Through that door traducir español
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Tezo got tipped off our boys were coming through that door to get him.
A Tezo le avisaron que iban unos policías por él.
We don't need a reason if they come through that door.
Si cruzan esa puerta, no necesitamos un motivo.
You've only got about 30 seconds before they come through that door.
Tienes sólo 30 segundos antes de que entren.
So once you enter through that door, you're comin'through a No Bullshit zone.
Una vez que pasen por esa puerta, estarán en la zona "libre de pendejadas".
I mean, the minute I walk through that door, all the sadness and all the bullshit stays outside.
Ni bien cruzo por esa puerta, toda la tristeza y la mierda se quedan afuera.
See yourself out through that door.
Pues sal por ella.
In fact, they practically had to push me through that door.
De hecho, prácticamente me han tenido que empujar por esa puerta.
If they come through that door... you hit'em right here.
Si atraviesan aquella puerta... les disparas justamente aquí.
Any minute, Federal Agents could come blasting through that door.
En cualquier momento, agentes federales puede venir volando esa puerta.
Whatever comes through that door, do not move.
No importa qué pase por esa puerta. No te muevas.
Right through that door.
Justo ahí, esa puerta.
I mean, are you hoping he walks through that door, stands in front of you, and says,
Digo, ¿ Estas esperando que camine por esa puerta, se pare frente a ti, y diga
One of these nights the feller who strung him up is gonna come easing through that door.
Una de estas noches, el que lo linchó entrará por esa puerta.
The test is subdivided into four separated, escalating phases, the first of which began the moment I walked in through that door.
La prueba se sub-divide en cuatro fases crecientes distintas. La primera fase comenzó, cuando entré por esa puerta.
They're going to take Lee's body away and the military police are going to come back through that door and they're going to throw you ass in jail or worse.
Van a buscar el cuerpo de Lee. Y cuando los policías militares pasen por esa puerta, acabas en la cárcel o algo peor.
Which created a looky-loo gridlock zone at our front door which created an overflow of potential purchasers funneling through that door, which created retail sales.
Lo cual creaba una zona paralizada de curiosos en nuestra entrada lo cual creaba un desbordamiento de clientes potenciales entrando por esa puerta, lo cual generaba ventas.
No one has ever walked through that door before without having an ambition.
¿ Te das cuenta de que nadie ha entrado aquí antes sin tener algún tipo de ambición?
Unless the cops come through that door.
A menos que la policía entre por esa puerta.
Then they gotta come through that door no matter what.
Entonces ellos tendrían que entrar por esa puerta, no importa qué.
You saw Davey Gitelson coming through that door.
Usted vio a David Gitelson pasando a través de esa puerta...
The weather has dampened my psychic powers, but I am sensing that something big is about to come through that door.
El clima ha quitado estímulo mis poderes síquicos, pero estoy sintiendo que algo grande va a entrar por esa puerta. ¡ Inmenso!
Shoot anyone coming through that door.
Dispara a todo el que entre por esa puerta.
I get the impression that there will be a ugly mechanic comes through that door... and comes looking for us...
Tengo la impresión de que habrá una mecánico feo viene a través de esa puerta... y viene en busca de nosotros...
Alvin will walk through that door any minute now.
Alvin no tardará en llegar.
But I got here eventually, got through that door.
Pero al final he venido... he entrado por esa puerta
By which, I mean through that door.
Es decir, detrás de esa puerta.
Think about walking through that door and immediately dealing with 100 different problems and responsibilities.
Piense sobre entrar por la puerta y manejar 100 problemas y responsabilidades.
Want to get a plan of attack together,'cause according to my internal Gibbs clock, he's about to walk through that door right... now.
Quiero que consigamos un plan de ataque juntos, porque de acuerdo a mi interno reloj Gibbs, estará caminando por esa puerta ahora... mismo.
Seems like just the other day you two coming through that door.
Parece solo como otro dia cuando ustedes dos entraban por esa puerta
You're not gonna like what's gonna come through that door.
No le gustará lo que saldrá por esa puerta.
The alternative is to admit here in this place, where God is my witness, that you are pure in body, mind and soul and you will be free to go through that door.
La alternativa es admitir aquí en este lugar Que dios es mi testigo que eres pura en cuerpo, mente y alma Y serás libre de irte por esa puerta
Now every night, I hold my breath, Waiting for him to walk through that door.
Ahora cada noche, aguanto la respiración esperando a que cruce la puerta.
Cajetan, if you walk through that door, I'll shoot you.
Cajetan, si sales de esa puerta, te dispararé.
I could get to my feet, rip your skull from your spinal column, crash through that door, kill the guard in less time than it has taken me to describe it to you.
Podría levantarme arrancar tu cráneo de la espina dorsal romper esa puerta y matar al guardia en menos tiempo del que tomé describiéndotelo.
So you got stuck, because in some ways, you couldn't let go of that idea, that he'd walk through that door.
Entonces te estancas, porque, de alguna manera no podías dejar la idea de que el ha pasado por esa puerta.
What just walked through that door?
¿ Qué acaba de atravesar esa puerta?
This place is hell, Nora, but knowing I'd get to come through that Rite-Valu door every day and see your sweet face made it paradise.
Este lugar es el infierno Nora, pero sabiendo que podía pasar a través de la puerta del Rite-Valu cada día y ver tu dulce rostro lo hacía un paraíso.
Do you possibly think that maybe you could go through the back door?
¿ Podrías salir por la puerta trasera?
That shouldn't happen all the time. Just when you walk through the door.
No lo hará todo el tiempo.
Well, I get some of those neighborhood cats coming in through that damn door, though.
Bueno, algunos de esos son los gatos de algunos vecinos entrando por la maldita puerta, sin embargo.
If that thing gets through this door, I'm gonna be too busy shitting in my pants.
Si esa cosa hecha abajo esa puerta, estaré más ocupado cagando en los pantalones.
Jimmy, I know you have every right to hate me but I just want you to know that I'm so happy you let me through the door.
EN EL BOUDOIRE DE LA CABAÑA ( CUARTO EN FRANCÉS ) Te conozco... y tienes todo el derecho de odiarme. Pero yo sólo quería que supieras...
The first thing you need to know is you never go through that front door.
Lo primero que necesitas saber es que nunca pasas por la puerta delantera.
It's possible that there might be a crack in that little door you could walk through?
¿ Es posible que haya una rendija en esa puerta por donde se pueda entrar?
You ask me to open that door and walk through it you will not like what walks back out.
Me pides que abra esa puerta y pase a través de ella... No te gustará ver quien saldrá caminando de ahí.
Shoot anybody that comes through the door.
Dispara contra cualquiera que entre.
They said that they went through the back door of Jessica's house to get the body, that they never touched the front door.
Dijeron que entraron por la puerta trasera de la casa de Jessica... para hallar el cuerpo, que nunca tocaron la puerta del frente.
We just... we just kept hoping that he would come walking through the door.
Sólo... sólo seguíamos esperando Que volviese y atravesase la puerta
I'll give you an hour, then I'm gonna let the bomb squad take that rig and go through the rear door.
Te daré una hora. Entonces, dejaré que la Brigada Antibombas tome ese dispositivo y entre por la puerta trasera.
I think that the hardest part's gonna be walking through the door.
Creo que lo más dífical va a ser cruzar esta puerta.
In that moment he became aware of my presence and quickly ran through a secret door behind him.
En ese momento se percató de mi presencia y escapó por una puerta secreta
that door 33
doors 63
door 437
doorbell 96
doorman 19
door opens 1163
door closes 936
doorbell rings 420
door open 23
door was open 50
doors 63
door 437
doorbell 96
doorman 19
door opens 1163
door closes 936
doorbell rings 420
door open 23
door was open 50
door slams 187
doors closing 23
door closed 19
doors open 18
door opens and closes 57
door closing 46
door neighbor 57
door neighbour 16
door opening 118
doors opening 23
doors closing 23
door closed 19
doors open 18
door opens and closes 57
door closing 46
door neighbor 57
door neighbour 16
door opening 118
doors opening 23