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It felt right traducir español

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It felt right.
- Era lo correcto.
It felt right.
Me pareció apropiado.
It felt right.
Sí. Eso creo.
It felt right.
Me sentí en armonía.
And because I felt it might be of special interest to you I requested Admiral Hammond to grant a young artist permission to make her debut right here.
Como creo que será de interés para ustedes... le he pedido al almirante Hammond que permita que una joven artista... debute aquí hoy mismo.
You'd have never known that right of his was broken, the way it felt.
Por como utilizó su derecha, no parecía estar rota.
Well, I've never felt that it was right for me.
Bueno, nunca senti que estuviera hecho para mi.
I felt it was still my town, that I would be right there.
Sentía que era mi sitio y que estaría bien.
- It felt not only as if you meant it... but as though you felt you had a right to.
- He notado que iba en serio... y que sentías tener derecho a hacerlo.
There I was, all right, looking for her, whether I felt like admitting it to myself or not.
Allí estaba yo, sí, buscándola... aunque no tuviese ganas de admitirlo.
It's no different than it was. You felt all right this afternoon.
Todo está como antes y esta tarde parecía tranquila.
We felt we had a right to it, Clint.
Sentimos que teníamos | derecho a él, Clint.
I felt like taking his coffee table and cracking him right over the head with it.
Me apetecía romperle la cabeza con la mesita de café.
I felt it was a decision that had to be made. I hope you're right, Shepard.
Fue una decisión que debía ser tomada.
It's right in the crease, but I felt it.
Tiene razón en el dobles, pero yo la sentía.
That's not true. If I felt there was... All right, forget it.
Pero prefiere arriesgar la vida de todos los americanos que arriesgarse a cometer un error.
I must say, it's been a while since it felt like all is right with the world!
Debo decir que hacía tiempo que no veía nada parecido.
It just might be I felt it wasn't right to leave my family.
No quería dejar a mi familia.
I talked them out of it because I felt that whatever you were doing... you had a perfect right to do no matter how... nonsensical your adventures might be.
Yo les dije que me parecía que fuera lo que fuera que estuvieras haciendo... tenías todo el derecho de hacerlo, sin importar... cuán tontas fueran tus aventuras.
Because I had to break with you, I felt it was only right... to try to destroy your feelings for me.
Porque tenía que romper con usted, me sentí que era justo... para tratar de destruir sus sentimientos por mí.
Because I had to break with you, I felt it was only right... to try to destroy your feelings for me.
Vamos, ustedes dos. Así que Usted se sienta allí.
I felt it right away with you.
Lo siento al instante con Ud.
It's never felt right. You know what I'm saying?
Nunca me ha parecido bien, ¿ sabes a qué me refiero?
We'd been going down this road for so many years, and I had felt so strongly before that this was the right policy, that it was difficult for me to change.
Habíamos andado por este camino durante tantos años,... y antes había estado tan convencido de que era la política correcta,... que me fue difícil cambiar.
So, uh, I guess that when he knew that Izzy was gonna die he felt that it was all right, safe to give it to him.
Así que, supongo que cuando supo que Izzy iba a morir le habrá parecido que estaba bien, que no había problema en dárselo.
You said it felt like a walk, right?
Ve a pata. ¿ Tú no querías ir a pie?
And I felt it right up to my heart
And I felt it right up to my heart
I only realized it as I was lying right here... and felt your body.
Me di cuenta cuando ya estaba aquí, en la cama, sintiendo tu cuerpo tan cerca.
I felt it made it all right for me to dislike her.
Sentí que eso me venía muy bien para que dejara de gustarme.
I did something that- - It felt so right when I did it, but now it turns out to be all wrong.
- Se sentía tan bien cuando lo hice, pero ahora resulta ser todo mal.
What you're feeling right now for Nick, every woman has felt it sometime.
Lo que usted está sintiendo ahora para Nick, cada mujer se ha sentido alguna vez.
I felt it to be right.
Pensé que era lo correcto.
I wouldn't have felt right about it.
Menos mal, me hubiera sabido mal.
It's just like you to assume that what you felt was right was the answer.
Es típico de ti suponer que Io que a ti te parece bien, debe ser la única respuesta.
It's just like you to assume that what you felt was right was the answer.
Es típico de ti suponer que lo que a ti te parece bien, debe ser la única respuesta.
All right, I felt sorry for the bastard, but I'd have shot him if it would straighten things out.
De acuerdo, sentí lástima por ese desgraciado. Pero lo hubiese matado si con eso se hubiesen arreglado las cosas.
Then the ceiling of the delivery room just opened up... and I just kept rising up into the air... until it felt like all the stars were passing right through my body.
Entonces el techo de la sala de partos se abrió... y seguí elevándome... hasta que sentí que me traspasaban las estrellas.
I felt it was right that I should be punished.
Y me parecía correcto que se me castigara.
I mean, I really felt part of it. Right.
- ¿ Te duele?
And how it felt to fall for you right from the start
# Y como fue sentir caer por ti desde el comienzo #
I wanted to hug Sharon and tell her things like... how awful I felt but, It was like I didn't have the right... because we weren't friends anymore.
Quería abrazar a Sharon y decirle cosas como... lo mal que me sentía, pero era como si no tuviese derecho... porque ya no éramos amigas.
In view of my new circumstances I felt it only right that she be released from our engagement.
Dadas las nuevas circunstancias, crei que era justo... liberarla de nuestro compromiso.
I know it's my fault because I never felt it was the right man.
Pero sé que es mi culpa, porque nunca sentí que era el hombre adecuado.
It's never felt quite right to me.
Eso nunca lo sentí muy bien para mí.
- I felt like it right away.
- Tuve ganas enseguida.
Well, that's why I didn't check it. Because the bag felt right.
Por eso no la revisé, porque la bolsa se sentía bien.
But you still remember how it felt, right?
Pero aún recuerdas lo que sentías, ¿ no?
- I felt it was the right thing to do.
- Me ha parecido lo correcto.
But, you know, when I started med school it felt so right.
Pero cuando empecé a estudiar medicina me pareció lo acertado.
I did have a privileged background but on the other hand I was sent away to boarding school very young which I found very hard to cope with and I'm sure my parents did it for what they felt was the right reason
Yo sí tuve un origen privilegiado pero por otro lado, me enviaron al internado muy joven y por eso me costó adaptarme estoy segura de que mis padres lo hicieron porque pensaban que era lo correcto
Who's job is it, who's right is it, to decide what passages are important enough to deserve the attention of a flourescent yellow felt tip marker?
¿ Quién tiene el derecho de decidir qué parte de la historia merece la atención de un marcador?

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