There are people traducir español
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You do realize there are people trying to kill you, right?
Te das cuenta de que hay gente intentando matarte, ¿ verdad?
There are people who need to know that Congressman Ames is safe.
Hay gente que necesita saber que el Congresista Ames está a salvo.
There are people who care about you, who can love you.
Hay personas que se preocupan por ti, que pueden quererte.
Not when there are people like Luke Hulton.
No cuando hay gente como Luke Hulton.
There are people there like us.
Ahí hay gente como nosotros.
Well, Miss, there are people here that even God is afraid of.
Bueno, señorita, hay gente aquí. Que hasta Dios les teme.
- There are people you don't like.
- Hay gente que a ti no te gusta.
There are people in this room who are going to make an ungodly sum of money. Who wants to be a millionaire?
Hay gente en esta sala que hará una escandalosa suma de dinero.
And there are people that escape responsibility because they're able to mount a really effective defense.
Y luego hay personas que eluden responsabilidades porque han sido capaces de crear una defensa realmente efectiva.
The hoax is that there are people who are so arrogant that they think they have the power to change climate.
El engaño es que hay gente que es tan arrogante... que cree que tiene el poder para cambiar el clima.
And don't you think there are people who would love to get back at your mother?
¿ Y no crees que haya personas a quienes le encantaría volver sobre tu madre?
We also realized that improving public spaces, encouraging people to walk, they take to the streets, and there are more of public life.
También hemos descubierto que si pones más sitios que inviten a la gente a relacionarse y a caminar, entonces habrá más gente que ande y se relacionará más.
There's all Germany from one side, and the German Parliament on the other side, in which people are brought through elections.
Por un lado tenemos Alemania entera y, por el otro, el parlamento alemán. Las elecciones son las que llevan allí a la gente.
Yes, I hear there are some people out there who still feel good about themselves.
Sí, escuché que hay algunas personas por ahí que todavía se sienten bien con ellos mismos.
- How many people are out there?
- ¿ Cuánta gente hay afuera?
Oh, not to worry, there are places where those people can be warehoused.
Oh, no se preocupe, hay lugares donde esas personas puede ser almacenadas.
I'm reminded that there are good places for bad people.
Me recuerda que hay lugares buenos para gente mala.
We want people to know that coming out is for everyone. - There are lots of options for coming out, And we're here to help you find a sexuality
Hay un montón de opciones, y estamos aquí para ayudarlos a encontrar una sexualidad que les funcione.
There are some people who...
Hay algunas personas que...
There are also some people who need someone to let them fall.
También están esas personas que necesitan de alguien que los deje caer.
People are getting sick out there.
La gente se está poniendo enferma por ahí.
People are dying out there, Ronnie, and I cannot...
La gente se está muriendo por ahí, Ronnie, y no puedo...
Oh, yes, so different from what all those white people over there are doing.
Sí, muy diferente... de lo que esa gente blanca de ahí está haciendo.
There are so many other people die of hunger.
Hay tantas otras personas mueren de hambre.
What if there are other people still alive out there, Toby?
¿ Qué pasa si aun hay otras personas con vida ahí afuera, Toby?
( Mark ) there are dangerous men out there, Really dangerous men, and they're planning To hurt a lot of innocent people.
Hay hombres peligrosos allí afuera, hombres realmente peligrosos, y están planeando herir a mucha gente inocente.
You know, there are cases of people who accidentally murdered their entire family while in a night terror.
Tu sabes, ha habido casos de personas que han asesinado a toda su familia bajo un terror nocturno.
There are a lot of white people.
Hay una gran cantidad de personas de raza blanca.
Okay, there are plenty of people out there right now that still need our help.
De acuerdo, mira, hay mucha gente por ahí. Ahora que todavía necesitan nuestra ayuda.
jeff : Will, jenn says there jeff : Will, jenn says there are some people that aren't
Y eso es un gran problema ahora porque lo que necesitamos es mantener la tribu fuerte.
The ones we have a zillion of but are somehow never there when people need them?
¿ De las que hay un montón pero por alguna razón no hay cuando la gente las necesita?
Bob and Susan were in a concerted campaign to plant these ideas out there, and already people are starting to pick up on them.
Bob y Susan estaban en plena campaña para plantar estas ideas, y la gente ya estaba comenzando a creerlas.
Well, one of the things we know is that there are only two people who made collect calls to the Durst Organization.
Bueno, una de las cosas que sabemos es que solo hay dos personas que hacen llamadas por cobrar a Durst Organization.
Those are my people in there.
La gente que hay dentro es mi gente.
Cass, there are dangerous people looking for her.
Cass, hay gente peligrosa buscándola.
- Are there other people after Hans?
- ¿ Hay otra persona tras Hans?
Zoom in and see if there are more people in the car. - I can get a little closer.
¿ Puedes ampliar para ver si hay alguien más en la camioneta?
I'm sorry, but those people out there are judging us on every word we say and every move we make.
Lo siento, pero estas personas nos estan juzgando por cada palabra que decimos y por cada movimiento que hacemos
– I'll see if there are still people.
- Voy a ver si hay gente.
There are just so many people in this room who made this day possible.
Mucha gente que está hoy aquí hizo esto posible.
There are a lot of people who love you as well, ♬ The things that are taking over me aren't the bastards living inside me ♬
Hay muchas personas que la aman, también, ♬ Las cosas que se están apoderando de mí, no son los bastardos que viven dentro de mí. ♬
Your eyes are telling us that you believe it should be you out there pandering to the good people of Virginia.
Tus ojos nos están diciendo que crees que deberías ser tú el que deberías estar representando a la buena gente de Virginia.
There are more than enough people around to hate that man.
Existen personas de sobra por ahí para odiar a ese hombre.
There are some people that, no matter how much money they threw at the case, were convicted and shouldn't have been.
Hay mucha gente que, no importa cuánto dinero derrochen en el caso, son condenados y no deberían haberlo sido.
There are times when I'm in a situation where I, I will have people staring at me.
Hay veces que estoy en algún sitio donde hay gente que se me queda mirando
Well, she's running from her past and there are some people after her.
Hmm, bueno, está huyendo de su pasado y hay algunas personas tras ella.
And in the meantime, the other infected people... are they... safer without her there to lead them?
Y mientras tanto, ¿ el resto de los infectados estarían... - más seguros sin ella guiándolos?
There are dangerous men out there, really dangerous men, and they're planning to hurt a lot of innocent people.
Hay hombres peligrosos allá afuera, hombres muy peligrosos, y planean herir a mucha gente inocente.
The organizers say the access to the backstage is pretty limited- - the only people allowed back there are the crew and the performers.
Los organizadores dicen que el acceso entre bastidores es muy limitado, los únicos que tenían permiso era el equipo y los artistas.
Yeah, there are many of those where people live.
Sí, hay muchas de esas donde la gente vive.
Let tell you something, Henry. There are a lot of people doing what I do, so that they can recover.
Hay mucha gente haciendo lo que hago, para que puedan recuperarse.
there are people here 16
there are people out there 16
there aren't any 65
there aren't 60
there are 1232
there are no rules 58
there are some 34
there are no accidents 24
there are no words 34
there are no 25
there are people out there 16
there aren't any 65
there aren't 60
there are 1232
there are no rules 58
there are some 34
there are no accidents 24
there are no words 34
there are no 25
there are many 28
there are three 23
there are so many 43
there are none 51
there are two 35
there are only 79
there are more than 22
there are other options 24
there are limits 31
there are more 31
there are three 23
there are so many 43
there are none 51
there are two 35
there are only 79
there are more than 22
there are other options 24
there are limits 31
there are more 31