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- Hickey, put a round in the patch next to it.
- Hickey, puso una ronda en el parche al lado de él.
Their toilet has another reverse toilet next to it.
Su retrete tiene un retrete reversible justo al lado.
It'll chuck it down next week and be back to normal.
La próxima semana lloverá a cántaros y volverá a llenarse.
I know it's a few more weeks until the next payment, but I was hoping you'd be white enough to advance me the money today.
Sé que faltan semanas para el siguiente pago, pero esperaba que fuera comprensivo y me adelantara el dinero hoy.
And it's a bit cold out there, so if you're smart - and you must be, cos you're listening to us - stay tucked up in bed and let us take care of you for the next two hours.
Está un poco frío ahí afuera, así que si es inteligente, y lo debe ser, porque está escuchándonos, permanezca arropado... en la cama y nosotros nos encargaremos de usted en las próximas dos horas.
And on the next one, I promise you now, it's going up to 50.
Y al siguiente. Se lo prometo ahora, van a ser 50.
We'll be paying them to take it off us next.
Tendremos que pagarles nosotros a ellos para que se lleven el próximo.
I spoke to your auditor, I told him everything I know, and the next day, it was in the fucking newspaper.
Hablé con tu auditor, le dije todo lo que sé y al día siguiente, estaba en el puto periódico.
Because it looks, to us, like you've sent a fool to find out the preacher's next vision.
Porque parece, para nosotros, como que has enviado a un tonto, a averiguar la siguiente visión del predicador.
Yeah, don't get used to it,'cause... next time, Jamal's gonna be out front.
Sí, no te acostumbres, porque... la próxima vez, Jamal saldrá delante.
See, next time, bring her to your house. All right? So it's just the two of you.
La próxima, llévala a tu casa, quédense solos.
Hey, next time you wanna come after me, have the balls to do it yourself, you fucking asshole.
Oye, la próxima vez que quieras venir por mí, ten el valor de hacerlo tú, maldito idiota.
Okay, why does it have to be the house right next door to mine?
¿ Por qué tiene que ser la que está a un lado de la mía?
We would like to dedicate the next song to all the couples in the room, be it official or unofficial.
Nos gustaría dedicar la siguiente canción a todas las parejas de la sala, oficiales y no oficiales.
Well, I hope you can get used to it, because there's gonna be a lot of it for the next three weeks.
Espero que puedas acostumbrarte a eso, porque lo experimentarás mucho en estas tres semanas.
- My plan, whether they like it or not, is to be at the Royal Rumble next year.
- Mi plan, les guste o no... es estar en el Royal Rumble del año próximo.
And I want a future, whether it be goin'to the Rumble next year or the year after, or...
Y quiero un futuro... ya sea ir al Rumble el año próximo o el siguiente o...
- And before you know it, things start to happen and the next thing you know, Jake, at 58 years young, is back in the ring.
Y antes de darme cuenta, empiezan a pasar cosas... y cuando te das cuenta, Jake, a los 58 años de juventud... regresó al ring.
I'd really love to do it next weekend but that's... sorry... that's Connie's shower. - I am wide open. Yeah!
Me encantaría poder hacer algo el próximo fin de semana, pero es... lo siento...
And then picked it up the next morning so he could see what Ward had been up to.
Y luego la recogió la mañana siguiente para poder ver lo que Ward había hecho.
If there's going to be yet another coup in the next 24 hours, it's not safe for her to be out on the streets.
Si va a haber otro golpe de estado en las próximas 24 horas, no está segura ahí fuera en la calle.
And obviously I'd love to work out with my beautiful girlfriend next to me the whole time, but we only got these three passes, and like you said, it's crazy expensive.
Y, obviamente, me gustaría trabajar Con mi hermosa novia a mi lado todo el tiempo, Pero sólo nos dieron estas tres pases,
When it seizes a murderer and moves to the next.
Cuando se apodera de un asesino ya pasa al siguiente.
They want to start showing it next week.
La agencia lo quiere para la semana que viene.
I'd love to have you on my show next week. I hope you can make it.
Stéphane ya le habrá dicho que quiero invitarle a mi programa la semana que viene.
If you don't want to do it, if you don't want to go through with this, say the word now, I'll drop you at the bus station, and... get the next bus out of town.
Si no quieres seguir adelante con esto, sólo dilo ahora, te dejaré en la estación de autobuses, y, tomarás el próximo autobús para salir de la ciudad.
I will do whatever it takes, whether you like it or not, to see that Richard Nixon is our next president.
Haré lo que sea necesario, te guste o no, para ver que Richard Nixon es nuestro próximo presidente.
This next part of my life is whatever I want to make it.
La siguiente parte de mi vida es lo que quiero hacer.
But... you have reminded me that this next part of my life is whatever I want to make it.
Pero... tú me has recordado que la vida continúa y que puedo hacer con ella lo que quiera.
Oh, it's an interview to write his next cookbook with him and to be in some webseries, apparently.
Oh, es una entrevista para escribir su nuevo libro de cocina con él y para aparecer en unas webseries, aparentemente.
Next week it will be hot. We need to update her wardrobe.
La próxima semana habrá calor.
We started out just having fun, but now it seems like... like she doesn't want to take things to the next level.
Empezamos simplemente divertirse, pero ahora parece que... Como si ella no quiere llevar las cosas al siguiente nivel.
It's right next to his heart.
Está justo al lado de su corazón.
It might help give you the closure that you need and allow you to take the next step.
Puede ayudarte a dar el cierre que necesitas y permitirte seguir adelante.
Or I could take it to the next level and be a legend.
O puedo llevarlo al siguiente nivel y ser una leyenda.
It's the next best thing to martyrdom.
Eso está por encima del martirio.
Next time you get a chance to take... a break, take it.
La próxima vez que tengas una oportunidad de tener... un descanso, tómalo.
God knows what it's gonna do to me next.
Dios sabe lo que va a hacer a mí lado.
Next man that tries to take away my shield... one way or another, I'm gonna make him eat it.
El próximo que intente llevarse mi placa de una forma o de otra, haré que se la coma.
Maybe it is time to take the next step.
Tal vez sea el momento de dar el siguiente paso.
Iatrophobics take it to the next level, like our friend Helen here.
Los iatróficos lo llevan al siguiente nivel, como aquí nuestra amiga Helen.
It's going to make landfall within the next 48 hours.
Va a tocar tierra dentro de las próximas 48 horas.
Hey, and the next time we offer to help your mom, can it please not involve needles?
Oye, la próxima vez que nos ofrezcamos a ayudar a tu madre, ¿ puede ser donde no hayan agujas?
It means, in the Hastings family, if you don't excel at something, you just, you move on to the next thing.
Quiere decir, que en la familia Hastings, si no eres excelente en algo, solo te mueves a lo siguiente.
The only thing that could possibly make it better is if you lived next to me.
Lo único que podría mejorarlo es que vivieras al lado mío.
The next day, they dropped it on the Russians to help them take Finow.
Al día siguiente, lo echaron sobre los rusos para ayudarles a hacerse con Finow.
I was standing right next to one of them when it happened.
Estaba justo al lado de uno de ellos cuando sucedió.
If it's not you, it's the guy next to you.
Si no eres tú, será el que esté a tu lado.
I can tell you that the shortlist is coming along, and it is my intention to nominate someone within the next two or three weeks.
La lista de candidatos se está armando y tengo intención de nominar a alguien dentro de las próximas tres semanas.
Here's my suicide note. They'll find it next to me.
La encontrarán a mi lado.
- It won't make any sense to you now. But it will the next time you see me.
No tendrá sentido para ti ahora, pero lo hará la próxima vez que me veas.
next to me 47
next to you 38
next to him 19
to it 19
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
item 93
next to you 38
next to him 19
to it 19
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
item 93
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
itis 22
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
itis 22
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347