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Put them back traducir español

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"He changed the place cards so he could sit by Miss Hofer but I put them back."
Cambió las tarjetas de lugar para poder sentarse al lado de Miss Hofer pero yo las volví a poner en su sitio.
Better put them back on.
Sería mejor que escaparas.
Put them back!
- ¡ Póntelas!
I emptied his box and put them back on the shelves.
Y Ia munición es muy poca, pero Newsome no Io sabe.
Put them back.
Devuélvalos a su sitio.
Put them back on.
- Póngaselo.
- You put them back on.
- ¡ Póngamelo Ud.!
All right, boys, put them back.
De acuerdo, muchachos, póngalos de vuelta.
Let's put them back in the safe.
Regresémoslas a la caja fuerte.
- Would you go in and capture them and put them back in their crate?
- Vaya y atrápeIos y póngalos de nuevo en Ia caja.
I must put them back on.
Debo volver a ponérselas.
- Yes. Put them back, after.
- Sí, bién, luego los devuelve a su lugar.
The gentleman says put them back where you found them.
El caballero dice que las pongas donde estaban.
Wash these glasses, put them back on the shelf.
Lava las copas, guárdalas en el armario.
Put them back!
Put them back in their kennel.
Mételos en su caseta.
I must remember to put them back in the icebox.
Me tengo que acordar de ponerlas en la nevera.
- Put them back, Rip.
- Devuélvelos, Rip.
Please put them back in the right order.
Después vuélvelos a poner en el mismo orden.
So these days we keep them here a few hours or even overnight... then we send for their parents, if they have parents... give them a written warning and put them back in circulation.
Ahora los tenemos aquí unas horas o incluso una noche, luego llamamos a los padres, si es que los tienen,.. ... se redacta un informe y se les envía de nuevo a la calle.
After I have this cleaned off, I have to clear all those books off the dining room table, bring them here, put them back in the chest, which is where they were in the first place.
Tendré que recoger todo, quitar los libros de la mesa del comedor, traerlos aquí y volverlos a meter en el arcón, donde estaban antes.
Put them back.
Déjala donde estaba.
"Put them hosses back!"
"¡ Devuelvan esos caballos!",
Took them to a place on 63rd and was told to put them in the back.
Los llevamos a un lugar y nos dijeron que los pusiéramos atrás.
And if the police should even suspect that I was holding anything back from them, I should be put behind bars.
Y si la policía llegara a sospechar... que les estoy ocultando algo... me pondrían tras las rejas.
I did eat both eggs, but I put one of them all back together again.
Ya me comí los dos huevos, pero volví a armar uno.
Can I pay them back what they put in with a hundred-percent dividend and get their releases?
¿ Puedo devolverles lo que han puesto con un interés del cien por cien... y liberar su parte?
Put them in your bag and come back to the car.
Mételos en el maletín y regresa al coche.
Put your rifles back in your buckets and get them GS shovels.
Pongan los rifles en las mochilas y cojan unas palas.
Too late to put them back.
Las cabelleras son para los indios lo mismo que sus medallas.
We'll put vine leaves in our hair, crush a gallon of grapes, hang them over our ears, and then I'll bring you back before you change into a pumpkin.
Pondremos hojas de parra en su pelo, pisaremos un galón de uvas, las colgaremos detrás de nuestras orejas, y entonces la traeré de vuelta... antes de que se trasforme en calabaza.
Unless you got cat blood, no one's gonna bring you back. Put them up.
Y a no ser que tenga sangre de gato, no volverán a resucitarle.
Call some of the older boys and tell them to put me back in the cellar.
Llame a los chicos mayores, dígales que me devuelvan al sótano.
Put them all back.
Ponlos atrás.
We'll take them back with us and let the Colonel put them through the mangle.
Los llevaremos con nosotros, y el Coronel sabrá hacerlos hablar.
You'll go up to your room, sit at your typewriter, mess around with some words, thrown them away, lie on your bed, put the light out, then put it back on again, go back to your desk.
En tu habitación te sentarás ante la máquina de escribir. Escribirás algo, lo tirarás a la papelera. Te acostarás.
I'm not saying you put them up to it, Ward... but I'm here to get my money back. Right now.
No digo que se lo ordenaras tú, Ward, pero he venido a recuperar mi dinero.
I'm not saying you put them up to it, Ward... but I'm here to get my money back.
Estos dos amiguitos tuyos me han robado 1.100 dóares en mi casa.
Well, I put them at the back of one of the drawers in the writing desk.
Los puse en el fondo de un cajón del escritorio.
It was either them or us, and now the range grass will grow back, and some day, the cattlemen will put up a statue of me out there on the street, and they'll write on it,
Era ellos o nosotros, y ahora volverán a crecer las pasturas, y un día los ganaderos me levantarán una estatua en la calle y escribirán en ella,
Vuelve a ponértela ahora mismo y sal de aquí!
Put these back where you found them.
Ponlas donde estaban.
We'll put a crew of men together digging Kharis out of the rubble, then send them both back to the Scripps Museum.
Una cuadrilla de hombres desenterrará a Kharis... y enviaremos a los dos al museo Scripps.
Put them right back in my pocket, I'll mail them tomorrow.
Vuelve a ponerlas en mi bolsillo, las echaré al correo mañana.
Put it back on. We'll get them later.
Da la corriente, les cogeremos más lejos.
Put them all back to the wall.
Poned eso ahí.
Put that right back where I found it, call the law and wait for them to come.
Devolverlo a donde lo encontré, y llamar a la policía.
Antonio, Giovanni, go meet them, and you put back the strings.
Antonio, Giovanni, salid vosotros dos, y tú vuelve a meter la cuerda.
Last night the girl came and told me to put you back together again, so she must know what why were released and so do I. They want the diamonds and they know you'd never tell them.
Anoche vino y me dijo que te curara. Sabe por qué te hirieron. Y yo también.
Put your ears back and listen for them.
Pon las orejas atrás y escúchalos.
We're gonna put the suitcase back in the locker in case one of them returns tonight to check things, or in the morning when you're supposed to open the locker.
Devolveremos la valija al casillero por si el sujeto va a revisarla esta noche.

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