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There were over traducir español

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There were over 400 separate burns
Había mas de cuatrocientas quemaduras.
There were over 40 political murders last weekend.
Hubieron más de 40 asesinatos politicos el fin de semana pasado
Every time the monster attacked other subjects, there were high-pitched sounds over 25KHz, and similar waveforms.
Sí, En todos los lugares donde el monstruo atacó había una fuente de sonido por encima de los 25K.
When I went to bed, there were black clouds over my bed!
Cuando iba a acostarme, había nubes negras sobre mi cama.
Maybe not right then or right there, but they were 10 or 20 times over.
Tal vez, no en ese momento ni allí pero estuvieron 10 o 20 veces por allí.
He and Mary were in there cutting and I just... wandered over by the door.
Mary y él estaban editando... ... y yo simplemente me asomé a la puerta.
That's why I remember, as if it were today... that when I arrived, at 7 years of age... in there, seeing those men... fighting to get in and over seats... and the place was packed, it was something really fantastic... that increased the existing popularity of boxing in Barcelona.
Por eso recuerdo perfectamente, como si fuese ahora, cuando llegué, toda aquella gente y ver yo, con 7 años, allí dentro, como los hombres se peleaban por entrar y las localidades que se llenaban, fue algo fantástico que aumentó mucho la popularidad que ya tenía el boxeo en Barcelona.
Um, Mr. President, there were a few guidelines... from Director Stanton that I wanted to go over with you in this meeting.
Sr. Presidente, el director Stanton estableció pautas que quiero revisar con Ud.
If I were you, I'd go over there and apologize.
¿ Por qué?
There's a picture over there when you were a baby, it's only eight months old.
Y hay una foto allí de cuando eras un bebé... hace sólo 8 meses.
There were many more like them all over the world, but now there's just a handful, all on their way to Sunnydale.
Había muchas más como ellas por el mundo, pero ahora sólo hay unas pocas, y están en camino a Sunnydale.
There was a.05 % chance that you were... gonna lean over and kiss me right then.
Había un 0,05 % de probabilidades... de que te acercaras a mí y me besaras en ese momento
If you were thinking of going over there and working your mojo on Dougie, think again. Ladies and gentlemen, let's hear it for our new champion, the Curvaceous Killer!
Damas y caballeros, aplaudan a nuestra nueva campeona... la Asesina Curvilínea
But really, you were going over there to make things more complicated.
Pero fuiste a complicar las cosas.
Martin, you were supposed to stay over there.
Martín. Se suponía que tenía que quedarse allí.
Were you gonna tell me that you went over there?
¿ Pensabas contarme que has dormido allí?
There were police all over the place.
La policía estaba por todas partes.
There were a couple of little kids over there... and they were looking at this tape that's kind of mature.
Había unos niños sentados por allí... que estaban viendo una cinta que era para adultos.
All over the empire, there were men who hated their part in it as heartily as he did, but were trapped in a conspiracy of silence or the cowardice of acquiescence.
Por todo el imperio, había hombres que odiaban su parte en el imperio tanto como él, pero estaban atrapados en una conspiración de silencio, o cobardía, o aquiescencia.
They were heading towards the gate over there.
Se dirigía hacia la puerta, por allí.
And there were marks on the wall like somebody used a lever to knock that case over.
Y había marcas en la pared, como si hubiesen usado una palanca para voltearlo.
There were duplicate copies all over the office that he didn't even touch.
El tipo era un imbécil. Habían copias del expediente en toda la oficina que ni siquiera tocó.
Allí estábamos nosotras con nuestras motos justo al sur del "Gran Sur" en la carretera de la costa cuando ese poli nos hizo que nos echásemos a un lado.
The military did all kinds of things to those boys while they were over there.
¡ El ejercito! Les hicieron a aquellos chicos toda clase de cosas.
Over here was the checkout counter and there were people there, and I can't remember what else.
Allí estaba el mostrador y había gente ahí, y no recuerdo más.
I mean, there were all these guys in suits, and women all over them.
Es decir, estaban todos estos tipos de traje y las mujeres encima de ellos.
Honestly when we were over Honestly when we were over there, Gabe was probably the there, Gabe was probably the strongest member of our team strongest member of our team over there, he did everything. over there, he did everything.
La verdad, cuando estábamos allí, Gabe era probablemente el más fuerte del equipo, hacía de todo.
Gabe had written Paschal a Gabe had written Paschal a poem while they were all over poem while they were all over there at Rotu the first ten there at Rotu the first ten days. days.
Gabe le había escrito un poema a Paschal cuando estaban en Rotu, los 10 primeros días.
new shape. And there is definitely some And there is definitely some undercurrent alliance that's undercurrent alliance that's been formed while we were over been formed while we were over at Maraamu.
Y está claro que hay una alianza subterránea que se ha formado mientras estábamos en Maraamu.
You know what I admired about you back when we were over there?
¿ Sabes que admiraba de ti cuando estábamos allí?
AMANDA PEET : If we were to hear tomorrow that supersymmetry was discovered, there would be parties all over the planet.
"Si supieramos mañana que se habia descubierto la supersimetría, habría fiestas por todo el planeta."
And the light in the church must have been on the whole time you were walking over there.
Y la luz en la iglesia debió estar encendida en ese tiempo... mientras caminaba hacia allí.
Females put themselves between me and their young to protect them... but over time, we started gaining the group's confidence... until there were moments when the young ones were around my camera... very near me, and females stayed 40, 50 feet away, just watching.
Las hembras se interponían entre las crías y yo para protegerlos... y con el tiempo, nos fuimos ganando la confianza del grupo... hasta tener momentos en que las crías rodeaban mi cámara... llegaron junto a mí, y las hembras estaban a 10, 15 m, sólo observando.
There's those fellers who were hunting over at our place a while back.
Hay los taladores que estaban cazando en nuestra casa hace un tiempo.
"She quickly covered the distance to the dog pen over what, now the buildings were gone, could scarcely be called a street," "and certainly not Elm Street as there wasn't a tree left on Dogville's little mountain ledge,"
Rápidamente cubrió la distancia al corral del perro sobre la que, ahora que las casas habían desaparecido, difícilmente podía ser llamada "calle", y, ciertamente no "Calle del Olmo", ya que no quedaba ningún árbol en la pequeña ladera de la montaña de Dogville,
The French, meanwhile, were advancing, trying to drive them out of there, in this direction over the river, past the monastery and up and over to the heights here.
Mientras tanto los franceses, avanzaban, tratando de dirigirlos fuera de ahí, en esta dirección cerca del río, pasando el monasterio y subiendo hasta esta altura.
You over there were grabbing your seat belt!
Estabas aferrado al cinturón de seguridad.
My daughter, she has long hair we were staying right over there a few minutes ago.
Mi hija, ella tiene el cabello largo estabamos en esa mesa hace unos minutos. No la ha visto?
No, there were little bottles of booze all over the room.
Había botellitas de bebida en toda la habitación.
What the hell were you doing over there?
¿ Qué diablos estabas haciendo allí?
Tia, after the show got over, when you were no longer with me... I felt as if there was a huge void in my life
Tia, después de que terminará el espectaculo, cuando ya no estabas conmigo... sentí que había un gran vacío en mi vida
And, and I had been looking over on the other side of his bed to Marina his daughter and, and uh I glanced at Hank and there were um, he was emitting from his mouth um little puffs like puh, puh, just gentle
sacando arte de ello. En Marzo de 1993, a Bukowski le diagnosticaron leucemia. Combatió la enfermedad durante un año.
And then over the course of time we developed a situation where we found out that there was not only sexual touching of the genitals, but there were acts of sodomy, oral and anal sodomy, that took place during the course of the class.
Con el tiempo, pudimos averiguar... que no sólo les tocaba los genitales, sino también había actos de sodomía oral y anal... que ocurrían durante las clases.
For example, there was one complainant 10-year-old boy says he came to class in the spring of 1986 and during this 10-week session where he was only over my house for an hour and a half once a week he says that there were 31 instances of sexual contact.
Por ejemplo, había un reclamante de 10 años. Dice que fue a clase en la primavera del 86. Y durante 10 semanas, en las que estuvo en casa hora y media a la semana, dice que hubo 31 casos de contacto sexual.
In 1988, there was no way that a jury in Nassau County who had been reading the newspaper headlines in "Newsday" for over a year those people were never going to listen to anything the defense had to say
En 1988, no había forma... de que un jurado de Nassau... que había leído los titulares en la prensa todo el año... Esa gente no iba a escuchar nada de lo que dijera la defensa.
While those chumps were drooling over Miss H... he went there, smart as ever, and got a little money for us.
Mientras aquellos zoquetes se babeaban por la señorita H... él fue allí, elegante como nunca, y consiguió algo de dinero para nosotros.
Those seats over there were reserved for important people.
Había asientos reservados a las personas más importantes.
"Things were bad over there".
Las cosas estaban mal allí.
I'm pretty sure that I was over here. So when you came in, were the policemen already there?
estoy seguro que estaba aqui entonces.. cuando entraste, estaba el policia ahi?
My history You were over there...
Mi historia estaba allí...
You've got ed, dr. Dre And ed lover over there. They were the original
Tienen a Dr. Dre y Ed Lover por allí.

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