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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ V ] / Very closely

Very closely traducir español

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As a matter of fact, it's very closely held.
De hecho, están muy poco repartidas.
Now this operation is being followed very closely in Berlin.
A esta operación la vigilan de cerca en Berlín.
But I haven't been able to get any whisky out of it. I don't believe you examined it very closely.
No creo que lo haya examinado muy de cerca.
Ahora mírame atentamente, y observa el ramal central.
Now watch very closely, ladies and gentlemen.
Ahora fíjense bien, damas y caballeros. Vacío, vacío.
Now, observe very closely.
Observe very closely.
Observa con atención.
Ahora presta mucha atención.
Now, watch Ali very closely as he places his head...
Observen a Alí... mientras coloca la mano...
Watch Ali very closely as he places his head... upon the head of Sinbad and points his toes to the sky.
¡ Y vean cómo Alí coloca la cabeza en la de Simbad... y apunta con los pies al cielo!
Watch very closely.
Observar atentamente.
Well, now, watch me very closely. Watch very closely what happens.
Bien, ahora, observar bien lo que ocurre
Everybody watch it very closely.
Mirar bien.
Well, I wasn't watching very closely.
No la vi de cerca.
I want you fellows to watch my men very closely.
Quiero que miren bien a mis hombres.
I want you to listen to me very closely, Mrs. Dvorak.
Quiero que me escuche atentamente Sra. Dvorak.
I have had the opportunity of observing Madam Curie very closely and I can assure you, gentlemen that she is remarkable scientist as scrupulous as she is brilliant and furthermore...
He tenido la oportunidad de-- - observar a Madame Curie muy de cerca, y puedo asegurarles, caballeros, que es un científico extraordinario, tan escrupuloso como brillante. Y más aún-- -
Meanwhile, I'm gonna watch it very closely.
Mientras tanto, la miraré de cerca.
I didn't question him very closely about where he belonged.
No le pregunté detenidamente de dónde procedía.
Now, I'm going to post your bail, so you follow me very closely.
Voy a pagar su fianza, así que no se separe de mí.
I've been working very closely with the American army.
Perdón, trabajo cerca del ejército americano.
Do you realize the borders are very closely guarded now that war is declared?
- ¿ Lo admite? ¿ Se da cuenta de que las fronteras están muy vigiladas ahora, por la guerra?
Mr. Graham, I want you to follow me very closely now.
Sr. Graham, quiero que preste mucha atención.
I think not, Captain, I've been very closely guarded.
No lo creo, capitán, he estado muy vigilada.
But I've been following your editorials very closely.
He estado siguiendo muy de cerca sus editoriales.
We work together very closely, Jack and I.
Jack y yo trabajamos muy juntos.
Well, this may not be the time to tell you, but I've been watching your work very closely, and now Makepeace is leaving us, I've decided to promote you to chief test pilot.
Puede que no sea el momento, pero he estado viendo tu trabajo de cerca y como Makepeace se va, te asciendo a Piloto de pruebas Jefe.
That means I examine the psychology very closely.
Eso significa que analizo la psicología detenidamente.
Very closely, including you.
Muy a fondo... Incluyéndole a usted.
You know, I worked very closely with your people in Ning-po during the war, Father O'Shea.
Trabajé con su gente en Ningpo durante la guerra, padre O'Shea.
Watch very closely.
Observen atentos.
Watch very closely.
Véanlo bien.
Watch your scope very closely now.
Vigile su radar con mucho cuidado.
For if you listen very closely, you will hear the words "bath tub" mentioned in tonight's script.
Porque si escuchan atentamente... en Ia historia que Ies ofrecemos hoy, se menciona Ia bañera varias veces.
His description fits our friend, Dr. Stein, very closely.
Su descripción encaja con nuestro amigo, el Dr. Stein, de modo muy preciso.
I'd work very closely with you.
Yo trabajaría estrechamente con usted.
But if you look very closely... you'll see that the leprosy bacillus is slightly fatter and longer.
Pero si mira muy de cerca verá que el bacilo leproso es un poco más ancho y largo.
Well, I'm going to watch you very closely, Miss Marple.
La voy a vigilar muy de cerca, señorita Marple.
When he came to see you earlier as Count Diaz... he watched you very closely.
Cuando la visitó como el conde Díaz la vigiló muy de cerca.
However, I'll tell you one of my secrets... a very closely guarded one.
Sin embargo, te diré uno de mis secretos- - Uno que tengo muy guardado.
Watch me very closely.
Mirad con atención.
But I should always advise you to examine very closely what you think to be inevitable.
Pero debo advertirte que examines profundamente lo inevitable.
And tell me, will be very closely related?
Y dígame, ¿ estará muy bien relacionada?
I want you to know I've been watching you very closely lately.
Quiero que sepas que te estuve vigilando de cerca últimamente.
Me están mirando de cerca, pero me parece que les cuesta creerlo.
- You'll be working very closely with her.
- Usted trabajará muy estrechamente con ella.
Observa atentamente.
You're not listening very closely?
No me ha escuchado.
I ´ ve watched you closely and you ´ ve done very well
La he observado de cerca y lo está haciendo muy bien
And with his dying breath, he told me that this was the very asp that Cleopatra clutched so closely to her bosom.
Con su último aliento, me dijo que éste era el áspid que Cleopatra llevaba tan cerca de su pecho.
I have very little time, so please listen closely.
Me queda muy poco tiempo, así que escuchen con atención.

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