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They know each other traducir español

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But big as it is, and dynamic as it is, people are rubbing up against each other all the time. And they know each other's space.
Pero tan grande como es y tan dinámica como es, que la gente se roza unos a otros todo el tiempo, todos conocen el espacio del otro.
They know each other, they are friends.
Posiblemente sean buena gente, pero de otro mundo.
But now that they know each other, even if they are separated, they will find each other again one day.
Pero se conocen y si se les separa, volverán a encontrarse.
It's funny how people sometimes think they know each other.
Es raro cómo algunas personas creen haberse conocido.
They know each other well.
Se conocen muy bien.
Once they know each other, we'll tell her.
Cuando ya se conozcan, si existe una mutua simpatía entonces ya le explicaremos algo.
They get to know each other.
Llegan a hacerse amigos.
You know people do outgrow each other, just like they do clothes.
Ya sabes, la gente madura de forma diferente, como pasa con la ropa.
You know, if some people saw us like this, they might think that we were... that we liked each other. Yes, they might.
Si alguien nos viese así, podría pensar que estamos que estamos enamorados.
You know, if some people saw us like this, they might think that we were... that we liked each other.
Si alguien nos viese así, podría pensar que estamos que estamos enamorados.
Apparently they liked each other, you know
Aparentemente se querían, ya sabes.
I don't know, except they can't live without each other.
No lo sé. Sólo sé que no pueden vivir la una sin la otra.
Well, you know, I think when people dance well together it's because they're sympathetic to each other.
Creo que cuando dos personas bailan bien juntos es porque se llevan bien entre ellos.
I don't know how they live with each other!
No sé cómo se soportan.
Now, it's perfectly all right for a couple of strangers to get married, But they've got to know each other before they get a divorce.
Es perfectamente correcto para un par de extraños que se han casado, pero deben conocerse el uno al otro antes de divorciarse.
But people really should know each other before they get... Before they decide to break it up.
Pero las personas deberían realmente conocerse antes de... antes de decidir romper.
You know, they use them to signal each other.
Sabes que las utilizan para hacerse señales.
But the general idea is that they try to get us all confused and scared and sore at each other and then before you know it, clamp, the handcuffs are on us.
Pero la idea general es que nos tratan de confundir y asustar y enojarnos con el prójimo y cuando te das cuenta, ya tenemos puestas las esposas.
- Were we? Why, Edie, they did know each other in Australia.
- Sí se conocieron en Australia.
But they don't even know each other, do they, or more than casually?
Pero ni siquiera se conocen, sólo casualmente.
Well, you know, all those fellows, they steal from each other.
Bueno, ya sabes, todos esos se roban las canciones.
I wonder if they'll ever meet and know each other.
Me pregunto si llegarán a conocerse.
They were terrible years, and I don't know what we should have done if we hadn't had each other.
Fueron unos años terribles. No sé qué habríamos hecho el uno sin el otro.
So the only way they know how to fight... is to hold a long stick and beat each other on the shins and legs with it.
Así que la única forma que saben de pelear es coger un palo largo y golpearse en las espinillas y las piernas con él.
They haven't told each other about it, so neither one of them know it.
¿ Es verdad? Ninguno de los dos hablo sobre eso. Por lo tanto, no saben.
I know they both were crazy about each other.
Sé que estaban locamente enamorados.
They're getting to know each other.
- Se están conociendo.
What is it that makes a man and woman know it or the men and women in the world they belong to each other?
¿ Qué hace que un hombre y una mujer sepan que, entre todas las demás personas, se pertenecen el uno al otro?
They don't even know each other, but they share the same room.
Ni siquiera se conocen, pero comparten la misma clase.
But they never really got to know each other.
Pero nunca se pudieron conocer realmente.
Walter has never seen him before But when the fight is over They will know a lot about each other
Walter nunca le ha visto antes, pero cuando termine el combate se conocerán a fondo el uno al otro.
When that baby is born, they'll know that you and I were seeing each other long before the killing.
Escucha,... esto es lo que ocurrirá... Quando nazca el bebé sabrán que nos veíamos antes del accidente.
They're playing it like they don't know each other, but it's an old act any cop could spot, so I listened.
Hacen como que no se conocen... pero eso cualquier policía lo descubriría, así que escuché.
- Did they seem to know each other?
¿ Parecen conocerse?
[Franz] As nearly as I can understand, they want to know how the Martians, if they use cosmic power for everything, are kept from blowing each other to bits.
Parece que quieren saber cómo los marcianos, que tienen acceso a la energía cósmica, consiguen no volarse en pedazos.
You know, some boys and girls, when they dance, pay attention to each other.
¿ Sabes? Los hay... que cuando bailan se hacen caso.
They will respect each other, you know?
Se respetan entre ellos, ¿ sabes?
It can also happen like this - two people meet each other and right away they know.
También podría ser que dos personas se conocen y enseguida saben...
But they don't know each other.
Pero ellos dos no se conoces.
They might get real serious about each other... and before you know it, I got me a new brother.
Puede que hasta acaben enamorándose... y antes de darme cuenta, tenga un nuevo hermano.
I also know that they cannot exist... if they're cut off from each other by suspicion and fear... each in its own loneliness... as no human being can exist, in his own loneliness.
También sé que no pueden existir... si están aislados uno del otro por la sospecha y el miedo... cada uno con su propia soledad... como ningún ser humano puede existir con su propia soledad.
I don't want them to know about each other till they get there.
Que no se vean hasta que estén allí.
They don't know each other directly... but a waiter named Shimazaki is a middleman for some kind of negotiations.
No se conocen entre ellos pero un camarero llamado Shimazaki hace de mediador en algún tipo de negociación.
You know, they really have no intention of killing each other.
Mira, no tienen intención de se mataren.
I don't know, but they ought to invent a way that you don't have children..... unless you care for each other, cos kids know the difference.
No lo sé, pero deberían inventar algo para que no tuvieran hijos si no se aman realmente, porque los ñinos notan la diferencia.
But they'd pretended not to know each other.
Pero han fingido no conocerse.
We don't know each other, get it? What does it matter if they fire you?
No nos conocemos de nada, ¿ vale?
Two people shouldn't know each other too well if they want to fall in love.
No es necesario conocerse para quererse.
They did not know each other ".
No se conocían entre sí ".
They didn't know each other at all.
No se conocían en absoluto.
They meet, go out together, get to know each other... not in a superficial way.
Se conocen, se van juntos, se conocen a fondo... nada de superficialmente.

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