Read it yourself traducir español
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Read it yourself!
Léalo usted mismo!
Will you take this as a present, then, and read it yourself? And pretend I wrote it?
¿ Quiere llevarse esto como un regalo y leerlo pensando que lo he escrito yo?
Léela tú mismo.
Ok, read it Yourself.
Bueno, compruébelo usted mismo.
- if your excellency would wait another hour, perhaps... some fresh and beautiful horses will arrive... this is an order issued personally by the governor, read it yourself
- El señor tendrá la amabilidad de esperar un rato,... o medio rato... enseguida vendrán caballos... caballos frescos... ¡ Una orden personal del Gobernador! ¡ Léela!
- Read it yourself.
- Léalo Ud. Mismo.
- Read it yourself.
¡ Léela!
Well, you could have read it yourself and saved me a trip.
Bueno, tú podrías habérsela leído y haberme ahorrado el viaje.
Read it yourself.
Léalo Vd. misma.
It's your book, read it yourself.
Es su libro, léalo usted.
Here, read it yourself.
Aquí, léelo.
I won't tell you what it is. But you must read it yourself.
No se lo contaré, mejor lo lee.
- Read it yourself.
- Léelo tú misma.
- Read it yourself.
- Léelo tú mismo.
You can read it yourself.
Puede leerlo.
... read it yourself. I'm not curious. What does she write?
Que ella está bien y se siente como en casa.
Read it yourself.
Leedlo vos mismo.
Read it yourself.
Léelo tú mismo.
Well, you may have read it yourself in the papers.
Quizá lo leyó en los periódicos.
Why didn't you read it yourself instead of Rodney Harrington?
¿ Por qué no lo leíste tú en vez de Rodney Harrington?
- Well, read it yourself.
- Bueno, léela.
Read it yourself.
¡ Lea usted misma!
You can read it yourself.
Léelo tú misma.
Here's her diary, read it yourself.
En su diario, lee, lee tú mismo su diario.
You can read it yourself.
Puedes leerlo.
- Will you read it yourself or -
¿ Lo lees vas a leer tú?
This is the article. Read it yourself.
Éste es el artículo, léanlo Vds. mismos.
Read it yourself.
Es conmovedora.
You've read it yourself a hundred times.
La has leído cientos de veces.
If you want to read it, make yourself comfortable in Sheridan's office.
Si quieres leerla, ve al despacho de Sheridan y ponte cómoda.
Read it for yourself.
Lealo usted mismo.
Here, read it for yourself.
Aquí lo dicen, léelo.
Better read it for yourself.
Mejor léela tú misma.
That's the truth. Here, you can read it for yourself.
Ese en un asqueroso y cobarde truco sucio.
Here, read it for yourself.
Lee tú mismo.
Now, if you'll just read that through yourself, Miss Carden, and if it's correct, sign it.
Ahora, léala usted misma, Srta. Carden, y, si es correcta, fírmela.
Maybe we'll read about it in the papers tomorrow. But you better start thinking about yourself.
Lo leerás mañana en los periódicos,... pero mejor será que empieces a pensar en ti misma.
- Here. Read it for yourself.
- Ten, léelo tú misma.
- Go ahead and read it for yourself.
- Adelante y lealo ud mismo.
Read it yourself.
Read it for yourself in the paper.
Léelo tú misma en el periódico.
- Read it for yourself.
- Léala Ud. Mismo.
You better read it for yourself.
Léalo usted.
Read it for yourself!
- ¡ Lee aquí!
Read it for yourself.
Léala usted misma.
One year I'm a genius, the next year, I'm... all right, then, read it for yourself and see what Brad Byrd knows!
- Un día soy un genio y otro... - ¡ Muy bien, léelo tú mismo!
Read it yourself.
Léala usted misma.
Read it for yourself.
léala usted mismo.
Well, read it for yourself if you're so anxious.
- Léela tú s ¡ t ¡ enes tantas ganas.
Read it for yourself, then.
- Léelo tú misma.
- Read it by yourself!
- Léelo vos!
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