That being said traducir español
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With that being said, we cannot permit their use now.
no podemos permitir su utilización ahora.
That being said. here's a tune from the Broadway show "Kiss Me Kate".
He dicho mi parte. Escuchen una canción del musical Bésame, Kate.
That being said, I would love to hear any of your ideas on how we can make the new, improved KBHR...
Como ya he dicho, me encantaría oír sus ideas sobre cómo podemos mejorar la emisora KBHR...
She said we couldn't leave, that we were being raised up special.
Dijo que no podíamos irnos, que nos estaban criando de forma especial.
Said Churchill later, "The possibility of Singapore having no landward defences no more entered into my mind than that of a battleship being launched without a bottom."
Dijo Churchill más tarde, "La posibilidad de Singapur no tener defensas de tierra adentro no más entrado en mi mente que la de un barco de guerra se lanzó sin fondo".
E suddenly, in day 22, they had said them that Sebastopol she was being bombed.
Y de repente, los días 22, nos dijo que Sebastopol estaba siendo bombardeada.
I was so tired of being there that I said, "We'II just blow it up." We blew the hair out of it and did not re-shoot anything.
Estaba tan cansado de estar ahí que aumentamos la imagen para que el pelo no saliera en el cuadro y no tener que repetir las tomas.
Katie said that as she was being followed, the camera was taking pictures.
Katie ha dicho que durante la pelea la máquina seguía disparando.
He said that you were being tough on the negotiations, but if they could get a little help and close the deal fast it would be good for the family.
Dijo que tú eras difícil de roer en las negociaciones, pero que si echaba una mano y se cerraba el trato sería bueno para la familia.
And since Mr McQueen had overemphatically said that Ratchett spoke no languages, I was being deliberately manoeuvred into believing that Ratchett was already dead when a voice cried out from his room in French.
Y ya que McQueen enfatizó el que Ratchett no hablaba idiomas... estaba siendo manipulado para creer que Ratchett ya estaba muerto... cuando la voz en francés salió de su compartimento.
He said something about, uh, Mabel being in a nuthouse. Is that right?
El mencionó que Mabel se volvió loca. ¿ Es correcto?
He said that my future... depended on the change of my way of being.
ÉI dijo que mi futuro... dependía del cambio de mi manera de ser.
My poor father said that a left-hander is a left-hander because he's more big-hearted than the right-handed... but righties correct them because they won't tolerate them being more big-hearted than them.
Mi pobre padre decía que el zurdo lo es porque tiene más corazón que el diestro, pero los diestros les corrigen porque no toleran que tengan más corazón que ellos.
Julia said I must remind you for her... that you're afraid of being afraid, and so you will do what sometimes you cannot do.
Julia me dijo que debía recordarle de parte de ella... que tiene Ud. miedo a tener miedo... y eso le hace hacer lo que a veces no puede hacer.
Is that true, what he said about football being invented here?
¿ Es cierto, lo que ha dicho sobre el fútbol siendo inventado aquí?
He always said that being a civil servant we don't drive out the rascals and... protect the people, but the other way around
Siempre decía que siendo un sirviente civil no expulsaríamos a los malhechores y protegeríamos a la gente, sino al contrario.
It is just said that children are used... to seeing those kinds of pictures... and don't feel that their modesty is being impinged.
Lo que quiere decir es que los chicos están acostumbrados a ese tipo de fotos. ... y no veo cómo su inocencia pueda verse afectada.
Holmes, what he said about the government being involved, that can't be.
Lo que dijo sobre que el gobierno está involucrado... no es posible.
Didn't he describe that creature as being A part of everything in God's creation? Isn't that what he said?
¿ No describió a esa criatura como... una parte de todo lo que Dios creó?
Obsian, amused, said it was too late to contemplate such a deception for it was obvious by now that he was being closely watched.
Obsian dijo que era demasiado tarde para contemplar semejante engaño porque era obvio que para entonces ya era vigilado de cerca.
I said, "If you ever lose that girl... " you're gonna wind up being a booze-head ex-superstar... "and every time you come up for air, you'll have a can of beer in your hand."
Te dije : "si alguna vez pierdes a esa chica....... Ibas a ser un borracho súper estrella y que cada vez que respiraras tendrías una lata de cerveza en tus manos".
You know, if I understood it correctly, I think, uh, Heidegger said... that, uh, if you were to experience your own being to the full... you'd be experiencing the decay of that being toward death... as a part of your experience.
Si entiendo bien, creo que Heidegger decía que... si experimentabas tu ser completamente, experimentarías la decadencia hacia la muerte, como parte de tu experiencia.
This being said, you could imagine the consequences in Zurich, Moscow and even here in Paris if it was known that it was actually you who had Anna Gretz.
Imagine las consecuencias en Zurich, en Moscú e incluso... en París si supiera que Vd. Mando eliminar a Anna Gretz.
I have been accused of being insane, being a drunkard, being everything that you can imagine a derelict to be, as a result of a guilty conscience for doing this, and as I said, no one's ever comes to my defense in that regard.
Se me ha acusado de estar loco, de ser un borracho, de ser todo lo que uno puede imaginar que puede ser alguien destruido por su mala conciencia.
I thought you said you weren't gonna call me stupid now that we're being intimate.
Pensé que dijo usted no me va a llamar estúpido ahora que estamos siendo íntima.
I was so worried about Elizabeth being shot that when she said it wasn't him, I bought it, but nobody changes that much in 25 years.
Estaba tan preocupado de que le dispararan a Elizabeth que cuando me dijo que no era él, le creí, pero nadie cambia tanto en 25 años.
She said that if the groom is over 40, you already know how far he'll climb in life, and you risk being widowed.
Dijo que si el pretendiente tiene más de 40 años... ya se sabe cuán lejos llegará en la vida... y el riesgo de enviudar.
It's being said in Washington that the Los Angeles was on a routine reconnaissance mission off Iran when she sank last Tuesday with a loss of all hands.
Se sigue diciendo en Washington que el submarino'Los Angeles'estaba en patrulla de rutina en la costa de Irán cuando se hundió el martes, muriendo toda su tripulación.
Stan, did you really mean what you said about there not being that much between you and Chrissy? That's right.
¿ Has dicho en serio eso de que no hay nada entre vosotros?
If I ever discover that you are selling any of what is being said here...
Si me entero de que estás vendiendo algo de lo que se dice aquí...
[Interpreter] He said that was true German irony, people were being killed, and he had to sing.
No, no lo puedo creer.
It was said that people were being sent to camps, and those who weren't in good health probably wouldn't survive.
¿ Cuándo supo exactamente?
He asked me if I know that for sure. And I said, "I do not know it for sure, but it is a serious possibility, because there is no record of any train going away from Auschwitz." And, usually, the offices, the registrars, where the Resistance movement had their people, would get wind of such an information, of a transport being prepared out from Auschwitz, and there was no such information.
Me entrevisté con Freddy Hirsch y le expliqué que una de las razones del traslado de su transporte al campo de cuarentena era quizás el hecho de que todos iban a ser gaseados el 7 de marzo.
What I'm trying to say is that I think we should, for the time being, forget what was said on that plane.
Lo que estoy tratando de decir es que que creo que deberíamos,, por el momento, olvidar lo que se dijo en ese avión.
And I have to wonder about you being gone from Binky's for almost 40 minutes, when you said that it would take no more than 10.
Y me pregunto por qué tardaste 40 minutos en volver... a casa de Binki, cuando dijiste que tardarías... menos de 10.
For a half assed hooker you are an extremely arrogant woman, you know that? What you said before about Sunny being a hopeless victim makes me wanna... Rough me up?
para ser prostituta eres muy arrogante lo que dijiste antes de Sonny que era una victima me dan ganas de... de forzarme?
I thought about what you said to me, about you needing to meet people and me not being very understanding about that.
He pensado en lo que me dijiste, que necesitabas conocer gente... ... y que yo no era muy comprensivo con eso.
Will you kindly tell the court exactly what I said when I heard that Victor was being released?
Detective, quiere decirle al la corte exactamente lo que dije cuando Hugo Víctor salió libre.
Their mothers said that the Szerns wanted to see a demon inside a human being to see how the soul leaves a body.
Sus madres dijeron que los Szerns querían ver... a un demonio dentro de un ser humano. Ver como el alma abandona el cuerpo.
After that he realised that he was being conned because Chet said, " How was I?
Entonces se dio cuenta que estaba siendo estafado porque Chet dijo, " ¿ Cómo estuve?
I don't know. She said something about rock'n'roll being the devil's music and people who play it work for the devil and shit like that.
Dijo algo así como que el rock es la música del demonio... y quienes lo interpretan trabajan para el demonio.
The guy with the gun said, "Because that's not what we're being paid for."
El de las pistolas dijo : "Porque no nos están pagando por eso".
She said that she couldn't face being alone on Christmas Eve... and that it was really important that the family be together then.
Dijo que no podía quedarse sola en Nochebuena y que la familia debía reunirse ese día.
What did you mean when you said that about my timing being off?
¿ Por qué dijiste que había venido para nada?
You're not gonna hold me to all that stupid junk I said about being nice, are you?
No me haras hacer lo que te dije de ser bueno ¿ o si?
that I was being punished. And I showed it to the nurse, and she said, " Oh, it's nothing.
Se lo enseñé a la enfermera y me dijo : " No es nada.
Dell said that trust in the spirit of Christmas was destroyed by ideas being controlled by aliens wearing black gloves.
Decía que el espíritu de la Navidad había sido destruido por los pensamientos controlados por aliens que usaban guantes negros.
The agent said that Catherine was concerned about certain irregularities, such as Josie being named the chief beneficiary.
El agente ha dicho que a Catherine le preocupaban algunas irregularidades. Como el hecho de que Josie figurase como beneficiario principal.
I said that because that is being polite.
Yo dije eso porque eso es ser educado.
Mira... todo eso de ser el más popular lo inventé.
I once said that I was unhappy... with the explanation given in terms of negative energy particles being created.
Dije una vez, que no estaba satisfecho con la explicación, porque implicaba crear partículas con energía negativa.
that being the case 16
said 374
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