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You saved her traducir español

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You saved her.
La salvó.
You... You saved her life, Dr. Vollin.
Usted le salvó la vida, Dr. Vollin.
She might have died. You saved her. You kept your head.
Podía haber muerto, tú la has salvado.
You saved her!
¡ Usted la salvó!
- You saved Her Highness?
- ¿ Salvaste la vida a Su Alteza?
You saved her?
¿ Él te salvó?
You saved her.
La habéis salvado.
She thinks since you saved her father's money once, perhaps you can do it again.
Piensa que si salvaste el dinero una vez, lo volverías a hacer.
Dear Trinka told us how brave you were this morning and how you saved her from those vicious KAOS killers.
La querida Trinka nos contó lo valiente que fue usted esta mañana y cómo la salvó de esos desalmados asesinos que envió KAOS.
You saved her!
¡ La habéis salvado!
You saved her life, sir.
Le salvó la vida, señor.
You saved her life.
Le salvaste la vida.
Well, you saved her physical life.
Pues, le salvaste la vida física.
- You saved her.
- Tú la salvaste.
She thinks you saved her lite.
Piensa que le salvaste la vida.
I mean that after you saved your own hide and left us all to die in Marmorus you went to Karen and induced her to go to America with you.
Después de que te salvaste y nos dejaste morir en Marmorus... fuiste a ver a Karen y la convenciste para irse a EE.UU. contigo.
I know the young lady'll be very grateful. You've probably saved her life.
Les estará muy agradecida, le han salvado la vida.
You could have saved her, but let her die.
Podría haberla salvado, pero la dejé morir.
I saved enough money out of her wages for a deposit on a fur coat for you.
Ahorré suficiente dinero de su salario para el depósito de un abrigo de piel.
Do you blame me for covering for her? She saved my hide.
No me culpe por encubrirla, me salvó la vida.
Why did you tell her that I saved your life?
¿ Por qué le has dicho que te salvé la vida en una barca?
You pointed out yourself that Esther saved her life.
Usted señaló que Esther le salvó la vida.
If you'll be the girl Who saved her love
Y tú serás la chica Que guardó su amor
If you think you can spend those long evenings... just thinkin'about how you might have saved her, it's all right with me.
Si soportarás pensar que pudiste salvarla, entonces bien.
Two other sponsors want this girl. but I've saved her especially for you.
Otros dos patrocinadores quieren a esta chica... pero la he guardado especialmente para usted.
When you were on the lake with that poor girl, and the boat capsized and there was a moment when you might have saved her.
Cuando estabas en el lago con esa pobre chica y el barco zozobró y hubo un momento en el que podías haberla salvado.
You sure saved her a buster.
La has salvado de un buen accidente.
So her favors are saved for you. Peasant clod!
Así que sus favores son solo para ti.
To think that she almost drowned. If you hadn't saved her life.
Cuando pienso que se hubiera ahogado, si no llegas a salvarle la vida.
The girl who saved your life, you hurt her.
La chica que salvó su vida que le hizo daño.
It's not her you have saved by obliging her to return to the norm.
No es solo que te hayas salvado, obligándote a volver a la norma.
You couldn't have saved her if you'd been twice as quick.
No la habrías salvado aunque hubieras llegado antes.
Bonehead, the girl who saved you, her name is Sugar. Sugar Kane.
Cabezahueca, la chica que te salvo se llama Terrón de Azúcar.
Oh, I tell you, boy, she's so like the one I... saved that day I got hurt, I thought it was a ghost when I first seen her!
Se parece a la que salvé el día del accidente.
Because you have saved my dear child, Take her for your wife. Let her be yours.
ya que a mi hija amada has salvado, ven, que sea tu esposa y ambos por igual ocupen unidos mi trono real.
Mr. Green, you know, my mama saved her life.
Sr. Green, sabe, mi madre salvó su vida.
You couldn't have saved her, Clint.
No podías haberla salvado, Clint.
Teachers, I beg of you not to spare her if she is to be saved.
Maestras, les pido no la perdonen si es que quieren salvarla.
You know, I probably could have saved her... if I'd have moved sooner.
Tu sabes, probablemente podria haberla salvado... Si me hubiera movido a tiempo.
You'd have been proud of her presence of mind, the way she saved that Barry baby.
- Hubieras estado orgullosa de su aplomo, en la manera en que salvó la bebé Barry.
You could have saved her and you just stood there?
Usted pudo haberla salvado ¿ Y usted tan solo que quedo allí?
I'll return them to you once we've saved her.
Nosotros se la devolveremos cuando la hayamos rescatado.
You haven't saved her yet. Come on.
- Todavía no la salvas.
Many of you here tonight were once lost children... but Granny Wendy found parents and homes for each of you... and saved you- - that's her miracle.
Muchos de ustedes fueron niños perdidos... pero la abuelita Wendy les encontró padres y hogares... y los salvó. Ese es su milagro.
You're overlooking the possibility the Flash saved her life.
No considera la posibilidad de que el Relámpago le salvara la vida.
Saved her from seeing you like this.
Se salvó de verte así.
You might have saved her, but you didn't wanna play.
Pudiste haberla salvado, pero no quisiste jugar.
You know the routine. Find a girl, tell her I saved your life in Nam and I no longer have any feelings left in my hands.
Encuentra una chica, dile que salvé tu vida en Namibia y que no tengo sensaciones en mis manos.
You could have saved her.
La pudiste haber salvado, pero ahora ya es tarde,
Are you telling me that I saved her life so she could be in one last picture?
Me estas diciendo ¿ que le salve la vida para que pudiera estar en su ultima película?
Mr Homn said he saved it in case someday you wanted to remember her.
Homn dijo que la había guardado por si un día querías recordarla.

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