You found them traducir español
911 traducción paralela
Put them right where you found them.
Déjelas donde las encontró.
Now you found them.
¡ Sí, ya los tiene!
( Sgt. Markoff ) Drive them out where you found them.
Llévenselos adonde los encontraron.
But what did you think when you found them?
Pero ¿ qué pensaste al encontrarlas?
How long were they lying there before you found them?
Fenton... ¿ Cuánto llevarían ahí?
You found them in the street, I suppose. Came through the window to return them.
Debió encontrarlo en la calle y entró a devolverlo.
Put these back where you found them.
Ponlas donde estaban.
The gentleman says put them back where you found them.
El caballero dice que las pongas donde estaban.
The fact you told me you found them shows you are trying to be good, Little Joe.
El que me dijeras de ellos, demuestra que tratas de ser bueno, Pequeño Joe.
So you found them after all.
Después de todo las ha encontrado.
You found them?
- ¿ Las encontró?
You found them both, but in two different men.
Tú encontraste las dos cosas, pero en dos hombres diferentes.
Mary, you won't believe this, but I don't know how those glasses got in here, but I'm glad you found them.
Mary, no creerás esto, pero no sé cómo esas gafas entraron aquí, pero me alegra que las hayas encontrado.
When you found them thus embraced, what happened?
Cuando los encontró abrazados, ¿ qué sucedió?
You found them, didn't you?
Los encontraste, ¿ no?
Just tell everyone you found them again.
Pues dirá que los encontró.
And you better take these other articles back to wherever you found them.
Será mejor que regrese estos artículos a donde sea que los halló.
You found them, you saved them.
Tú los encontraste y los salvaste.
You found them, clever girl.
Los hallaste, qué lista.
I found the documents and will rerurn them to you this morning.
Ya encontró los documentos. Mañana te los devolverá.
I wasn't going to let you go through with holding them up, after I found out how much you cared for her.
No iba a dejarte que les robaras dinero a ellos... cuando supe cuánto la querías.
It's only fair to tell you I found them in bed together.
Sólo que es justo decirle que los encontré en la cama juntos
But I didn't tell them about Jean as you say, because if they looked for him, they'd have found you with him.
No hablé de Jean como tú dices. Si lo hubiesen buscado.. lo encontraban contigo.
- Where did you get those? - I found them in here.
- ¿ Dónde las encontraste?
You can't imagine how cold I was until I found them.
No te imaginas el frío que pasé hasta que la encontré.
Tell them you found out he was going to marry me and you decided to stop it, even if it meant double-crossing yourself.
Y al enterarse de nuestra boda decidió impedirla, aunque tuviera que descubrirse a sí misma.
Do you think we found most of them?
¿ Cree que está todo?
You found them?
- ¿ Lo ha encontrado?
Found them? That's right. Sergeant, I'd better come with you, the lock's a bit tricky.
Le acompañaré, la cerradura es un poco caprichosa.
And you found that only two of them... uranium and thorium gave off rays.
Y sólo dos de ellos-- - el uranio y el torio despedían radiación.
At the end of two days, if they have not been found you call your police, tell them as much of the truth it is safe for you to say.
Si despues de dos dias, no lo han encontrado llame a la policia, y digales todo lo que sea necesario para su seguridad.
I better let them know that I found you.
Les diré que te he encontrado.
I found them, gave them to you.
Los encontré, se los di.
I never broke the Napoleons I tell you I found them that way.
No los rompí, los encontré rotos.
- You haven't found them yet? - No.
- ¿ No las ha encontrado?
You would've heard if we had found them.
- Lo sabría si los hubiéramos hallado.
And I want to warn you they found me so normal and well organized, I almost frightened them.
Y quiero advertirle que me encontraron tan normal y tan equilibrada que casi les di miedo.
I want the cops to get it. I want you to tell them where you found it.
- You said when I found them- -
- Dijo que cuando lo averiguara...
You think we found them on the street?
¿ Crees que los encontramos en la calle?
You fired them when you found out they were friends of Jericho Howard.
Y los despidió cuando se enteró de que eran amigos de Jericho Howard.
If you'd opened them, you might have found out.
Si los hubieras abierto, te habrías enterado.
You never bring them home. I've, found a laundry that does
Lo hacen en una lavandería, me ahorra tiempo.
These convoys have got to be found, and if you run into trouble with enemy fighters through talking to base in finding them, then you'll just have to run into it and get out of it the best way you can.
Hay que encontrar esos convoyes, y si tienen problemas con aviones enemigos por hablar por radio, deberán arriesgarse y salvarse como puedan.
Don't talk until you've found them.
No hable hasta que los encuentre.
Now, what if we found you four fine locations... and fitted them up for you?
¿ Si encontraramos cuatro sitios estratégicos... y nos ocuparamos de todo?
It was the neighbors who found you and saved you. Would you rather have stayed with them? No.
¿ Hubieras preferido a los vecinos que te hallaron?
You found them around a corner?
No he robado nada.
Delightful boys you have. I found them quite charming.
Los chicos son encantadores, me han parecido muy simpáticos.
They found the knife on Harvey and they shot him in the back because you tipped them off.
Registraron a Harvey y le mataron por la espalda porque tú le delataste.
Well, no... as a matter of fact, I haven't... You see, Clarke Baker and I ran a rather small 2-man shop. Our services were limited to the collection of opinions and facts in the fields we found them for our clients.
Clark Baker y yo tenemos una pequeña empresa que se limita a la captación de opiniones y hechos de campo para nuestros clientes.
you found me 135
you found it 223
you found us 32
you found out 26
you found him 147
you found her 91
you found something 73
you found the body 27
found them 38
theme 39
you found it 223
you found us 32
you found out 26
you found him 147
you found her 91
you found something 73
you found the body 27
found them 38
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
you fucking pussy 17
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
you fucking pussy 17
you fucking bitch 144
you flatter me 83
you fucked up 69
you fucking idiot 110
you feel me 201
you fucking dick 17
you fucking asshole 99
you figure it out 87
you fucking cunt 67
you fucking whore 34
you flatter me 83
you fucked up 69
you fucking idiot 110
you feel me 201
you fucking dick 17
you fucking asshole 99
you figure it out 87
you fucking cunt 67
you fucking whore 34