Next to him traducir español
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Maybe the big guy's table manners don't set the best example, but who's going to tell him off or pick a fight with the friend sitting next to him?
Quizá los modales del grandote no sean muy buen ejemplo ¿ pero quién lo va a regañar o quién va a agredir a su amigo?
Sit next to him.
Siéntate con él.
Next to him.
Al lado de él.
And the man next to him, in the same shirt, he calls him a Paki, hmm?
Y el hombre a su lado, en la misma camisa, él lo llama Paki, ¿ eh?
I need to wake up next to him.
Necesito despertar a su lado.
We could do it next to him and he'd never know.
Podríamos hacerlo a su lado y él nunca se enteraría.
Right up next to him, Kenny... and a little bit ahead.
Justo al lado, Kenny, y un poco por delante. Déjame a su lado.
He would always keep an empty bucket next to him when he cut the meat, because every time he would cut the meat with his machete, it would remind him of what happened to his family and he wanted to throw up.
Siempre tenía a su lado un balde... cuando cortaba la carne... porque cuando cortaba la carne con su machete... le recoraba lo que le ocurrió a su familia y le daban ganas de vomitar.
Do you know the man next to him?
¿ Conoces al hombre a su lado?
I feel relatively healthy next to him.
Al lado de él me siento relativamente saludable.
I won't make you guess who was sitting next to him on the flight because you suck at it, but... I can tell you this.
No haré que adivines quién iba sentado a su lado en el vuelo porque eres muy mala en eso, pero... puedo decirte esto.
- No, it means I'm sitting right next to him.
No, solo significa que estoy, junto a el.
Has anyone even seen this baby with you walking next to him?
¿ Acaso alguien mira a este bebé contigo caminando a su lado?
Because Romney's a clown and I don't want him standing next to him.
Porque Romey es un payaso y no quiero que lo tenga cerca.
That's you next to him.
Ah sí, tú estás al lado.
We took him to the hospital next door to my house.
Lo llevamos al hospital de al lado de mi casa.
Excuse me, Coach, I just want to say that I'll be working with him around the clock if necessary just to get him to the next level.
Disculpe, Entrenador, yo sólo quiero decir que voy a estar trabajando con él durante todo el día, si es necesario sólo para llevarlo al siguiente nivel.
We were going to join him later Mum said we'd go on the next boat.
Mama decía que nos reuniríamos con él después y que nos iríamos en el próximo barco.
Just tell him to wait and I'll help him the next time I'm up because his back won't hold up.
Sólo dile que espere y que lo ayudaré la próxima vez que vaya porque su espalda no lo soportará.
Now if you meet the love of your life at 25, you get to live with him for the next 60 years.
Ahora bien, si te encuentras al amor de tu vida a los 25, llegar a vivir con él durante los próximos 60 años.
I understand Internal Affairs is going to water board him next week.
Sé que Asuntos Internos lo va a torturar en unos días.
You're to meet with him, with the evidence, in the next hour.
Usted se reunirá con él, con las pruebas, en la próxima hora.
He wanted to put his lens on something next-level, so we gave him something to film.
Quería filmar algo más complejo, y nosotros se lo ofrecimos.
And the next day I went along to the theater, and after the curtain he appeared, and I sauntered up to him, and I asked him,
Y al día siguiente fui, junto al teatro, y tras el telón apareció, y me acerqué a él, y le pregunté :
I'm going to jump him at the next corner.
Voy a saltarle encima en la próxima esquina.
Pete's going to show him around the office next week.
Pete le enseñará la oficina la próxima semana.
To congratulate him on being elected the next president of the country we both love.
Para felicitarlo por haber sido elegido presidente, el próximo presidente del país que ambos amamos.
That pic of him in the paper next to his client?
¿ La foto de él junto a su cliente?
The next contact from Bowman, you notify me and we'll get to cases with him on the matter real fast.
El próximo contacto de Bowman me avisa y lo resolveremos con él bien rápido.
Just when I thought I'd never see him again.. ... he lives next door to my new place
Justo cuando pensé que nunca volvería a verlo... resulta que vive al lado mío en mi nuevo edificio.
He's got a big fight. I already stitched his eye, but you're gonna have to keep him awake... at least for the next eight hours because of the risk of concussion.
Estará bien, debes mantenerlo despierto las próximas 8 horas.
Next up to say a few words about his book and tell us what the young lions means to him- -
El siguiente preparado para dedicar unas palabras a su libro y decirnos qué quieren significan los jóvenes leones para él
All right, I have to hit him with the injector shot in the next few minutes.
De acuerdo, tengo que inyectarle en los próximos minutos.
To go when you're still a star is very strange, because he could have kept doing films, but they wanted him to go, to make the right decision of where he's going next.
Para ir cuando estás siendo una estrella Es muy extraño, porque podría haber mantenido haciendo películas, pero quería que fuera, al tomar la decisión correcta de dónde va a continuación.
Well, you can tell him next time you see him that he has to update his music collection.
Bueno, puedes decirle la próxima vez que lo veas que tiene que actualizar su colección musical.
Yeah, well, I'll be sure to thank Chris Keller next time I see him.
Sí, bueno, me aseguraré de agradecérselo a Chris Keller la próxima vez que le vea.
Next time I see him, I'll be sure to pass that along.
La próxima vez que le vea, me aseguraré de que así sea.
Next time we compel him, remind me to make him better at baseball.
La próxima vez que le obliguemos, recuérdame que le haga mejor al béisbol.
Swear to God, the next time the Marshals are protecting a material witness, I hope you try to kill him because I'll be the baby-sitter you're gonna have to get by to get to him.
Juro por Dios que la próxima vez que los Marshal protejan a un testigo de cargo, espero que intentes matarle, porque seré la niñera a la que tendrás que saltarte para llegar hasta él.
Ask him to pose properly next time, madam.
Pídale que no exagere la próxima vez.
Can you imagine him lying in bed next to Kendra?
¿ Puedes imaginarlo acostado en la cama al lado de Kendra?
I assure you that St. Paul's is aware that we plan on having him return and simply wishes to earn whatever interest they can on the full amount for the next three months.
Te aseguro que St. Paul está al tanto de que planeamos que regrese y sólo desean ganar los intereses que puedan, del costo total por los próximos tres meses.
Next time he came down to K-town, I told him exactly what I just told you.
Cuando regresó a K-town, le dije exactamente lo que le dije a usted.
If Mr. Lin keeps his factory running, he will be intentionally breaching my client's contract, and the next phone call I make will be to file an injunction against him under prc civil procedure law.
Si el Señor Lin mantiene su fábrica funcionando el estará intencionalmente violando el contrato de cliente. ... y la siguiente llamada que yo haga será para presentar una orden judicial en su contra bajo la ley de procedimiento civil.
Or maybe we do, and we tell them that we heard noises and shouting from next door and then we saw two guys walking out and one of them saying to the other,'You didn't need to kill him.'
O llamémosle y les decimos que oímos ruidos y gritos desde el vecino..... y que vimos salir a dos tipos y uno le decía al otro "No tenías que matarlo".
"announced she was declining the governor's offer," "and instead urged him to call a special election to let the" "people of Illinois decide who their next Senator will be".
"En una conferencia de prensa convocada apresurádamente, la señora Paulson anunció que declinaba la oferta del gobernador, y en su lugar le instaba a convocar unas elecciones para dejar al pueblo de Illinois que decida que será el próximo Senador."
He did ask if I'd like to accompany him to the dance next week.
Me preguntó si quería acompañarle a bailar la semana que viene.
If you can get down there next time he's up, I want you to keep an eye on him.
Si lo miras cuando vuelva a batear, quiero que prestes atención.
Not unless you want to spend the next three hours peeling him off the ceiling.
A menos que quiera pasar las próximas tres horas calmándolo para que no suba por las paredes.
But I have to say, I wouldn't want him next to me in a foxhole.
Pero debo decir, no me gustaría tenerlo cerca de mi en las trincheras.
And we think we can find him at this gambling club, but S.F.P.D. Is planning on busting the place next week, asked us to go in quiet.
Y creemos que podemos encontrarle en este club de apuestas, pero la policía de San Francisco tiene planeada una redada la semana que viene,
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