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There was a witness traducir español

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There was a witness but he can't talk.
Hubo un testigo pero no puede hablar.
I told you, there was a witness.
Le dije que había un testigo.
There was a witness to the murder, a man who used to work on Terminal Dock.
Hubo un testigo en el homicidio. Un ex empleado del Muelle Terminal.
There was a witness.
Os vieron, os oyeron.
There was a witness at the trial named Fletcher.
Había un testigo en el juicio llamado Fletcher.
There was a witness.
Hubo un testigo
Unfortunately, there was a witness.
- Desgraciadamente, hay un testigo que lo vio.
Why didn't you say that there was a witness around... when you killed the old man?
¿ Por qué no dijiste que había un testigo... de cuando mataste al viejo?
- There was a witness to the murder.
- Alguien vio al asesino.
And supposing there was a witness to the murder.
Y suponga que alguien presenció el asesinato.
Except that in Paris, there was a witness.
- Excepto que en París hubo un testigo.
There was a witness to my presence.
Hay un testigo en contra mía :
There was a witness... That hitchhiker.
Recogí a la testigo en la carretera :
- There was a witness.
- Había un testigo.
That's strange because there was a witness that you have seen the boy talk outside.
Lo raro, es que un testigo lo vio hablando con el chico afuera de la farmacia anoche.
We have heard that there was a witness.
Hemos oído que había un testigo.
There was a witness, and you know who she is.
Había un testigo. Y tu sabes quien es ella.
On that night, there was a witness. A witness that has yet to come forward.
Esa noche hubo un testigo, un testigo que todavía no se ha presentado.
the man is guilty, there was a witness.
el hombre es culpable, hubo un testigo.
So there was a witness?
- Entonces hubo un testigo.
I hear there was a witness, a farmer or something.
Oí que tienen un testigo, un agricultor o algo así.
You knew there was a witness, a farmer.
Sabías que había un testigo, un agricultor.
you had a witness. Brunton was there, sleeping off his drunk.
Brunton estaba allí, durmiendo su borrachera.
There was, I believe, a girl of about 12, outwardly very fair and innocent looking... but so deeply had the detested roots of heresy been implanted even in this child... that she refused to bear witness against her parents... and it was necessary to hoist her onto the strappado where she was —
Había una niña de unos doce años. Una criatura de aspecto inocente. Tenía tan dentro la raíz de la herejía que se negó a testificar en contra de sus padres.
A witness said that there was a thief with pants of cavalier! - I have only these!
Hay un testigo que vio a uno de los atracadores con calzones tipo jinete.
Mr. Witness, I'd rather go out of this world standing on my two hind legs... fighting like a man for things I believe in, than to yield and concede and crawl... till there was nothing left of our freedoms and way of life... but a handful of lost dreams and a fistful of dry dust.
Sr. Testigo, preferiría irme de este mundo parado en mis dos patas traseras peleando como hombre por lo que creo, y no ceder y conceder y arrastrarme hasta que no quedara nada de nuestras libertades y estilo de vida sino un puñado de sueños perdidos y polvo seco.
There was a witness.
Hubo un testigo.
And a witness who was there... says he saw it all.
Y un testigo que estaba allí... Dice que lo vio todo.
Not so fast, there was... a witness, Thelma someone-or-other. She saw it all.
No es difícil, recuerde que había... un testigo, una tal Thelma nosequé.
The witness here in the flesh, Mrs. Rita Zigai claims that on the afternoon of the crime exactly on March 28th, 1972, from 5 to 8 pm contrary to your statements there was no meeting which Mario Boni had talks.
La testigo, Sra. Rita Zigai, aquí presente sostiene que en la tarde del crimen el 28 de marzo de 1972, de las 5 a las 8 y contrariamente a lo antes afirmado no hubo ninguna reunión en la que Mario Boni participara.
There's a witness who was out fishing in a boat, lieutenant.
Hay un testigo... Uno que pescaba por aquí cerca.
There is no way in the world that you could have assumed that this man... this witness was blind unless, of course... you had seen this man that day.
No hay forma de que pueda suponer que este hombre este testigo era ciego, a menos que, por supuesto hubiera visto a este hombre ese día.
You said there was one witness - a little girl.
Dice que hubo un testigo. Una niña.
He was able to blackmail me'cause there was no one around who could be a witness.
Fue capaz de chantajearme porque no había testigos.
It's simply not possible that I was the only attorney in the room who knew that we were sitting there, allowing our witness to commit perjury.
Es sencillamente imposible que yo fuera el único abogado en esa sala que supiera que estábamos permitiéndole a nuestro testigo cometer perjurio.
Since there was no longer any witness... the State had no grounds to retry Beamer.
Pero como ya no había un testigo ocular, el estado no podía volver a juzgar a Beamer.
Just as it was normal that for everyone behind whom the gate of Treblinka closed, there was death, had to be death, for no one was supposed to be left to bear witness.
A causa del recuerdo, de todo lo que había sido vivido y compartido : Alegrías, felicidades, nacimientos, matrimonios, y todo el resto... Y de pronto, en un segundo, destrozar todo eso, para nada, sin razón, pues esas gentes no eran culpables de nada, sino de ser judíos.
I've got a witness. Okay, Somebody else who was there. I don't want to bring her into this unless there's no other way.
Tengo una testigo, pero no quiero involucrarla.
There's a good chance, I think, that he was a witness to the, uh, crime.
Pienso en la posibilidad, él fue testigo de el crimen.
There was a witness?
¿ Había un testigo?
My face bled, my stomach burned, from the savage blows but it was nothing to the bleeding of my heart, page 245. And there's a witness, Mrs. Klein, the prizefighter Steve Dixie who will testify against you.
Mi cara sangrada mi estomago ardiendo del aliento salvaje pero no decía nada del sangrado de mi corazón página 245 y hay un testigo, Sra. Klein el boxeador Steve Dixie el cual testificará en contra suya.
You said there was one witness - a little girl.
Dijo que había un testigo. Una niña.
I mean, no one was there to witness the beginning, but we're gonna be there at the end.
Me refiero a que nadie estuvo allí para presenciar el comienzo, pero nosotros estaremos para ver el final.
On the Beechum case, was there a record of a kid who was a witness?
¿ Aparece un chico como testigo en el caso Beechum?
There was no food or wrappers found in the car and one witness said the Mustang was a hardtop.
Y un testigo dijo que no era descapotable.
To the medieval mind, there was nothing more serious than an oath, and the tapestry maker makes it clear that this was a religious act by having a witness point to the word "Sacramentum".
Para la mentalidad medieval, no había nada más serio que un juramento, y el creador del tapiz deja claro que fue un acto religioso colocando a un testigo que señala a la palabra "Sacramentum".
But I was, like, there, so some would consider that I was a witness or some shit.
No tuve nada que ver pero estuve ahí, alguien podría decir que soy testigo.
There was a lot of fighting there in 1973. Did they witness it?
Allí hubo muchos conflictos en 1973. ¿ Lo vivieron?
And if he came from, uh... Now, I know there was a-a-a guy, a witness.
Y si el vino desde ahora, sé que había un chico, un testigo.
I got mixed up in a robbery, but I was just there, a witness.
Fui testigo de un atraco. Pero sólo testigo. Bueno, entonces compórtate como tal.
There was a last-minute slip-up with the witness, a woman visiting the hospice agreed to step in.
A última hora hubo un problema con un testigo, Una mujer que estaba en el hospicio aceptó suplirlo.

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