In my traducir español
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Now that we're all here, we'll proceed to the opening and subsequent reading of the will of Don Ricardo Cifuentes y Navarro, the last version I have in my power, unless the deceased expressed any last wishes to modify said document.
Ya que estamos todos, vamos a proceder a la apertura y la posterior lectura del testamento de don Ricardo Cifuentes y Navarro según la última versión que obra en mi poder, salvo que el finado haya expresado unas últimas voluntades que modifiquen dicho documento.
I'll support you in everything, just as you've supported me... so I could believe in myself and fight for my dream.
- Quiero apoyarte en todo. Como tú has hecho conmigo. Para que creyese en mí, para que luchase por mi sueño...
I also got some of it in my eyes.
También me cayó un poco en los ojos.
Mate, I've seen a lot of dicks in my day.
Amigo, he visto muchos penes en mi vida.
They said, "I didn't really feel like it was in my greater interest to bring that man down."
Dijeron : "Me pareció que no me beneficiaría hundir a ese hombre".
She tweeted, "I think I would have been nominated for more awards this year if the women in my videos were slim."
Minaj tuiteó : "Creo que me habrían nominado a más premios este año si las mujeres de mis videos fueran delgadas".
She's an old spinster in my hometown, perhaps the oldest single woman left.
En mi pueblo, ella es una solterona. Es quizá la mujer soltera más vieja que queda allí.
But the other bridesmaids are the same girls who tried to ruin my life when we were in school.
Las otras damas de honor son las chicas que intentaron arruinarme en la escuela.
It just messes with you. I've got to walk around in my life not knowing which three bitches I've got to kill.
Es sólo para molestar, porque debo pasarme la vida sin saber a qué tres putas debo matar.
There's room in my dog's grave for me.
La tumba de mi perro tiene espacio para mí.
Because that's what I teach in my home.
Porque eso le enseño en casa.
Kerrie slept in my bed.
Kerrie dormía en mi cama.
Look, all the women in my family needed C-sections.
Mira, todas las mujeres de mi familia necesitaron cesáreas.
Fortunately, I think I might have some candy in my backpack.
Afortunadamente, creo que puedo tener algún dulce en mi mochila.
And he's not allowed in my office anymore.
Y ya no es bienvenido en mi oficina.
Yeah, I got, like, three and a couple in my pocket.
Sí, tengo como tres, y un par el el bolsillo.
Uh... I got a couple in my pocket here.
Eh... tengo un par aquí en mi bolsillo.
All the nurses in my unit are going out to lunch and they didn't invite me.
Todas las enfermeras de mi sección van a ir a almorzar y no me han invitado.
Today, in my kitchen, there are 50 %, sometimes even 60 % women.
Tenía una novia con la que salía pero quería demostrar que era capaz de más.
It's weird. As I tell you about Hong Kong, I can hear in my head those street sounds...
Era un edificio fantástico con una torre de metal y una estrella en la punta.
Not a material softness, but a softness of the soul. That's what I wrote in my first review.
Y pasé horas inventando todo tipo de condimentos para complementar el queso.
To my daughter Elisa, I leave the summer house in San Sebastián so she may enjoy the sea air and cure her nervous ailment, plus an income of 15,000 pesetas.
A mi hija Elisa le dejo la casa de veraneo de San Sebastián para que disfrute del aire del mar y pueda curar sus problemas de nervios y 15 000 pesetas.
♪ Sirens in my heart ♪ But losing everything doesn't matter if, in the end, you manage to be happy.
[Alba] Pero no importa perderlo todo si al final consigues ser feliz.
♪ My heart ♪ Because, ten years ago, my life changed in this very place.
Porque en este lugar hace 10 años cambió mi vida.
I'm in the best shape of my life.
Estoy en la mejor forma de mi vida.
I was in Loch Ness with my friends, searching for the Loch Ness Monster... "
Estaba en lago Ness con mis amigos. Buscábamos al monstruo del lago Ness ".
At which point my dad... who's very big and mean and Irish and didn't let us shout in the house... he'd come stomping up the stairs, like, "Who's shouting in the house?"
En ese momento, mi papá, que es grandote, rudo e irlandés, y que no nos dejaba gritar en la casa, bajaba las escaleras y preguntaba :
So, my friends were wounded because they were in this newspaper.
A mis amigos les dolió salir en ese periódico.
Finally, there's silence in the room, just for a second as he took a drink, and my six-year-old loudly... as they do...
Finalmente, se hizo un segundo de silencio mientras el joven bebía una bebida y mi hija de seis años dijo a viva voz : " ¡ Ay!
Yeah. But before I go, I need to go to Canada at the end of this tour to speak at my little sister's wedding, because women are allowed to talk at weddings in Canada.
Pero antes de irme, recuerden que debo volver a Canadá tras esta gira, porque debo hablar en la boda de mi hermana.
My girlfriend's trapped in a cage that I put her in, but I abandoned her so I could stay up all night and learn a bunch of lyrics.
Mi novia está atrapada en la jaula en la que yo la he metido, pero la he abandonado para poder pasar la noche en vela y aprenderme un montón de canciones.
We'll go to the Spratt's factory tour, and I'll get my day in candy court!
Iremos a la visita guiada por la fábrica Spratt, ¡ y tendré mi día en el tribunal de dulces!
But we came all this way so my brother could talk to someone in charge.
Pero vinimos aquí para que mi hermano pudiera hablar con alguien a cargo.
Beatrice, please page my mom in the gift shop, tell her I'll be by the car and that I'm not crying at all!
¡ Beatrice, por favor localiza a mi mamá en la tienda de recuerdos, y dile que estaré junto al auto y que no estoy llorando para nada!
So, of course, really early in my life... this family environment trained my senses... and gave me my great desire to work with my hands.
Parte del budismo consiste en estar consciente y prestar atención. De algún modo, su cocina se trata de prestar atención. Había increíble intención y cuidado.
I've never seen in my life a pastry as fine.
In 1996, we even received three Michelin stars with this type of carnivorous cuisine. Culinary-wise, I was born after my third star.
Un día, desaparecí sin decírselo a nadie.
It may take some time... but I believe in my vision.
Pero, si lo piensas te lleva a la madriguera del conejo, a esta nueva forma de cocina rusa.
My mother was in the kitchen. She did tourist cuisine.
Pero eso no está bien.
I was riding my bike... in the Bois de la Chaize. I was picking fruit...
La combinación agridulce perfecta la miel frita y la crema agria.
Couillon, in France, is a very hard name to have. Ever since I was little, I was bullied because of my last name.
Y cuando vi lo que él hacía en la cocina supe qué haría con mi vida.
But in high school... my mother was called to the principal's office and told, " We can't keep your son at our school.
Era muy difícil.
Mocking someone in my kitchen based on their looks, because the person is different...
Pero a mí me gustaba lo que hacían los europeos.
Not in my kitchen. Not possible.
Vladimir transformaba platos clásicos, guarniciones, salsas en algo distinto.
It's my first time in 25 years as a farmer that I have the opportunity to work directly with a chef... and a chef with stars at that.
Quiero ostras como esas ". Yo decía : "Pero estos son nuestros ingredientes rusos. Debemos estar orgullosos de lo que tenemos".
One day, I went to visit my aunt in London.
Luego de eso, no pude pensar en otra cosa que en hacer pastelería.
I can hear it in my head.
Luego nos mudamos arriba del restaurante.
I remember people would eat foie gras in two seconds... while my tea is still infusing.
Me decidí a hacer mi primer pan que iba a ser una baguette. El primer paso era hacer mi propia masa madre.
And the Salmon and Sorrel was created by my father and uncle in 1962.
Pero debes estar decidido si te dedicas al ramen. Es intenso.
And then, when my dad gave me the opportunity to be in charge of the kitchen,
Saquemos los huevos.
In 1960, my brother and I were on vacation in the Basque Country during salmon season.
Un día, conocí a Tami. Ella era muy hermosa.
in my opinion 572
in my room 109
in my heart 96
in my mind 161
in my bed 49
in my country 72
in my view 52
in my experience 382
in my dreams 78
in my defense 150
in my room 109
in my heart 96
in my mind 161
in my bed 49
in my country 72
in my view 52
in my experience 382
in my dreams 78
in my defense 150
in my case 131
in my world 69
in my day 121
in my house 118
in my family 33
in my home 30
in my hand 30
in my eyes 40
in my own way 47
in my head 141
in my world 69
in my day 121
in my house 118
in my family 33
in my home 30
in my hand 30
in my eyes 40
in my own way 47
in my head 141
in my car 54
in my book 75
in my life 110
in my dream 57
in my pocket 58
in my office 200
in my apartment 37
in my professional opinion 37
in my hands 18
in my time 45
in my book 75
in my life 110
in my dream 57
in my pocket 58
in my office 200
in my apartment 37
in my professional opinion 37
in my hands 18
in my time 45