Normal people traducir español
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Because bandits are far more interesting than normal people.
Porque bandidos son mucho más interesantes que personas normales.
I thought it would be better for our family to be here with normal people instead of going to Milan.
Pensé que sería bueno estar con gente normal en vez de ir a Milán.
I want my children to grow up with good and normal people
Quiero que mis hijos crezcan con gente buena y normal.
These so-called normal people.
Estas personas supuestamente "normales"
Why don't you just go home and take an overdose like normal people.
¿ Por qué no te vas a casa y te tomas una sobredosis como la gente normal?
Normal people have premonitions every 20 seconds, just imagine a witch!
La gente normal tiene premoniciones cada 20 segundos, imagínese una bruja!
Who doesn't want to spend some quality time with these Awesomely normal people?
¿ Quien no quiere pasar un buen rato con esta gente tan normal?
Apparently, that's what normal people do. They go out for drinks.
Al parecer, eso es lo que hace la gente normal, salen a tomar algo.
Lawyers speak like normal people?
Los abogados hablan como personas normales?
Are you allowed to see normal people?
¿ Se les permite ver a la gente normal?
Please? Just be like normal people.
Actúen de forma normal, por favor.
And I think it would be a shame if we didn't, like, date or, I don't know, hang out like normal people.
y creo que sería una lástima si no saliéramos o... no lo sé, salir, como gente común. - Cheryl, escúchame.
Maybe you could take off the lab coat, and I could put on a suit, and we could see what normal people are like for one night.
Quizás podrías quitar la bata de laboratorio, y yo podría ponerme un traje, y podríamos ver cómo es la gente normal por una noche.
So normal people, 6 to 8 weeks.
A la gente normal, le lleva entre seis y ocho semanas.
Yeah, I suppose heroes are just normal people who...
Sí, supongo que los héroes son sólo gente normal que...
Now, you know we've had quite a few chats about the possibility there might be more to life than normal people imagine?
¿ Recuerdas que hablamos sobre la posibilidad de que pudieran existir más cosas de las que la gente imagina?
I just want us to be normal people.
Sólo quiero que seamos gente normal.
Like normal people!
¡ Como la gente normal!
They're not customers, they're muppets, the only reason they shop online is because they're too fat and too lazy to get up off their arses and go shopping like normal people.
No son clientes, son marionetas. la única razón por la que compran por la red es porque son demasiado gordos y demasiado vagos para mover sus culos e ir a comprar como la gente normal.
They're normal people.
Son gente normal.
- - At the last second, Then these normal people will know...
En el último segundo, entonces esta gente normal sabrá...
Normal people - - once.
Gente normal-una sola vez.
So this is how normal people do it.
Así que, así es como la gente normal lo hace.
Normal people don't have chaperones or bodyguards or babysitters.
La gente nomral no tiene guardaespaldas o niñeras.
Why can't we eat regular food like normal people?
¿ Por qué no podemos comer comida normal, como la gente normal?
Eat like regular people.
Comer como la gente normal.
This is what normal people do, Sam.
Esto es lo que hace la gente normal, Sam.
They don't think like regular people.
- No piensan como la gente normal.
People with cancer call doctors.
Es normal que llame a doctores.
A Life, People, A Chance to be Normal
Una vida - Gente - Una oportunidad de ser normal
You're saying that this electromagnetic pulse Allows us to see these deformed people As if they were normal?
¿ Estás diciendo que este pulso electromagnético nos permite ver a estas personas deformes como si fueran normales?
And again, just before we close here, just these credits are about twice as long as you would find in a normal feature film just because of the hundreds of people who volunteered their time who donated food and locations and things to make it happen.
Antes de terminar, estos títulos de crédito son el doble de largos que en una película normal por los cientos de personas que donaron su tiempo...
But the sooner you people figure out what killed this individual... the sooner life gets back to normal.
Elijan. Pero entre más pronto descubran qué mató a este individuo... más pronto volverá su vida a la normalidad.
These people may seem normal, but they're not.
Esta gente parece normal, pero no lo es.
But, please, don't bring normal people into whatever this is. This was a mistake.
Fue un error.
People of Dhuliya, after today you're no ordinary humans..
Gente de Dhuliya, a partir de hoy no sois gente normal..
It's the history of ordinary people fighting back against sometimes insurmountable odds to win progressive change.
Es la historia de la gente normal luchando contracorriente para conseguir que las cosas cambien.
Just think of everybody here as average, normal people.
Respuesta franco sobre las cuestiones.
I sent a snail-mail blast a week ago, and a stern reminder via fax at 7 : 00 this morning, so people better step up and appreciate the crap out of Erin.
Envié un correo normal hace una semana. Y un recordatorio vía fax esta mañana a las 7 así que será mejor que se esfuercen y aprecien al máximo a Erin.
Right, just a couple of regular people blending in.
Cierto, solo una pareja normal, mezclándose con los demas
These were normal average people, and there's story after story, tale after tale.
Era gente normal y común, y hay muchas Historias.
Look, Brian, all I'm saying is, it's not normal for people to change their political views so radically overnight.
Mira, Brian, todo lo que digo es, que no es normal para la gente cambiar sus puntos de vista políticos tan radicalmente de un día para otro.
We're not quite the same people we were back then. Well, I am.
Bueno, yo soy el mismo hombre normal de siempre.
I'm still an average guy... but even average people can make changes.
Todavía soy un tipo normal... pero incluso las personas normales pueden hacer cambios.
We're total pros at convincing people we're normal.
Somos unos profesionales convenciendo a la gente de que somos normales.
In their normal-people group photos For me.
En sus fotos de grupo de gente normal. ... para mi.
You know, I thought her mind might go back to normal if she saw more people.
Creí que recuperaría la cordura si veía a más gente.
Now, I don't have a lot of experience Reading stuff out loud to people, So I'm gonna do this the most normal way
No tengo mucha experiencia leyéndole cosas a la gente, así que haré esto de la manera más normal posible.
It's normal for people to be present in a public place.
Es normal que la gente este presente en lugares publicos.
Just marvelous, normal, hardworking people.
simplemente maravillosa, normal, Personas muy trabajadoras.
You know, in 1988, two psychologists published an article arguing that positive self-deception is a normal and advantageous part of most people's lives.
Sabes, en 1988, dos psicólogos publicaron un artículo sosteniendo que "el positivo autoengaño" es una parte normal y ventajosa de la vida de la mayoría de las personas.
people 5151
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people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people screaming 74
people change 205
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people talk 81
people are dying 81
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people are dying 81
people get hurt 32
people are watching 31
people were killed 27
people make mistakes 71
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people go 25