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That wasn't right traducir español

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Wasn't that the right thing?
¿ Eso no fue algo bueno?
It wasn't me, you should thank Eve, she wants to see you happy as quickly as possible, isn't that right Eve?
Debes agradecérselo a Eve, no a mí. Ella quiere verte feliz lo antes posible,
Well, that wasn't right.
Hicieron todo lo posible.
It struck me that the engine wasn't acting right.
Me pareció que el motor no funcionaba bien.
What have I done that wasn't honourable and right?
¿ Cree esa gentuza que puede injuriar a mi madre?
You weren't, you were running away, wasn't he, Helen? - That's right.
- ¡ No, estaba huyendo!
That wasn't right.
Eso no ha estado bien.
Well, that's all right... it wasn't me, some of the gang got talking
Bueno... tampoco fue idea mía, alguien del grupo lo comentó.
Say, that wasn't right, was it?
No estuvo bien, ¿ verdad?
I was all right until you asked for that match, wasn't I?
Todo iba muy bien hasta que pediste un fósforo, ¿ verdad?
If it wasn't for that publicity stunt of yours she'd be right here, wouldn't she, sitting on top of the world?
¿ Si no fuera por esa publicidad no estaria ella aqui sentada en la cima del mundo?
It wasn't my father's fault that the being he created... became a senseless, murderous monster. He was right.
Mi padre no tuvo la culpa de que el ser que creó... se volviera un monstruo asesino.
Oh, that's right. lt was a boy, wasn't it?
Un chico, ¿ no?
Wasn't that right, Papa?
¿ No estuvo bien, papá?
That rhino was mad, all right, wasn't he?
Ese rinoceronte estaba bien enfadado, ¿ a que sí?
That's what I mean. It wasn't all right.
- A eso me refiero, no era sólo café.
I knew right away that it wasn't ours, because we use finer purses.
En seguida he comprendido que no era nuestro porque usamos bolsos más finos.
That was all right, wasn't it?
Ha estado bien, ¿ no?
You know I wasn't sure that the villagers weren't right and if it did turn out to be some sort of supernatural monster, well why should I involve you?
No creía que los de la aldea tuvieran razón. Pero por si se trataba de algún monstruo sobrenatural no quise que se expusiera usted.
That's all right. It wasn't much.
- Oh, bueno, no fue gran cosa.
I wasn't hedging you off. I merely said that I thought - Oh, all right.
No te estaba chafando, simplemente dije que pensaba...
"I hope the hat is the right size, wasn't it like this that you wanted it?"
Espero que te quede bien el sombrero. ¿ No es el que querías?
It wasn't right for him to go off like that.
Claro que quiero. No estuvo bien marcharse así.
If it wasn't for me, you'd be tied up... with that broken down cowhand right now.
Si no fuera por mí, ahora estarías atada... a ese pobre vaquero.
Wasn't that all right?
¿ No estuvo bien?
I suddenly got a sneaking suspicion that she wasn't going back to the hotel... so I checked and found I was right.
This was a hatchet murder, wasn't it? That's right.
- En el asesinato se usó un hacha, ¿ no?
I took a risk to make a million. Wasn't that right for me?
Acepté un riesgo a cambio de un millón y crees que no hice bien, ¿ verdad?
And I wouldn't want to see you do anything that wasn't right. Ever.
Y no me gustaría que hicieras algo que no esté bien.
You know we wouldn't ask you to do anything that wasn't right. ─ Yes.
No te pediríamos que hicieras nada que no estuviera bien. - Sí, pero...
I wasn't here. Yeah, that's right.
No había nadie allí.
It wasn't anyone's fault, Bud. That's right.
No fue culpa de nadie, Bud.
I didn't say he wasn't right, but even so... is that the only way to handle it :
- No he dicho que no la tenga, pero... Aún así, ¿ es ésa la única forma de solucionarlo?
That's right. Too bad he wasn't re-elected.
Sí, lástima que no fuera reelegido.
You'd already offered to come away with me, hadn't you? And I decided that wasn't right.
Me habías ofrecido venirte conmigo, ¿ no es cierto?
That's right, Toulouse. My father wasn't a count.
- Eso es, mi padre no era un conde.
Cut! No, no! That wasn't right!
No, eso no va, Bert.
That was all right, wasn't it?
¿ Algún problema?
But the I saw that I couldn't do it... it wasn't right.
Luego vi que no podía, que no era justo.
From my arrival I knew that something wasn't right.
Desde que he llegado, sabía que algo no era normal.
Cherry wasn't right of me to do what I did to you, treating you that way.
Cherry... ... no está bien todo lo que te hice, tratarte así, arrastrarte...
Yes, as a matter of fact, there's hardly a canvas here... that wasn't done right in this house or within 100 yards of it.
Sí, a decir verdad, hay pocos cuadros aquí... que no fueron hechos en esta casa, o 100 metros a la redonda.
I could tell coming back from Lagny that something wasn't right.
Cuando volvíamos de Lagny le note algo extraño...
That's right, it wasn't Kay.
Es verdad, no era Kay.
You gotta believe that. All right, it wasn't only you.
No fui yo sólo tiene que creerme.
That's right, it wasn't.
Tienes razón, no lo es.
- That's all right. - No, it wasn't. I want to explain.
- oh, no fue nada - si lo fue... quisiera explicarle verá, habia un chico en la fuerza al que le tenia mucho afecto y lo pesqué engañandome con una chica Japonesa... entonces, soy muy sensible en lo que respecta a las orientales
If he wasn't to get classified and it wasn't your fault, that'd be all right, wouldn't it?
Si no lo clasifican y no fuera su culpa, todo estaría bien, ¿ no?
There wasn't anything like that, right OR left.
No había nada así ni a derecha ni a izquierda.
That's right. What if it wasn't him?
Sí. ¿ Y si no es él?
To inform the right authorities of my discovery in order to confirm that the potion wasn't deadly, and to testify of the positive outcome before my colleagues.
'lComunicar mi descubrimiento a una autoridad susceptible de confirmar'imi certeza de que el brebaje en cuestión no era letal y,... 'la continuación, si era positivo, aportar... 'imi testimonio a mis colegas.

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