With your father traducir español
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But it cannot be with your father.
Pero no puede ser con tu padre.
Boss, there's no record of any "Walter Bec", serving with your father.
Jefe, no hay constancia de que ningún Walter Bec sirviera con tu padre.
I don't agree with your father.
No estoy de acuerdo con tu padre.
But I ate with your father-in-law instead.
Pero ya comí con tu suegro.
I want you to have sex with your father.
Quiero que tengas sexo con tu padre.
Ah, you're still holding a grudge about the move I pulled with your father?
¿ Sigues sintiendo rencor por el movimiento que hice con tu padre? No.
Does this have anything to do with your father's absence?
¿ Tiene esto algo que ver con la ausencia de tu padre?
I thought you'd be going off to fight with your father.
Pensaba que estabas fuera para pelear con tu padre.
You were meant to be away with your father, and then you would have missed it all.
Se suponía que estarías fuera con tu padre, y entonces lo habrías perdido todo.
About what happened with your father.
Lo que pasó con tu padre.
With your father.
Con tu padre.
Violet, when was the last time you spoke with your father?
Violet, ¿ cuándo fue la última vez que habló con su padre?
That's when I caught up with your father.
Entonces fue cuando lo atrapé.
When I brought you here and took over the master bedroom here... I thought I'd be legally married and live happily after with your father.
Cuando te traje aquí y entré a la habitación principal... pensé que estaría legalmente casada y que viviría feliz con tu padre.
First we'll deal with your father, then little Miss Glowy Eyes.
Primero nos encargamos de tu padre, luego de la señorita ojos brillantes.
You have to meet with your father and find out the truth.
Debes reunirte con tu padre y averiguar la verdad.
Do you live with your father?
¿ Vives con tu padre?
I've been here before... with your father.
- Ya he estado aquí con tu padre.
- Have fun with your father.
- Que se diviertan con su padre.
I used to work with your father.
Yo solía trabajar con tu padre.
Rumple... even with your talent, too many people know your father is a cheat.
Rumple... incluso con tu talento, demasiada gente sabe que tu padre es un tramposo.
Relax, I'm with your late father's estate.
Relájate, tengo los bienes de tu difunto padre.
That your father is safe with friends out west.
Que tu padre está a salvo, está con amigos en el oeste.
I'm on my way to the restaurant with Chase's father, who smells delicious, and I can't concentrate because you don't answer your phone!
¡ Iba de camino al restaurante con el padre de Chase, que huele divinamente, y no podía concentrarme porque no cogías el teléfono!
Well, this premise will change if your father moves in,'cause then I'm getting in the oven with the poultry.
Bueno, el argumento cambiará si tu padre de muda aquí, porque entonces lo meteré en el horno con el pavo.
I was talking to a friend of your father, a servant who worked with him.
He estado hablando con un amigo de tu padre, un criado que trabajaba con él.
Apparently your father traveled extensively with his master, too.
Al parecer también tu padre viajaba mucho acompañando a su señor.
David, as it turns out, your father was killed during a fight with another internee.
David, al parecer, tu padre fue asesinado durante una pelea con otro interno.
Because if you are with Olivia Pope, you don't have to fulfill your father's dream of being President.
Porque si estás con Olivia Pope, no tienes que cumplir el sueño de tu padre de ser presidente.
If you are with Olivia, you no longer have to be your father's son.
Si estás con Olivia, ya no tienes que ser el hijo de tu padre.
You allowed your father to take narcotics with alcohol?
¿ Ha permitido que su padre tomara narcóticos y alcohol?
Lost your dad, dealing with Vincent, searching for your birth father.
Perder a tu padre, lidiar con Vincent, buscar a tu padre biológico.
Your father and I want to get together tonight with you and Debbie, just the four of us.
Tu padre y yo queremos reunirnos contigo y con Debbie, solo los cuatro.
I don't thinking bringing your father along with us is the best idea.
No creo que traer a tu padre con nosotros sea la mejor idea.
Your father and I made a deal with Duncan.
Tu padre y yo hemos hecho un trato con Duncan.
After your father's brush with cancer and losing your Uncle, we looked at life and wondered, how have we spent it, and how do we spend the rest of it?
Luego del cáncer de tu padre y la pérdida de tu tío, Miramos a la vida y nos preguntamos, como la habíamos gastado, y como gastaríamos lo que nos queda de ella?
I always wanted to kiss a man with a mustache, but your father just didn't have the upper lip strength to support one.
Siempre quise besar a un hombre con bigote, pero tu padre no tenía la fuerza en el labio superior para dejarse uno.
Your father and I are gonna have a big desk with two computers and I'll write a column for the local newspaper, called Debbie Do I.
Vuestro padre y yo tendremos un gran escritorio con dos ordenadores y escribiré una columna para el periódico local, llamada "Lo que hace Debbie".
And your father has such a way with irrigation.
Y tu padre tiene buena mano con el riego.
Father with your permission, we'd like to discontinue with the in vitro fertilization.
Padre, con su permiso, nos gustaría... no continuar con la fertilización in vitro.
And we'll figure out what you should do with England later. You mean trick your father, the King of France, into believing that I agree with him?
Y solucionaremos lo que deberías hacer con Inglaterra más tarde. a que crea que estoy de acuerdo con él?
Forgive me if I don't choose to run away with my mother and stay in the shadows while you seduce my father into giving a damn about us. Then go on your own.
Perdóname si no elijo huir con mi madre y quedarme en las sombras mientras tú seduces a mi padre y echando una maldición sobre nosotros.
It was like your father with the Lane Bryant catalog.
Era como su padre con el catálogo de Lane Bryant.
You know, your father's gonna crap a Catholic brick if you don't go to mass with him Christmas Eve.
Ya sabes, tu padre va a cagar un ladrillo católico si no vas con él a misa de Nochebuena.
Do it, then! Murder your father! And then, smeared with his blood, lead your mother to the altar!
Cumple tu obra, corre a matar a tu padre, y entonces, manchado con su sangre, al altar puedes llevar a tu madre.
Then my father smashed him with a rock and traded me to your grandfather.
Luego mi padre lo golpeó con una roca y me vendió a su abuelo.
Just as you said... when I tailed your father, he ended up meeting with Harry.
Como dijiste... cuando seguí a tu padre, terminó encontrándose con Harry.
About your relationship with my father.
Sobre su relación con mi padre.
I momentarily forgot because things have been so chaotic... but when I thought about it... whenever we were always on the run from your father, you always took me with you.
Me olvidé momentáneamente porque las cosas han sido tan caóticas... pero cuando pienso en ello... Cuando estábamos siempre huyendo de mi padre, siempre me llevabas contigo.
Your father acquitted himself with honor, Kal.
Tu padre se absolvió con honor, Kal.
And what's more fun than going I camp with your brother and your father?
¿ Y es más divertido que ir de campamento con tu hermano y tu padre?
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with your 48
with your mother 23
with your help 124
with your wife 28
with your dad 25
with your life 24
with your hands 23
your father called 16
with your permission 239
with your 48
with your mother 23
with your help 124
with your wife 28
with your dad 25
with your life 24
with your hands 23
your father called 16
your father is dead 32
your father would be proud 16
your father 992
your father's dead 26
your father and i 34
your father's right 30
your father died 20
your father was a good man 17
your father's here 23
your father's 22
your father would be proud 16
your father 992
your father's dead 26
your father and i 34
your father's right 30
your father died 20
your father was a good man 17
your father's here 23
your father's 22
father 10424
fathers 85
father of the year 25
father and son 35
father brown 114
father christmas 18
father jack 19
father beocca 17
father quinn 28
father abbot 27
fathers 85
father of the year 25
father and son 35
father brown 114
father christmas 18
father jack 19
father beocca 17
father quinn 28
father abbot 27