Anything you like traducir español
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You're welcome to look around at... at anything you like.
Está invitado a mirar lo... lo que quiera.
And if your dad is anything like you...
Y si tu padre es como tú...
But then if you're anything like me, you kind of want to go home because it's your family.
Pero entonces si eres como yo, quieres ir a tu casa porque es tu familia.
- You like anything.
- Te gusta todo.
Do you need ammunition, targets, anything like that?
¿ Necesitas municiones? ¿ Blancos, algo de eso? - No.
By the way, we've got a special today on the cts, it's a caddie. Not trying to force it on you or anything, but a lot of businessmen like to know because it's just a little bit nicer.
No intento obligarlo ni nada, pero a muchos comerciantes... les gusta saber porque es un poquito más lindo.
Hey, see anything you like?
¡ Ya me quiero bajar! Oye, ¿ ves algo que te guste?
When we told her, you know... So we were with the cat and it's like, " We don't believe in anything.
Y le dijimos : "Estamos con el gato" No creemos en nada.
I was so excited to see you and I wanted to be able to do it, but I haven't done anything for like two months.
Estaba tan emocionada de verte, y quería poder hacerlo... pero hace dos meses que no hago nada. Me siento...
No, I'm sorry, it's just you've never really, like, geeked out about anything before.
No, lo siento, es sólo Nunca has realmente, como, geeked cabo de nada antes
Officer Bennett... is there anything else you'd like to tell us?
¿ hay algo más que quiera decirnos?
Is there anything you'd like us to take and have us wash?
Hay algo que le gustaría que nos llevaramos para lavarle?
If we've learned anything, it's that we are a part of something bigger, you and me, just like Alistair and Rebecca before us.
Si algo hemos aprendido, es que somos parte de algo más grande, tú y yo, al igual que Alistair y Rebecca antes de nosotros.
Sounded like you didn't have anything to say to begin with.
Parece que no tenías nada que decir para empezar.
Sounded like you wanted to talk to Joy here, but you didn't have anything to say and you couldn't think of anything in the moment, so you just froze.
Parecía que querías hablar con Joy, pero no tenías nada que decir y no pudiste pensar nada en el momento así que te paralizaste.
You ever have a situation where you like someone, and every time you try to talk to her, you can't think of anything interesting to say?
¿ Has estado alguna vez en una situación en la que te gusta alguien, y cada vez que vas a hablar con ella, no se te ocurre nada interesante que decir? No.
Unless you don't like anything.
Al menos que no te guste nada.
Did he ever say anything like that to you?
¿ Dijo Dios jamás : nada de eso para tí?
Feels like you could do..... anything.
Sientes como si pudieras hacer... cualquier cosa.
I feel like I could do anything with you.
Me siento como si pudiera hacer cualquier cosa contigo.
Would you like anything else?
¿ Le apetece algo más?
The guys that don't fake, they're the ones that get it the worst. Cricket, just like anything we can do to have you not talk about, like, sucking penises or getting raped in the butt...
Grillo, cualquier cosa que podamos hacer para que no hables mas acerca de chupar penes o ser violado por el trasero...
If you ever do anything like that again, I'll tear your throat out.
Si vuelves a hacer algo así, te arrancaré la garganta.
Well, it's one that I'd like to check out first before I say anything, so I cleared my schedule at recruiting, and the good news is, I'm available to you for as long as you need.
Bueno, me gustaría comprobarlo antes de decir nada. Entonces, limpié mi agenda de las tareas de reclutamiento y la buena noticia es, que estoy disponible para ti por tanto tiempo como me necesites.
Wouldn't want you to trip on any old paint cans or anything like that, but hopefully everything down here, you know, has been properly painted and put where it's supposed to be.
No queremos que se caiga sobre viejas latas de pintura o nada parecido, pero espero que todo aquí abajo haya sido pintado como corresponde y colocado en su lugar.
Like, this is really exciting for me, like, if you gave bribes or sex or drugs or beatings or anything that'd be great, I'd really like to get an A.
Igual, esto es realmente emocionante para mí, como, si le dio sobornos o sexo o drogas o palizas o cualquier cosa que sería genial, Me gustaría tener una A.
I don't know anything about love, But in my mind it's like a place You don't want to live.
No sé nada de estar enamorada, pero en mi mente es como un lugar donde no quieres vivir.
You know that Jason is incapable of doing anything like that.
Sabes que Jason es incapaz de hacer algo así.
You know that Jason isn't capable Of doing anything like that.
Sabes que Jason... es incapaz de hacer algo así.
Assholes like you think you can get away with anything.
Imbéciles cómo tú creen que pueden irse de rositas cualquier cosa.
Anything you'd like to share?
¿ Cualquier cosa que quieras compartir?
It's like you could open up and share anything with anyone.
Es como si te pudieras abrir y compartir cualquier cosa con cualquiera.
But now I feel like I could talk to you about anything.
Pero ahora siento que podría hablarte de cualquier cosa.
I no longer have to treat you like anything but the treacherous liar you truly are.
Ya no tengo que seguir tratándote como nada más que el traicionero mentiroso que eres en realidad.
Jack, I'm sure you've lived quite the life, but I can't imagine that your secret is anything like mine.
Jack, estoy segura de que habrás vivido toda una vida, pero no puedo imaginarme que tu secreto sea comparable al mío.
You see anything here you'd like to take a little suck on or anything?
¿ Ves algo que te gustaría mamar?
You got any, like, gum or breath mints or anything?
- Sí. ¿ Tienes chicle o algo para el aliento?
I remember, you see, when the status quo, they labeled anything they didn't like pornography.
Recuerdo cuando el status quo... etiquetaba como pornografía todo lo que no les gustaba.
Had you ever seen anything like that before?
¿ Alguna vez había visto algo así?
Like you even need to say anything.
Como si hiciera falta decirlo.
Did you ever wear anything like this, back in your day?
¿ Alguna vez usaste algo como esto, en tu época?
Everyone wants to explain, like the reasons you do anything changes how they affect me.
- Todos quieren explicar. Como si la justificación cambiara el modo en que me afecta.
But I really like it here and I don't wanna fuck it up, and I'm really sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable or did anything you didn't wanna do... but maybe you also... did want to?
Pero me gusta mucho el trabajo, y no quiero mandarme una cagada. Te pido disculpas si te hice sentir incómoda o si hice algo que no querías, aunque tal vez tú también lo querías.
Anything you'd like to share?
¿ Hay algo que te gustaría compartir?
This is not critical, this is not anything like rude, this is just being real with you...
No es una crítica, no quiero ser grosera, solo quiero ser sincera contigo...
He comes home every night smelling like cheap perfume and you don't say anything.
Él regresa a casa todas las noches con olor a perfume barato Y tú no dices nada.
Is there anything else you would like to say?
¿ Hay algo más que quieras decir?
Because he is a coward, and then he lashes out like a maniac when you call him on anything because he feels so guilty.
Porque es un cobarde y después se pone como loco... cuando le dices algo, porque se siente culpable.
I am very happy for you that you were able to have your little, you know, like, breakthrough over there, but I think we've reached that point in the evening where we should leave before anything crazy happens.
Estoy muy feliz por ti que se haya podido tener a su pequeño, ya sabes, como, avance por allá, pero creo que hemos llegado ese punto de la tarde donde debemos dejar antes de nada loco sucede.
- You've never seen anything like it before.
- Nunca he visto nada como esto antes.
And I wasn't putting my dick next to your dick to, like, do anything, I was just dancing with you, man.
Y yo no estaba poniendo mi polla al lado de su polla para, como, hacer nada, sólo estaba bailando con usted, hombre.
anything you want 299
anything you can do 21
anything you need 253
anything you say 115
anything you want to tell me 32
anything you can find 16
anything you want to talk about 20
anything you want to say 21
you like it rough 18
you like that one 27
anything you can do 21
anything you need 253
anything you say 115
anything you want to tell me 32
anything you can find 16
anything you want to talk about 20
anything you want to say 21
you like it rough 18
you like that one 27
you like it here 38
you like me 141
you like baseball 16
you like what you see 23
you like it 795
you like music 30
you liked it 124
you like them 63
you liked that 20
you like 225
you like me 141
you like baseball 16
you like what you see 23
you like it 795
you like music 30
you liked it 124
you like them 63
you liked that 20
you like 225
you like him 175
you like this 96
you like' em 17
you like that 642
you like those 17
you like her 166
you liked her 18
you liked him 30
you like this 96
you like' em 17
you like that 642
you like those 17
you like her 166
you liked her 18
you liked him 30