That is a relief traducir español
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Oh, that is a relief.
Oh, es un alivio.
Oh yes that is a relief. Thank yοu Inspectοr.
Es un alivio, gracias, Inspector.
Well, that is a relief.
Bueno, es es un alivio.
Boy, that is a relief.
Es un alivio.
- That is a relief. Who is he?
- Qué alivio. ¿ De quién se trata?
Oh... That is a relief.
Eso es un alivio.
That is a relief.
Me quedo más tranquilo.
It is a relief that the absence of the composer didn't affect your performance.
Es un alivio que la ausencia... ... del compositor no afectara a su interpretación.
That alone is a welcome relief.
Sólo eso ya es un gran alivio.
You don't know what a relief it is to suddenly find that I despise you.
De pronto te desprecio.
I can't tell you what a relief that is.
Me siento aliviado.
You don't know what a relief it is to see you walk through that door.
No sabe lo que me alivia verla pasar por esa puerta.
Is that the only relief you can offer a man, laxative pills?
¿ Sólo es capaz de recetar eso?
Boy, is that a relief.
Vaya, menos mal.
I feel some relief now that I do not work or Albert But I know what it is.
Siento cierto alivio ahora que no tengo el trabajo ni a Albert, pero yo sé lo que es.
The only thing you can do with that fire is kill it with a relief hole, then go drill yourself another well.
Lo único que se puede hacer es acabarlo con un hoyo de desahogo... y después perforar otro pozo.
What a relief it is to know... that after tomorrow I'll never have to listen to you two again.
Qué alivio saber que desde mañana no volveré a oírles.
I can't tell you what a relief it is that you speak English.
Qué bien que hable inglés.
They say there's a great sense of relief that comes when something like this is over.
Dicen que se siente un gran Alivio Que llega al ser descubierto.
- Well, it's a great relief to know that the law is in such capable hands.
- Bien, es un gran alivio saber que la ley está en manos tan capaces.
Well... I'll admit that this money is a great relief.
Debo admitir que este dinero es de gran ayuda.
Oh, that is a great relief I am sure!
Ah, es un gran alivio, seguro.
I'm sure it will be a great relief to the dear Vicar to know that someone so professional, and so energetic is in charge of the case, Inspector, as indeed it is to me.
Estoy segura de que será un gran alivio para el Párroco, saber que alguien tan profesional y enérgico, está encargado de la investigación, Inspector. A mí me pasa lo mismo.
It's such a relief that Gabriel is here.
Si está borracho. Gabriel está aquí.
The reason we call it that is because ten cc's will make any man pray to God or... Or Allah, as the case may be, for relief from the pain.
Se llama así porque 10 cc hacen que cualquiera le pida a Dios o a Alá, como es el caso, que le libre del sufrimiento.
I can't tell you what a relief that is.
No te puedo explicar mi alivio.
That was Knut with a "K," so I was named after the king and not the salamander, which is something of a relief.
Knut con K, el nombre de un rey y no de salamandra en inglés lo que resulta un alivio.
But I suppose it is sort of a relief to at least know that it wasn't him who... killed her.
Pero supongo que es una especie de alivio saber por lo menos que no fue él quien la asesinó.
Although there's relief in most quarters that a new sovereign has been found... - - doubts remain as to whether the American - born king.. ... is cut from the proper cloth.
A pesar del alivio de haber encontrado un soberano, hay ciertas dudas de que este rey americano sea realmente indicado.
It ´ s been a long time since my last confessión. But the one thing I do remember is that feeling of relief, you know?
Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde mi última confesión pero lo único que recuerdo es esa sensación de alivio, ¿ sabe?
Yοu knοw... the fact that this cοuld have been an actual attempt οn her life is a great relief tο me.
El hecho de que esto pueda haber sido un intento de homicidio, Es un gran alivio para mí.
Gee, I can't tell you what a relief that is, Dick.
- Caramba, qué alivio... Dick.
With what's been going on, that is a major relief.
Sólo quería oírlo otra vez.
- That certainly is a great relief.
- Realmente es un gran alivio, Joel.
What I feel now is a strong sense of relief that I've done the right thing. Oh.
Lo que siento ahora es un intenso alivio por haber hecho lo correcto.
What I feel now is a strong sense of relief that I've done the right thing. Oh.
Lo que siento ahora es un gran alivio por haber hecho lo correcto.
Oh, God, that is such a relief.
Dios, qué alivio.
We had this thing, when we hurt, we sung for trial and tribulation, and for relief, we sung songs to God and this music that you hear today is the same songs that have been made popular around the world without any volition.
Cuando estábamos heridos cantábamos por aflicción y tribulación, y para aliviarnos, cantábamos a Dios, y esta música que hoy escuchamos es la misma canción que se ha hecho popular en todo el mundo sin ninguna voluntad.
That's a relief. I'm telling you guys, having a secret identity in this town is a job of work.
Tener una identidad secreta aquí es imposible.
Certainly is a relief to hear that.
Ciertamente es un alivio escuchar eso.
You don't know what a relief that is.
No sabes el alivio que siento.
I can't tell you what a relief that is for me.
No puedo explicarte el alivio que siento al escuchar eso.
That is such a relief to have somebody there that's, like, the icebreaker.
Es un alivio tener a alguien así, que sirva para romper el hielo.
I can't tell you what a relief that is for me.
No puedo decirte el alivio que me provoca.
Es una especie de alivio estar fuera de ese mundo.
Not to talk about how we'll approach minimum wage, Patients'Bill of Rights tax relief and education in the session that's about to begin is a criminally negligent and cowardly refusal to do what we were all sent here to do.
No hablar del salario mínimo ni del Proyecto de Pacientes ni de impuestos o educación en la sesión que va a comenzar es una negligencia criminal, es negarse a hacer lo que debemos.
That's a relief. Only 90 % of the planet is dependent on the stuff.
Es un alivio porque el 90 % del planeta depende de esta sustancia.
The idea of just walking away from all these people that are meant to be my best friends is a relief.
La idea de alejarme de estas personas que se supone que son mis mejores amigos es un alivio.
- A relief in the knowledge that someone else is alive.
Es un alivio pensar que no quede nadie vivo, podría ser estupendo.
"The fact that you can't visit me is, perhaps, a relief for both".
"El hecho de que no puedas visitarme es, tal vez, un alivio para ambos".
That is a relief.
Es un alivio.
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that is an order 68
that is ridiculous 146
that is enough 189
that is right 117
that is all 319
that is so cool 125
that is great 150
that is a lie 69
that is not the case 19
that is an order 68
that is ridiculous 146
that is enough 189
that is right 117
that is all 319
that is so cool 125
that is great 150
that is a lie 69
that is not the case 19