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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ W ] / We'll do anything

We'll do anything traducir español

336 traducción paralela
- Mrs. Strong, we'll do anything.
- Sra. Strong, haremos lo que sea.
And now, Mr. Chan, perhaps you'll tell me... if there's anything we can do to assist you in your journey back to Honolulu.
Ahora, Sr. Chan, dígame... si hay algo que podamos hacer por Ud. En su viaje de regreso a Honolulu.
If there's anything you ever want, anything you need, just let us know, and we'll do everything we can to help you.
Si hay algo que quieras... lo que sea que necesites, háznoslo saber... y haremos todo lo que podamos por ayudarte.
No. Let's not do anything we'll be sorry for.
No hagamos nada de lo que podamos arrepentirnos.
We'll work out of there. Don't forget. Don't do anything to Jack Buck or his mob beforehand that'll tip him off.
Y no lo olvides, no hagas nada que alerte a la banda de Jack Buck.
We'll do anything you say. All you gotta do is tell us.
Haremos lo que nos digas.
- On the contrary, if we do anything it'll be on Friday.
Al contrario.
We ´ ll do a street show... anything.
Haremos un espectáculo callejero...
We'll do anything, anything you want.
Haré cualquier cosa, lo que quieras.
We'll do anything you say, of course, but this family seemed right and...
Haremos lo que nos digan, pero esta familia parecía ideal.
We'll do anything, Doctor, anything.
Haremos lo que sea, Doctor.
But if you're shorthanded, we'll be glad to do anything we can to help.
Pero si les falta personal, los ayudaremos con mucho gusto.
How do we know you'll do what you say? You can promise us anything.
¿ Cómo sabemos que harán lo que dicen?
If you do anything else to threaten Thea, General... I'll forget that we've been friends.
Si hace algo más para amenazar a Thea, General... olvidaré que hemos sido amigos.
I'll do anything you say, David, just as long as we're together.
Haré lo que tú digas, David, con tal de que sigamos juntos.
We'd make a great combination, you and myself. And if you do come in, I'll teach you how to handle cards. It don't hurt anything.
Tú y yo seríamos una buena combinación, y si te decides, te enseñaré a manejar las cartas, no viene mal.
Don't do anything rash. We'll talk it over. Here, let me talk to him.
No, no, no haga nada sin pensarlo, charlemos antes.
After it's over, we'll sell the boat, go to Frisco, do anything you want, anything.
Después venderé el barco, nos vamos a San Francisco, lo que quieras.
Until you do, I don't think we'll get anything solved.
hasta entonces, no podremos resolver nada.
Why, you know... we'll do anything as long as we can stay together.
Sabes que haríamos lo que fuera por permanecer juntos.
If it won't say anything, we'll see what we can do.
- Intentaremos arreglar la cosa.
And we'll never again ask a man to do anything that will poison his pride in himself or his work.
Y no volver a pedirle a un hombre que realice una labor que no le haga sentirse orgulloso de su trabajo o de si mismo.
Little friends, I'm sorry, but food and weapons are limited, so you see, we'll do anything for Hawkins, Sir.
Amiguitos, lo siento, pero el alimento y las armas son limitados, de manera que, verán... Haremos lo que sea por Hawkins, señor.
It'll be a while before we do anything like that.
Pasará un tiempo antes de que hagamos algo así.
Settle for Joan and me. We'll go with you. We'll go with you now, do anything you like.
Llévanos a los dos, iremos contigo adonde tú quieras.
We don't need to say anything because we already know one another we all do the same job but you do yours and I'll do mine.
No debo de deciros nada, porque somos todos de la vieja guardia y todos hacemos el mismo trabajo. ¡ Vosotros haced el vuestro y yo haré el mío!
For a billion We'll do anything
# Por mil millones... haríamos cualquier cosa. #
For a billion we'll do anything.
# Por mil millones, haríamos cualquier cosa. #
- We'll do anything you want.
- Lo que quieras.
We'll see how they react and see if they want to do anything.
Salgamos con ellos y a ver cómo reaccionan.
You've only just started, you've got the willpower we'll all help you, I'll do anything.
Acabas de empezar y todavía tienes tu voluntad. Todos te ayudaremos. Haré lo que sea.
I don't guess we'll do anything much.
No creo que hagamos mucho.
But if we use her as bait, he'll do anything we say.
Pero si la utilizamos de cebo, él hará cualquier cosa que le digamos.
But we'll do anything to make you happy - both of us.
Pero haremos cualquier cosa para hacerte feliz. Las dos.
If you can do anything for him, we'll take him along.
Si puede hacer algo por él, nos lo llevaremos.
We'll be able to tell if what we feel has anything to do with marriage.
Podremos opinar si lo que sentimos tiene algo que ver con el matrimonio.
We'll be fine, plus I can not disappoint you, because you do not expect anything from me.
Estaremos bien, además no puedo desilusionarte, porque no esperas nada de mí.
We'll come here as soon as our leave is over before we do anything else.
Apenas termine la licencia, volveremos aquí..... antes que nada.
If we don't do anything now, there'll be hell to pay.
Si no hacemos algo ahora, lo vamos a pagar caro.
We'll do anything to help the press.
Estaremos encantados de ayudar a la prensa.
Anything we do, he'll be blamed for.
Cualquier cosa que hagamos, la culpa recaerá sobre él.
You don't thinkthat we'll do anything.
No pienses que vamos a llegar a nada.
We can't do anything until we get back to Headquarters, and... then, if we've got time, we'll try and increase the range of the control units. Come on!
No podemos hacer nada hasta que volvamos al cuartel general, y... entonces, si tenemos tiempo, trataremos de aumentar el alcance de las unidades de control. ¡ Vamos!
But we'll really be working for KAOS, and we'll be helpless to do anything about it.
Pero estaremos trabajando para KAOS y no podremos hacer nada al respecto.
If we don't do anything, they'll get more insolent.
Sólo empeorará si no hacemos nada.
- We'll do anything.
- Haremos lo que sea.
It'll be next month before we can even do anything.
No podemos hacerlo antes del próximo mes.
Well I've got men at all the cave mouths... and I've sent for reinforcements so we'll be ready for them if they do try anything.
Tengo hombres en todas las entradas de las cuevas... y he solicitado refuerzos, así estaremos preparados si intentan algo.
Do you know anything about the trial we'll be jurors in?
¿ Ya sabes en qué proceso intervendremos?
Anything you want, that's what we'll do.
Lo que quieras, eso haremos.
What I wanna know is, do we have anything concrete that'll nail him?
Lo que quiero saber es si tenemos algo concreto para empapelarle.

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