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They know nothing traducir español

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They know nothing, any more than you do
Ellos no saben nada. Menos que tú.
your fellow officers will laugh at you let them laugh, what do they know about happiness they only know their dames they can buy with money, they know nothing about happiness what kind of dames?
Tus compañeros se reirán de ti. Que se rían... ¡ qué saben ellos de felicidad! Sólo entienden de mujeres que pueden comprar.
They know nothing of all this.
No saben nada de esto.
Don't you realise that I'm acting on the assumption that they know nothing.
¿ No ves que se supone que creo que no saben nada?
They know nothing about the community chest, but everything about community property.
No saben nada de fondos comunes y mucho de propiedad comunitaria.
One of the things he admitted was that they know nothing about you in Washington.
Una de las cosas que admitió fue que en Washington no saben nada de ti.
If they don't know that, they know nothing.
Si no saben esto, no saben nada.
But they know nothing about it yet.
Pero aún no saben nada de todo esto.
I believe they know nothing except to let the blood from a man's body.
Creo que no saben nada excepto dejar que la sangre escape del cuerpo de un hombre.
They know nothing about Spanish dances here.
No entienden de bailes españoles. Estaba magnifica.
- They know nothing, that's what they say.
- Dijeron que no sabían nada.
Maybe he had some relatives, and they know nothing about it!
¡ Tal vez tuviera parientes y ellos no saben nada!
He knows what he needs to know about the Aztecs. But to persuade his men into the interior, he needs to hitch them to his dreams. To leave them, as he put it, with nothing to rely on but their own hands and the assurance that they must either conquer or die.
Sabe lo que necesita saber de los Aztecas, pero para convencer a sus hombres de que lo sigan al interior, necesita que crean en su sueño, que no les quede nada a lo que puedan aferrarse, excepto a sus propias manos,
As per one book which is written by one expert of the Korean broadcasting system, even if young people in Vietnam don't know the name of their Chief Secretary of the Communist party, it's said that there is nothing they don't know about Hallyu star Jang Dong Geon.
De acuerdo a un libro de un empleado de una cadena de televisión... los jóvenes en Vietnam pueden no saber... el nombre de su máximo líder del Partido Comunista... pero saben todo lo que hay que saber de la estrella coreana Jang Dong Gun.
They won't know nothing unless they picked Tony up.
No sabrán nada, a menos que detengan a Tony.
I can't believe they'd send a dispatch that you know nothing about.
No puedo creer que envíen un parte del que tú no sabes nada.
You know it's funny. When people got nothing, they act like human beings. We get along swell here.
Cuando la gente no tiene nada actúa humanamente.
Here they are holding me as a material witness and I don't know nothing about nothing.
Me están reteniendo aquí como testigo material, y no sé nada de nada.
You know what'll happen when they find out I'm a horrible, good-for-nothing fake?
¿ Sabe qué pasará cuando se enteren de que somos un par de farsantes?
You should've seen them cops pass me on the stairs. They don't know nothing.
Esos polis son tontos, pasaron junto a mí y no se dieron cuenta.
What do you care what they think or what they say as long as you know you did nothing dishonorable.
¿ Por qué te importa lo que piensen o lo que digan mientras tú sepas que no hiciste nada deshonorable?
You know what they say, there is nothing like home.
Como se suele decir, no hay lugar como el hogar.
What do they know of heaven or hell, Cathy... who know nothing of life?
¿ Qué saben del cielo o del infierno, Cathy quienes no conocen la vida?
- No way that they know about. Why? - Nothing.
- Ninguna que ellos sepan, ¿ por qué?
- They don't know nothing.
- No saben nada.
What have you done now? Nothing. You know they can't run this show without me, honey.
No es nada, pero sin mi están perdidos.
They know nothing.
No saben nada.
They know nothing of me.
No saben nada de mí.
Ah, they don't know nothing about farming up there.
- Sí. Allí no saben mucho de agricultura.
They are humble and selfless and they know how to work, suffer and die expecting nothing in exchange.
Son humildes y abnegadas y saben trabajar, sufrir y morir sin esperar nada.
You don't know them. Or you'd know they don't give anything for nothing.
Tú no los conoces o sabrías que no dan nada gratis.
Nothing, he wanted to know if they beat me up.
Nada, sólo saber si me habían pegado.
No one would ever know the difference. No matter what the district attorney's office found... we'd be safe... they'd have nothing on us. Then we'd be safe.
Nadie se daría cuenta nunca.
You might try the El Capitan down the street, sir but I know they have nothing either.
Puede probar en El Capitán calle abajo, señor. pero tampoco tienen nada.
They don't call me Hot Lips for nothing, you know.
Por algo me llaman Labios Ardientes.
Because they are gentlemen, bourgeois that know nothing about you, and your needs.
Porque ellos son señores, son burgueses, que no entienden nada de vosotros ni de vuestras necesidades.
But you're wrong... they're not hanging on to it for nothing, you know. They must have a reason.
Tienen que tener un motivo.
I know nothing of the history to which you refer, but I have often felt that the attitude of my husband's family has failed to move with the times, that they think too much of the rights of nobility and too little of its duties.
No sé nada de la historia a la que se refiere... pero a menudo he pensado que la actitud de la familia de mi marido... no ha cambiado con los tiempos... que piensan demasiado en los derechos de la nobleza... y demasiado poco en sus deberes.
I know that being Miss Turnstiles means nothing but they think it makes me an important person.
Sé que ser Miss Metro no es nada... pero ellos creen que soy importante.
I remember I asked him if he wanted me to wait. I know a fella that got rolled once on Camden West. He didn't have nothing, so they stole his pants.
- A Camden West y le pregunté si quería que lo esperara porque sé que allí roban hasta zapatos y calcetines.
They gotta take me by force. I know nothing about it.
Tendrán que cogerme a la fuerza.
They claim to know nothing of her.
Claman no saber nada de ella.
I know nothing about spies and the way they function but I can remember that the Countess had a remarkable talent for receiving confidences from important people.
No sé mucho de espías y de cómo trabajan pero recuerdo que la Condesa tenía notable talento para recibir confidencias de personas importantes.
The worst among us know nothing of life until they die.
Algunos mueren sin saber lo que es la vida.
And rich custard apple they almost give away for nothing in mozambique. I don't know what to do, clinton.
Y aquella deliciosa compota de manzana que daban casi regalada en Mozambique.
And they wound up knowing nothing, because there was nothing to know
Acabaron sin saber nada, porque no había nada que saber
They didn't know nothing. But they were very interested. They wanted to know why I ask.
No sabían nada, pero les interesaba saber por qué preguntaba.
Nothing. You know how they are.
Nada, ya sabes cómo es.
If they ask about me at the shop, you know nothing.
Si alguien en el taller pregunta por mi, tú no sabes nada.
They know that as long as the policeman has his gloves on, you can talk about it, but when he takes them off, he'll write, there's nothing more to be done.
Saben que mientras el guardia tiene los guantes, se puede hablar, pero cuando empieza a quitárselos, no hay nada que hacer.
It's nothing they can't handle without me, but you know how they are.
Podrían hacerlo sin mí, pero sabes cómo son.

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