pudes encontrarlo.
If I knew who the guy was or where he was, I'd break his fucking legs. I call him.
Si supiera quién era el sujeto o dónde estuvo, le rompería las piernas.
In the days before Nick's depression started to eat away at him... he never knew I was pregnant, and I never intended to tell him.
Antes de que la depresión de Nick empezara a consumirlo él no sabía que yo estaba embarazada y no pensaba decírselo.
I knew what Mike was capable of and I brought him in anyway.
Sabía de lo que Mike era capaz y aun así lo traje.
- All I know is we looked each other in the eye and I lingered there, my hand in his, just long enough to make sure that he knew that either I was excited to meet him or there was something else was going on.
Todo lo que sé es que nos miramos el uno al otro y me quedé allí, mi mano con la suya, el tiempo suficiente para asegurarme de que él sabía que, o bien estaba emocionado por reunirme con él o que algo más estaba pasando.
He knew I couldn't protect him alone.
Sabía que no podía protegerme sola.
I knew who I was- - a boy who found his brother starved to death in the bed beside him, and my father telling me to never upset His Lordship, how good the baron had been to us.
Sabía quién era. Un muchacho que encontró a su hermano... muerto de hambre en la cama junto a él... y mi padre diciéndome... que no importunara al señor barón... y lo bueno que él había sido con nosotros.
I followed him because I knew he was going to do something stupid.
Lo seguí porque sabía que haría algo estúpido.
I knew if I bit him again, he would beat me.
Yo sabía que si yo le mordí de nuevo, que me iba a superar.
i knew him well 16
i knew it 3235
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew you'd like it 33
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew it was you 83
i knew something was wrong 68
i knew you could do it 105
i knew you'd come 123
i knew it 3235
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew you'd like it 33
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew it was you 83
i knew something was wrong 68
i knew you could do it 105
i knew you'd come 123