Lovely people traducir español
283 traducción paralela
I have always told you : The gentlemen from the press are very lovely people!
¡ Siempre lo he dicho, los chicos de la prensa son encantadores!
It's been charming to meet you lovely people.
Me encantó conocerlos.
Lovely people.
Es gente encantadora.
Because you know such lovely people.
Conoces a gente encantadora.
Lovely people.
Gente adorable.
We're so indebted to you for these lovely people.
Te debemos tanto por estas agradables personas.
You remember those lovely people your father used to take care of?
¿ Recuerdas aquella gente encantadora que cuidaba a tu padre?
They're lovely people.
Son encantadores.
Leaving a whole army of lovely people to make it stick.
Deja una bella viuda para que sea creíble y un gran grupo de amigos para que sea creíble.
What a lovely people you aristocrats are!
¡ Qué gente más encantadora son ustedes los aristócratas!
Lovely people attending the Empire State Building.
La gente con encanto frecuenta el Empire State Building.
Señores, I'm so happy to be with you lovely people and to tell you all about El Toro, who is like my own son.
Estoy feliz de estar con ustedes y de contarles todo sobre Toro.
Hello, you lovely people.
Hola, encantos.
- Lovely people, daughters.
- Las hijas son adorables.
Oh, they're lovely people.
- Es gente encantadora.
They are lovely people, aren't they?
Son gente encantadora, ¿ verdad?
Every one of these lovely people is important.
Cada persona es importante.
People in the north are supposed to be cold and indifferent, but I've met some lovely people. Fine.
Muy bien.
My name is Beverly Boyer and I'd like to tell all of you lovely people about something that happened at my home the other afternoon.
Me llamo Beverly Boyer y me gustaría contarles algo que sucedió en mi casa la otra tarde.
Well, I'm sure these lovely people will excuse me.
Seguro que me disculparán.
They're just lovely people.
Qué gente tan hermosa.
Alvin's parents are lovely people. They like both of you very much.
Los padres de Alvin son encantadores, y les caéis muy bien.
You traveled from your sparkling lovely paradise in Ootah to tell ridiculous stories to people less fortunate to make fun of them!
Han viajado desde su pomposo y precioso paraíso en Oo-tah para contar historias ridículas a la gente menos afortunada para burlarse de ellos!
I think this place is lovely, but I would like to see some French people.
Este lugar es encantador, pero me gustaría ver a los franceses.
Rich people with great, lovely houses.
Gente rica con casas grandes y preciosas.
These people do lovely work.
Esta gente trabaja muy bien.
Oh, some lovely people, Bark.
Una gente encantadora.
Hello, people, and thank you Don for the very lovely introduction you gave us...
¡ Bravo! ¿ Qué es eso, aplausos?
Garbitsch, this is a lovely country. Very nice-a people.
Basureich, este país es bonito y la gente maja.
Lovely. I know all you dear, sweet people are lying.
Sois muy amables, pero estáis mintiendo.
Well, if it's famous people that's swelling that lovely, dumb, blonde head of yours, let me tell you when I take a girl out, she really gets to see something.
- ¿ Ah, sí? Si la gente famosa... le infla su vanidad de rubia... le diré que cuando salgo con una chica, ve algo.
Preventing these young people from leaving... persecuting a dear and lovely girl like Thea... terrorizing her with your ugly, savage superstitions...
Impedir que estos jóvenes se vayan... perseguir a una joven adorable como Thea... aterrorizarla con macabras supersticiones salvajes...
All the nicest people, such lovely floral tributes.
Toda esa gente maravillosa, los arreglos florales.
And even though it is grey and storm-swept. And made for strange, unyielding people. The lovely things are all the lovelier.
Y aunque sea un sitio triste y abatido por las tormentas, alberga personas atormentadas, cuya belleza es igual de admirable.
In Yucatán, a chief presents me with a treasure beyond price — this lovely creature who gives me the voice of these people.
En Yucatán, un jefe me entregó un tesoro incalculable. Esta bella criatura me hace llegar la voz de su pueblo.
It's amazing how 11 years of wedlock with the greatest realist in the country haven't altered a single one of your lovely delusions about nice people.
Es sorprendente cómo 1 1 años con eI realista más grande del país... no han alterado tus falsas ilusiones sobre Ia gente agradable.
The greatest kick I get when we go to a party together is when people stare at you and say "Who is that lovely girl?"
Me encanta cuando vamos juntos a una fiesta y la gente te mira fijamente y dice "¿ Quién es esa preciosidad?"
Miss tyler, we have a lovely village and wonderful people.
Srta. Tyler. Tenemos una preciosa reserva y gente maravillosa.
See, the one thing they don't have in their lovely neighborhood that they're dying to have, is a fine family of colored people.
Dijo que lo único que no tienen en el encantador barrio y y que están ansiosos por tener, es una buena familia de color.
You know, people come to see me all the time, you know. And we have such a lovely time, and then they have to go home.
La gente viene a visitarme y nos divertimos mucho.
[Scoffs] And if they're anything like Marilyn, I'm sure they're lovely, charming people.
Si se parecen a Marilyn, son personas encantadoras y adorables.
We only help people take a long vacation from this lovely place.
Sólo ayudamos a la gente a que salga de este bonito lugar.
Not the Professor, he has an adoring wife and an attentive doctor. A lovely fellow. People love him.
No, la gente le quiere mucho, cree todo lo que dice.
Rich, green, lovely to the eyes, and of a goodness that will fill the hearts of the people with tears of joy.
Rico, verde, adorable a la vista y de una bondad que llenará los corazones de la gente con lágrimas de felicidad.
Pity people aren't as lovely as flowers.
Lástima que la gente no sea adorable como las flores.
He finally agreed with me that the people should own those lovely things instead of just collectors.
Por fin, estuvo de acuerdo conmigo en que esas cosas espléndidas deben ser de la gente y no de los coleccionistas.
They're older people, but they're perfectly lovely, Dr. Caudillo says.
Son gente mayor, pero encantadores, según dice el Dr. Caudillo.
And the people are so lovely.
Y la gente cómo me gusta.
There's gonna be a lot of people lookin for me as a result of my lovely wife.
Por culpa de mi amable esposa, mucha gente me va a estar buscando.
There's always a lovely breeze and lots of people.
Corre siempre una brisa agradable y está lleno de gente.
Hello, people, and thanks a lot for that very lovely reception.
Hola, amigos, y gracias por esa encantadora introducción.
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