Seconds out traducir español
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Ten seconds out.
A 10 segundos.
Oh, God! This kid's not gonna last about five seconds out on the playground!
Dios, ese chico va a durar cinco segundos en el patio.
Why he agreed, I don't know, but within four seconds I flipped him on his back, sat on his head and he tapped out.
Y no sé por qué dijo que sí pero en 4 segundos, lo tiré boca arriba me senté en su cabeza y se rindió.
We have less than 90 seconds before that ship moves out of range.
Tiene menos de 90 segundos antes de que la nave salga de alcance.
If that occurs, you'll have less than ten seconds to jump to warp and get the hell out of here.
Si eso ocurre tendrán menos de 10 segundos para entrar en warp y largarse de aquí.
You held out a good ten seconds.
Has aguantado bien 10 segundos.
I'm gonna give you five seconds, and then I'm gonna blow your brains out.
Le daré cinco segundos y luego le volaré los sesos.
You have got five seconds to get out of here. You understand?
Tiene cinco segundos para salir de aquí. ¿ Entiende?
Ten seconds to the point of no return... and we're almost out of fuel.
10 segundos para el punto de no retorno.
We got 30 seconds to get out!
¡ Tenemos que largarnos!
We'll be letting these nice gentlemen out in 30 seconds.
Estos señores se van a ir en 30 segundos.
You got two seconds to walk out that door.
Tienes 2 segundos para salir por esa puerta.
The way I see it is you got 30 seconds before they make a piñata out of you.
Como yo veo las cosas tienes 30 segundos antes de que te conviertan en piñata.
Can I get by him, up the stairs, out of the building, seconds ticking away?
¿ Puedo pasar por él, subir las escaleras, fuera del edificio, en segundos descontando...
Bled out in seconds.
Se desangró en segundos.
15 seconds later they're running out of the building and everything blows all to hell.
Ese es el punto. 15 segundos después, están corriendo hacia fuera del edificio, y todo vuela.
In just seconds, everything before my eyes went blank and I passed out.
todo ha desaparecido y me he desmayado.
You've got 20 seconds to get out of there.
Tienen 20 segundos para salir de allí.
- When I run this device... it says I have 30 seconds to get out.
- Cuando pongo este aparato... dice que tengo 30 segundos para salir.
We've been out here six seconds. You've already managed to blow the routine.
No llevamos más de 6 segundos en escena y ya arruinaste el número.
And you got exactly five seconds to get out of my sight.
Y tienes exactamente cinco segundos para salir de mi vista.
They're like fish out of water, but they can do a lot of damage in those seconds.
Son como peces fuera del agua, pero pueden hacer mucho daño en esos segundos segundos.
Takashi forced Kar-pek out of the circle in less than three seconds.
Takashi expulsó a Katep del círculo en menos de tres segundos.
By the way... you have 20 seconds to get us out of here.
Por cierto... tienen 20 segundos para sacarnos de aquí.
Ethan, we have a total of 40 seconds... to get you in and the cables out.
Ethan, tenemos un total de 40 segundos... para conseguir que en y los cables fuera.
With only seconds left to spare and no idea how to get out four...
Faltando 5 segundos, sin saber cómo salir- -
You still have 70 seconds to level this beast out.
Todavía tienes 70 segundos para nivelar esta bestia.
- Unauthorized access. - Behavior modification... will commence in five seconds. - Kev, check this out.
El acceso no autorizado es una violación.
- Behavior modification... - Get out of the way! will achieve terminal status in five seconds.
La modificación de comportamiento alcanzará nivel mortal en 5segundos.
All right. I am out of here in three seconds... unless you can charge me with something.
Estaré fuera de aquí en tres segundos a menos que puedas acusarme de algo.
Reynolds'lawyer'll have him out in 30 fuckir seconds.
Pudo haberla matado en 30 segundos.
Better yet, stay just like that and in 60 seconds, stick your head out that window.
En 60 segundos, sacarás la cabeza por la ventana.
With just 55 seconds left, Washington has to recover the ball call a time-out fast, so Gruff will have a shot at a field goal.
En sólo 55 segundos, Washington debe recuperar el balón, y pedir tiempo muerto para que Gruff pueda intentar marcar un gol de campo.
Then two seconds later, he goes and meets up with his old girlfriend... and starts making out with her.
Y dos segundos después, se encuentra con su novia anterior... y se empiezan a besar.
I'll give you about five seconds to get out of my shop.
¡ Les doy 5 segundos para que salgan de aquí!
I'm thinking to myself, shit, it's only gonna take him a couple of seconds... to work this thing out with the hammer so...
Y yo pienso : "Coño, le tomará unos segundos descubrir el martillo."
We have twenty seconds on stage, and that's it, they call out the next number.
Sólo tenemos 20 segundos sobre el escenario.
In a couple of seconds, I'll have the Andromeda's central computer eating out of my hand.
En un par de segundos, tendré a la computadora central de Andrómeda comiendo de mi mano.
It'll take me two seconds, and I'll be out of your hair.
Me tomará dos segundos, y ya no te molestaré más.
lrrational is when I get violent, which will happen in two seconds if you don't get your horny, freshman ass out of here.
Soy irracional cuando me pongo violenta lo cual sucederá si no te vas de aquí.
He edged out my old mark by two seconds.
Ha superado mi antiguo récord en dos segundos.
Well, I don't want to go out on a limb here... but if the headmaster won't let a kid be 30 seconds late for a test... he'd probably frown on a teacher dating a mom.
Bueno, no quiero parecer muy exagerada... pero si el director no deja que se llegue 30 segundos tarde a un examen... no aprobara que un maestro y una madre socialicen.
He's not out looking for seconds.
No saldrá a buscar otra.
Any driver that can't get out of the car in five seconds can't run.
Tienes que poder salir del auto en 5 segundos.
I'm coming right back if you're not out that front door in 60 seconds. You understand me?
Regresaré si no has salido por la puerta en 60 segundos.
You got 10 seconds to get your ass out of my yard!
Tiene 10 segundos para largarse de mi terreno!
We didn't really wanna sort of giving out our location, or where we were going to meet, until... you know, the very last seconds.
No queríamos dar nuestra ubicación, o donde nos íbamos a encontrar, hasta... usted sabe, el último segundo.
It took me 3.8 seconds to get out here.
He tardado 3,8 segundos en llegar aquí.
She was out of my sight for two seconds and they got her.
Ha desaparecido de mi vista dos segundos y la han cogido.
She'll go out of thoracic aorta and exsanguinate in seconds.
Se irá por la aorta torácica y se desangrará en segundos.
I was a manager for 10 seconds... and all I managed to do was blurt my guts out like a mental patient.
Fui gerente durante 10 segundos... y todo lo que pude hacer fue expresar mis sentimientos como un lunático.
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of order 40
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of interest 20
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of interest 20
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
out like a light 17
outside of work 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191
outside of work 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191