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They're just people traducir español

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Why can't you just tell them, all right, that we're not the people that they think we are?
¿ Por qué simplemente no se lo cuenta, de acuerdo, que no somos la gente que ellos creen que somos?
They're just hungry people and ignorant, Mr. Pastor...
Son sólo gente hambrienta e ignorante, sr. Pastor...
They didn't do anything. They're just natural ordinary people.
No hicieron nada, son personas normales.
They're up here from down home to see me, just like if we were playing New York, all the people from the Bowery would come to see you.
Son mis paisanos. Imagina que estuvieras en Nueva York. Como si todo el Bowery te viera.
People just think they are, but they're not, see?
La gente cree que sí, pero no. ¿ Entendéis?
They're just the people I want to see.
Son exactamente las personas a las que quería ver.
They're just comedians, theater people!
Son cómicos, gente de teatro que no...
Oh, that's where some people don't like other people just because they're Jews.
Es cuando la gente odia a cierta gente por ser judíos.
They're just from people.
Simplemente son de la gente.
They're just good at scaring people.
sólo intenta asustar a Ia gente.
- They're all people, just like anyone else. - That's right.
O sea, son todas personas... como las demás.
They're just a defeated people, Mr. Balfour.
- Sólo son personas derrotadas.
Just because they're officials, some people think you have nothing to do but receive them.
Sólo porque son funcionarios, algunos creen que es su deber recibirlos.
Now, take it easy, Son. They're not gonna use a complicated device like this just to kill people.
No te preocupes, chico, no usarían aparatos tan complicados solo para matar a la gente.
You know, Wendy, nowadays, you simply cannot afford to dismiss people just because they're not one's sort.
Gwendolyn, hoy en día, no se puede despreciar a la gente... sólo porque no son de nuestra clase.
Some people, when they get to that point... where they realize that they're getting nowhere... they just kill themselves.
Ha habido personas, llegadas a un estado... en el que comprendían que no iban a ninguna parte... que se sucidaron.
At home the people agitate against Rome and in Rome they say that our land is a kingdom of heretics and that I am a King of heretics. They're just waiting to be able to invade us.
En casa el pueblo se agita contra Roma y en Roma dicen que este es un reino de herejes y que yo soy un rey de herejes.
I figure two people get married and they're gonna live together 40, 50 years, so it's gotta be more than whether they're just good-lookin'or not.
Cuando dos personas se casan, viven juntas 40 ó 50 años. Tiene que haber algo más importante que el aspecto exterior.
They're just people like us.
Son solo gente igual que nosotros.
People don't listen when they're eating, but we play just the same.
Tampoco nos escuchan mientras comen y seguimos tocando.
You think they know we're just two poor people?
¿ Crees que ellos saben que somos dos muertos de hambre?
They're just people.
Son gente normal.
Big-city people have got a coat of hard varnish, but underneath, they're just as sick and scared as anybody else.
La gente de ciudad tiene una capa de barniz duro, pero por dentro están tan enfermos y asustados como cualquiera.
They're just poor, miserable people.
Son unos pobres desgraciados.
Just whisper your opinion to me because we're still in time to throw them out, you know? Honestly, Your Majesty, they seem like serious people.
Está aquí, ¿ lo ves?
We just throw it on, people hear it, they come, and we're out.
La haremos sonar, la gente la oirá ; vendrán y saldremos de aquí.
I mean, if two people just start out being nice to each other if they're just concerned about what happens to each other that's all... and they're just nice... then I think it happens.
Digo, si dos personas comienzan siendo amables entre ellos si les preocupa lo que le pase al otro y eso es todo... y son amables... creo que puede pasar.
Itiswhat we were talking about - me having to make a living for three people while they're just swiping apples and running up and down the street.
Es de lo que estábamos hablando -... de mí teniéndome que ocupar de tres personas mientras ellos sólo roban manzanas y corren por la calle.
I'm just smiling, thinking about all the poor human beings who allow themselves to love, whether they're artists or famous people or not.
Sonrío al pensar en toda esa pobre gente que se permite amar, a pesar de no ser ni artistas ni famosos.
He cares about people just because they're people!
¡ Él se preocupa por la gente sólo porqué son personas!
- They're just kind, hospitable people.
- Sólo son gente amable y hospitalaria.
And I'm gonna wear it, and people - boy howdy, they're gonna look up to me... just like your brothers.
Y voy a usarlo, y el muchacho personas - Howdy, van a mirar a mí... Al igual que sus hermanos.
Then they're single again and they just live on their own without any commitments... not like people :
Entonces vuelven a ser solteros y viven sólo para ellos sin ninguna responsabilidad, no como la gente.
I guess they're just not used to Earth people, but can you imagine anyone being afraid of us?
Será que no conocen a los terrícolas... pero no veo cómo alguien pueda tenernos miedo.
I've invited so many people to my party they're just gonna spill out of the house.
Invité tanta gente a mi fiesta... que no van a entrar en la casa.
You mean to tell me your people just walk into a disintegration machine when they're told to?
¿ Trata de decirme que su gente entra en una máquina de desintegración cuando se lo ordenan?
No, not just our relations. They're from all sorts of people in the village.
No, no sólo de nuestros parientes también de todas las personas de la aldea.
The rich who go mad are not here, they're hidden in private clinics... of course it's understandable... just imagine if poor people realized that even the rich go crazy!
A los locos ricos no los tienen aquí, no, no. Ellos están escondidos en las clínicas privadas. Es la manera, ¿ entiendes?
They're all just normal people.
- ¡ No, no es eso!
People don't faint just cause they're goin'to have a baby.
¡ La gente no se desmaya sólo porque vayan a tener un bebé!
They're just lovely people.
Qué gente tan hermosa.
They're a lot of people that just won't talk about him.
Hay mucha gente que no quiere hablar de él.
We're fresh out of jail, the three of us, and I don't know, you tell that to people and they just turn a deaf ear on ya.
Acabamos de salir de la cárcel, los tres, y no se, se lo dices a la gente y entonces hacen oídos sordos.
How long before they see that we're just people?
¿ Cuánto tiempo antes de que vean que sólo somos personas?
Black people want dope, and brown people want dope, and as long as people are deprived of a decent life, they're gonna want something to just plain feel good with.
Los negros quieren drogas, los pobres quieren droga. Y mientras esta gente no tenga una vida decente, van a querer algo que simplemente los haga sentirse bien.
You know that most people, when they're around a murder, they just don't stop to do anything like that.
La mayoría de la gente, si hay un asesinato no se toma el tiempo de hacer esas cosas.
But people don't buy things just because they're good.
Pero la gente no compra cosas sólo porque sean buenas.
What do you call people... who, when they're faced with a condition of fear... do nothing about it, they just run and hide?
¿ Cómo se le llama a las personas que, cuando enfrentan el miedo no hacen nada, sólo huyen y se esconden?
No lo sé.
Sólo gente.
They're not just dads. They're all people with pricks.
No sólo son padres, son gente con pollas.

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