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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ Y ] / You need to eat

You need to eat traducir español

577 traducción paralela
You need to eat! "Primum vivere".
¡ Necesita comer! "Primum vivere".
You need to eat.
Tienes que comer.
You need to eat!
Tienes que comer.
In your state you need to eat.
En tu estado, hay que comer.
You need to eat something.
Necesitas comer algo.
You need to eat something.
Yo estoy con hambre.
You need to eat, right?
Necesitamos comer ¿ no?
How many bowls do you need to eat from?
¿ De cuántas tazas necesitas comer?
You need to eat, don't be like this.
Tienes que comer, no hagas esto.
You need to eat.
Precisa comer.
Hey, Gianluigi, you need to eat something.
Gianluigi, tienes que comer algo.
You need to eat a lot.
Necesitas comer mucho.
You need to eat enough, hm?
Tienes que comer lo suficiente, ¿ eh?
"You need to eat some eggs."
"Tómate unos huevos".
And I can bring you everything you need to eat and drink.
Te traeré todo lo que necesites ; comida, bebida...
You need to eat a lot.
Usted necesita comer mucho.
You know how much I worked to get that shirt? These girls need to be in jail and eat bean rice to wake them up. Give it back..
¿ Sabes lo duro que trabajo para ganarme la vida?
To match the nutrition of one serving of Shakeology you would need to eat :
Para que coincida con la nutrición de una porción de Shakeology Usted tendría que comer :
But you don't need to pay attention if you'd prefer to read while you eat.
Pero puede leer si prefiere.
There's no need to be, I won't eat you. I know, but I...
No tienes por qué, no es necesario.
To know if someone cooks well, you do not need to eat a whole dinner.
Para saber si alguien cocina bien, no hay que comerse toda la cena. Es usted muy persuasiva.
- No, what you need is something to eat.
- No, lo que necesitas es comer algo.
You need to start watching what you eat, mate, no more bread and no more drinking with meals.
Habrá que apretar con el régimen, nada de pan ni beber en las comidas.
Oh no, I don't think you'll need those to eat with. Come on.
No va a necesitar eso para comer.
You act so cunning! But you too, if you want to eat, you need a dead wolf.
Te crees listo, pero para comer también necesitas un lobo muerto.
You eat when you need to, if not, you don't.
Come cuando tiene qué comer, y cuando no, no come.
Get yourself something to eat so I don't need to see you again.
Vete a comer y que yo no te vuelva a ver.
You need something to eat.
Come algo.
Why do you buy things to eat we do not need?
Porque compra cosas que no necesitamos?
You need to eat something and rest. Come.
We need you to eat some carp and produce lots ofmilk.
Necesitamos que coma alguna carpa para que produzca más leche materna.
Why are you looking at me I am not common I need to eat double serves for my baby
No me mires así. No soy común Tengo que comer mucho por el bebé.
You don't need to eat it.
No tienes que comerlo.
You just need... something to eat.
Sólo necesitas algo de comer.
You eat it instead, you need to grow.
Come tú, que debes crecer.
It's not pig pate'so that... you need eat with your fingers. Why not? If she wants to.
No es comida de cerdos para machacarla y jugar con ella con las manos.
Instead of croissants, you'll need to eat biscuits. I'm more worried about what else is happening..
Si no se come el croisan, subirán los bizcochos..... siempre hay una razón.
No need to. What do you want to eat?
- No hace faltan. ¿ Qué te apetece comer?
Say... you don't need to be polite, just eat. Thanks for the food.
Olvidaos de los modales y comed.
You have to eat, Egon. You need strength.
Tienes que comer, necesitas fuerzas.
I know, in the Bruckner household you eat it from a glass with six spices, and that's very original, but no need to make fun of those unaccustomed to such originality.
Pero los Brucker los toman en vaso y con seis condimentos. Es original, pero no da derecho... a reírse de quien no está habituado.
You don't need a mouthhole to eat with... and an asshole to swallow infinity.
No se necesita un agujero en la boca para comer, ni un agujero en el culo para tragarse el infinito.
Marcy, I don't need you to tell me what to eat.
Marcy, no necesito que me digas que puedo comer.
You need something to eat.
Debe comer algo.
Alright, but if you want to eat you need the money.
Vale, tienes hambre. Pero para comer hace falta dinero, ¿ sabes?
You need something to eat.
Usted necesita algo de comer.
You really need to eat some decent food.
Tienes que alimentarse decentemente.
If you need someone to eat sashimi with you, give me a ring.
Si necesitan alguien con quien comer sashimi, me llaman.
But you still need to eat.
Pero tendrán que comer.
I need to know who Cell Block 4 really is. I want to know how you guys think, what you feel. What do you guys eat?
lo que le falta al documental es simple necesito saber qué es CB4 en realidad me refiero a saber qué piensan, qué sienten, qué comen... yo no sé eso, ¿ acaso les gustan los sandwiches?
For quite some time that you owe sixty francs, But we also need to eat until Saturday.
Ya sé que hace tiempo que le debemos sesenta francos, pero tenemos que comer hasta el sábado.

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