Yards out traducir español
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No, that bullet's 50 yards out in the compound.
¡ No! La bala está a 50 metros de aquí.
Posts are supposed to be 20 yards out in the jungle.
La vigilancia debe adentrarse 20 metros en la selva.
It's a sandstorm all right. 5,000 yards out.
Una tormenta de arena a 4.500 metros.
Tanks moving across our front, bearing 65 degrees, about 1,000 yards out.
Tanques en nuestro frente, demora de 65 grados, a unos 1.000 metros.
- About 100 yards out!
- ¡ A unos 90 metros!
We can't be more than 500 yards out past the first X mark on the map, Captain.
No podemos estar a más de 450 m. De la primera cruz del mapa.
- 14 times from 75 yards out.
Catorce veces desde 75 metros de distancia.
Which is about 400 yards out into the river. Dead end on him for awhile.
East 670 de la calle 23, que está a 400 metros del río.
It took one round from 400 yards out.
Tomô una ronda de a unos 400 metros de distancia.
You hit a guy from 500 yards out, say, why, the suddenness of it, he don't have a few seconds to make his act of contrition.
Dicen, que cuando se le dispara a alguien a 500 metros, todo es tan rápido, que ni hay unos segundos para hacer el acto de contrición.
I want sentries posted. A hundred yards out along that perimeter.
Coloque centinelas en un radio de 100 m.
- Bald guy about 20 yards out?
¿ Uno calvo, como a 20 metros?
When I was 19, I did a guy in Laos from 1000 yards out.
A los 19 años, en Laos, maté a un hombre a 1 Km. de distancia.
He just sits out there in the bush and swears at us every now and then. He won't come within a hundred yards of the compound.
Le gusta insultarnos de vez en cuando, pero guarda las distancias.
After we go out in the yards and get this money... I've got to take you down to headquarters and hold you until everything is explained.
Después de que recuperemos ese dinero... tendré que llevarle a la comisaría y retenerle hasta que se aclare todo.
Hey, we're almost in the yards. There's a bunch of railroad dicks coming out to meet us.
Estamos llegando y los polis nos van a pillar.
They'll run us off streets, keep us out of freight yards.
¿ A dónde ir?
Bet at 50 yards, she can knock the eye out of a bumblebee.
A 50 m, acierta en la cabeza de una araña.
Stay this side of the river at 30 yards until you run out of gas. - Doc.
Quédate de ese lado del Marne a 30 m hasta que la gasolina se agote.
Spread out along this trail at intervals of 10 yards.
Desplegaos por esta senda a intervalos de 10 metros.
Look out there. For 500 yards, not a tree, not a shrub.
Mire ahí fuera. 460 metros sin un árbol, sin un matorral.
When, all at once, she was up not 50 yards away with sailors pouring fast out of the hatch training a light and a deck gun on us.
De pronto, emergió a menos de 45 metros y salieron marineros de la escotilla apuntándonos con el cañón de la cubierta.
We turned out ten million yards of this one last year.
El año pasado hicimos nueve millones de metros de este.
100 yards is 120 paces, I figured out back there.
Lo he calculado en el barco.
We even made a canon of a three-inch pipe with a tapered marlinespike for a firing pin and a lanyard 30 yards long for protection, an added thought, which, as it turned out, proved of immense value.
Incluso fabricamos un cañón con una tubería de tres pulgadas con un pasador afilado y un perno y una protección de 30 yardas de largo. Una idea que resultó ser de inmenso valor.
Get out there about a hundred yards... keep your eyes open and stay there till I send a relief.
Camina unos 91 metros... mantén tus ojos abiertos y quédate allí hasta que te releve.
I think I spotted a movement out there... about 200 yards to the left of that little hill.
Creo que vi algo allí a 180 m. a la izquierda de esa colina.
- Watch out. Big crater, 100 yards on the left.
Socavón a 100 yardas a la izquierda.
I imagine they'll row us out a few hundred yards while they repair the damage.
Nos alejarán unos cuantos metros para reparar los daños.
He knocked a man out of the saddle at better than 200 yards.
Alcanzó a un hombre a más de 200 metros.
400 yards in battle gear is too far to run, so we'll walk the first half and then we'll kick out.
400 metros en equipo de batalla es demasiado lejos que correr, así que caminaremos la primera mitad... y después correremos...
Guns work for 300 yards at best They keep the medicine man out of range.
Las armas solo alcanzan la 300 yardas de distancia Mantienen el curandero fuera de alcance.
This boy told me that he could shoot the eye out of a turkey at a 100 yards?
Este muchacho me dijo que puede darle a un pavo a cien metros.
If you walk out of your store and head east down the highway for 200 yards, you'll have quite an adventure.
Sr. Frisby, si sale de su tienda y se dirige al este 100 yardas por la autopista..
Out on the yards, you dockside scum, or I'll take a rope's end to you!
¡ A los palos, escoria náutica, o voy a poneros al final de una cuerda!
Out there 260 yards.
Allí en las 26 yardas
Says he'll double it by next year if all the yards get out of his way for a clear field to fire.
Dice que lo duplicará el año que viene si tiene campo abierto.
The tunnel's an old escape route out of the compound, runs a few hundred yards into the jungle.
Es una vieja ruta de escape del complejo que se adentra en la jungla.
I can't whip a six-year-old girl in a fair fight... but I can blow a man's eyeballs out... at a hundred yards in a sandstorm.
No puedo golpear a una niña de 6 años en una pelea justa... pero puedo volarle los ojos a un hombre... a 100 metros en una tormenta de arena.
A tail sticking out onto the runway about 20 yards.
Hay un avión clavado de cola a 18 metros.
He sits his horse out there about 200 yards.
Deja su caballo a unos 200 metros.
The slipway comes out into the common - 400 yards from the main track.
La de servicio está del bosque a unas 400 yardas.
Only 45 square yards missing, out of sheer forgetfulness.
Sólo 42 metros cuadrados, por puro descuido.
Supposed to be able to hit out to 500 yards.
Tengo entendido que da en el blanco a 500 metros.
Look, Captain, any one of my men can take out an eye at 200 yards.
Mire, capitán. Cualquiera de mis hombres puede vaciarle un ojo a 100 mts de distancia.
Mac assures me that he's got three guys that can knock the eye out of a hawk at 1,000 yards.
Mac me aseguró que esos hombres aciertan a un ojo de halcón a 1 km de distancia.
Private Storey, get those range markers pegged out at the double - one every 100 yards!
Soldado Storey, tome esas estacas y clávelas por pareja cada 100 yardas!
For this young Cinderella who has come out of nowhere,... he's got about 350 yards left.
A esta Cenicienta que ha aparecido de la nada le quedan 350 metros.
great. gotta search for one man whose air's running out in a hundred square yards of tunnels.
Gran búsqueda. Para un hombre cuyo aire se esta agotando. En un centenar de metros de tuneles.
We picked up these clowns on sonar at about nine thousand yards all of a sudden we must have come out from underneath a thermal layer.
Tomamos a estos payasos en el sonar a unos 8300 metros, cuando todo quedó de repente debajo de una corriente térmica.
I've seen this man shoot a hummingbird out of the sky at 75 yards.
Le he visto acertar a un colibrí en pleno vuelo a 70 metros.
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of order 40
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of town 49
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
outstanding 214
out of nowhere 149
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of town 49
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
outstanding 214
out of nowhere 149
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
out like a light 17
outside of work 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
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out of the way 896
out here 191
outside of work 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191