Put that back traducir español
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Put that back.
Put that back in your pants.
Mete eso en tus pantalones de nuevo.
I'm gonna need to put that back before he finds out that it's missing.
Voy a tener que devolverlo antes que descubra que ha desaparecido.
- Konstantin, put that back please.
- Konstantin, devuelve eso, por favor.
You better put that back. Put it back where you got it or she'll know you were in here.
Ponlo donde estaba o sabrá que has estado aquí.
I have done 30 years of hard marriage, 30 years of lies and deceit, and in all that time, you've never once put the toilet roll back on the dispenser.
Yo estuve 30 años en un matrimonio difícil. 30 años de mentiras y engaños y, en todo ese tiempo, ni una vez cambiaste el rollo de papel higiénico en el baño.
I told her to bring it tonight so that we could put it back.
Le dije que la trajera hoy para poder devolverla.
Put that at the back.
Pónganla en el fondo.
Don't make me put you back in that sailor outfit, Papi, Jr.
No me obligues a ponerte el traje de marinerito, Papi hijo.
You put that whore on her back, and you shank her. You know how to make a shiv?
Pon a esa puta de espaldas y acuchíllala. ¿ Sabes cómo?
And if they put me back in that hospital... I can't do anything, if anything happens to you.
Si no regresa del hospital, no puedo hacer nada si te pasa algo.
- We'll put back that money for real.
- ¿ Pero ese dinero lo volveremos a poner de verdad? .
Can we put some of that in the business account so they don't take our copier back?
¿ Podemos poner algo en la cuenta del negocio para no perder la copiadora?
I'm gonna go put a bullet in that asshole's face, go get our money back.
Voy a meterle una bala a ese idiota y a recuperar el dinero.
I'm sorry, Dean, but I warned you not to put that thing back inside him.
- Lo siento, Dean, pero te advertí que no pusieras esa cosa de nuevo dentro de él.
I warned you not to put that thing back inside him.
Te advertí que no debías volver a poner esa cosa dentro de él.
But whether we win that or even Nationals, it's not going to put you and I back where we belong.
Pero ganemos esto o incluso las Nacionales, no te colocará a ti ni a mí de vuelta a donde pertenecemos.
Don't tell him that, tell him the mask thing. Hey, put your tie back in your pants.
No le digas eso, dile lo de la máscara.
I... think I put it back in my pocket after I wrote you that check yesterday.
Creo que la puse en mi bolsillo ayer, después de hacerte el cheque.
That's good. That means you can put your clothes back on.
Eso quiere decir que puedes vovler a vestirte.
Albert, pick up that pastrami and put it back on the craft services table.
Albert, coge el pastrami y devuélvelo a la mesa de la comida.
I go to the front door'cause I'm gonna take this back and I'm gonna put it right where I found it and this is gonna be a really funny story that I tell you, maybe, someday.
Me fui hacia la puerta principal porque iba a devolverlo y ponerlo justo donde estaba y que esto sería una divertida historia para contártela algún día.
Just because that print is Ray Bradstone's does not put him back behind bars.
La huella es de Bradstone pero no significa que deba volver a la cárcel.
I'm going to call your boss. That nervous little snob. I'll tell him to put you back on the project.
Llamaré a su jefe, el histérico engreído, y le ordenaré que la contrate si quiere el proyecto.
That's why you put him out back?
¿ Por eso lo pusiste allá?
Put that equipment back in the truck.
Vuelva a meter los equipos en la furgoneta.
Since you put it like that... you're back on the team. Oh.
So if you're having money troubles, I'd be happy to put that offer back on the table.
Si tienes problemas de dinero, me encantaría volver a poner esa oferta sobre la mesa.
That should give us just enough time to get into the car, open the briefcase, copy the intel, put it all back, undetected.,
Eso deberia darnos tiempo suficiente para entrar a su auto, abrir el maletín, copiar la información, cerrar el maletín, sin ser detectados.
And then I'd remember that Tom was the only one who liked them, put them back.
Y entonces recordé que Tom era el único al que le gustaban, los devolví.
Hell, everyone seems to be forgetting that there's a lady, a member of this congregation, shot in the back four times and put in the freezer.
Todos olvidan que a una dama integrante de la congregación le dispararon cuatro veces de atrás y la pusieron en el freezer.
I'd need to be sure that he's not going to come back here and put our people in danger.
Necesitaría asegurarme que no volverá aquí y que no pondrá en peligro a nuestra gente.
I'm the one that put him to bed. I'm the one who tickled his back When he was afraid and had a nightmare.
Fui yo quien le hizo cosquillas en la espalda, cuando tenía miedo y pesadillas fui yo quien le lavó la ropa.
Did you ever put an arm around his shoulder, give him a pat on the back, give him a present, anything, anything at all that could somehow have been misconstrued?
¿ Alguna vez le pasó el brazo por el hombro, le dió una palmadita en la espalda, le dió algún regalo, algo, cualquier cosa que pudiera de alguna manera haber sido mal interpretada?
He'll put her back on the antibiotics that almost suffocated her.
Volverá a darle los antibióticos, que casi la sofocaron.
A word that put us back in the closet where our penis can't hang on a wall and everything is okay.
Una palabra que nos vuelve a meter en el armario donde nuestros penes no pueden estar colgados de una pared y todo está bien.
I got her a new one and put it on her locker, but she gave that back, too.
Le conseguí otros nuevos y se los dejé en su taquilla, pero también me los ha devuelto.
And I love you so much for that. ♪ Put your back into it ♪ ♪ loaded, oh, my hands shook to hold her ♪
Y te quiero mucho por eso.
And put that stroller back in the garbage.
y tira el carrito a la basura.
That's evidence ; put it back.
Eso es una prueba. Ponla donde estaba.
Hmm? Maybe that lovely cedar-smelling cigar fell on the ground, and you could find it and put it back in the box?
¿ Tal vez ese hermoso cigarro con olor a cedro cayó al suelo, y tú puedes encontrarlo y ponerlo de vuelta en la caja?
So we proned that guy out, and we cuffed him, and we put him in the back of our cruiser.
Así que sacamos al hombre, y lo esposamos, y lo pusimos en la parte de atrás del auto.
- Just put the cord back in that you ripped out before!
¡ Vuelve a poner el cable que arrancaste!
But to get something that we would say is a good enough copy of my consciousness that if it were put back in somebody else's body, people would be fooled into thinking it was me - - this is something we haven't even the first clue
Pero obtener algo que pudiéramos decir que es una copia suficientemente buena de mi consciencia que si se pusiera en el cuerpo de algún otro, la gente se engañara pensando que era yo... esto es algo de lo que no tenemos la más mínima idea
And put that big, bad dream of hers back in its box.
Y por fin, hacer desaparecer todas esas pesadillas.
Like I was a fragile porcelain doll that you put back on the shelf, when you're done.
Como si fuera un pequeño perro chino. Que te quites y retrocedas cuando terminas.
We put the smile back on that man's face.
Hemos puesto de vuelta la sonrisa a ese hombre.
That's why your damn children run around here act like they ain't go no sense, talking back,'cause you won't put your foot down.
Por eso, tus malditos niños van por ahí respondiendo mal, porque no te pones firme.
And once Sasha sees that you can and will be ready for Worlds, he won't hesitate to put you back on the team.
Y una vez Sasha vea que puedes y que estaras preparada para los mundiales no dudara en ponerte de nuevo en el equipo
Because a piece of me, if that were my daughter, that would want him dead, I have to put in a box in order to go back and do my job.
Porque una parte de mí, si esa fuera mi hija, le querría muerto, pero tengo que apartar ese sentimiento para hacer mi trabajo.
Porsche put bucket seats in the back, that are similar to the front seats of the 911.
Porsche puso butacas atrás Que son similares a los asientos delanteros del 911.
put that away 212
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put that on 56
put that thing down 29
put that down 353
put that out 34
put that thing away 35
put that gun away 17
put that gun down 56
back 1915
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background 48
backs 42
backgammon 25
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backstage 37
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back the fuck up 47
back it up 216
back to the future 36
back to work 469
back to the beginning 16
back in town 16
back up 1292
back off 1570
back then 441
back home 188
back in business 17
back to school 26
back me up 80
back to the beginning 16
back in town 16
back up 1292
back off 1570
back then 441
back home 188
back in business 17
back to school 26
back me up 80
back to square one 51
back soon 22
back in 260
back door 80
back me up on this 16
back in the day 245
back me up here 53
back down 43
back here 146
back soon 22
back in 260
back door 80
back me up on this 16
back in the day 245
back me up here 53
back down 43
back here 146