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But thanks anyway traducir francés

156 traducción paralela
I usually do my own fighting but thanks anyway.
Je sais me défendre toute seule, mais merci.
I don't smoke, but thanks anyway. Thanks a lot.
Je ne fume pas, mais merci quand même.
But thanks anyway.
- Mais merci quand même.
But thanks anyway.
Mais merci malgré tout.
I think I'll stay here, Miss Markle, but thanks anyway.
Je crois que je vais rester là, Miss Markle, mais merci quand même.
That can't be true, but thanks anyway.
Ça ne doit pas être vrai, mais c'est gentil.
It probably won't be any use, but thanks anyway. It probably won't be any use, but thanks anyway.
Ça ne servira peut-être à rien, mais merci.
You don't mean that, but thanks anyway.
Pas possible? Vous êtes gentille.
But thanks anyway.
Mais merci quand même.
Look, this is getting us nowhere. But thanks anyway.
Cela ne nous mène nulle part, mais merci quand même.
I may not leave right away, but thanks anyway. And Marlowe?
Je ne partirai peut-être pas tout de suite, mais merci quand même.
No, that's very nice of you, but thanks anyway.
C'est gentil, mais non, merci.
No, I'm off the team'cause they don't have the funds for one more gymnast this year, but thanks anyway.
Non! C'est parce que l'équipe manque de crédit pour un gymnaste de plus. Et merci d'être venu!
Oh, that's too bad. It would have been nice gift for us to give somebody, but thanks anyway.
Ça nous aurait fait un beau cadeau à offrir... mais merci quand même.
But thanks anyway.
Mais c'est gentil quand même.
No, but thanks anyway, Peg.
Non, mais merci quand même.
No thanks. I'm on my way home, but thanks anyway.
Non merci, je rentre chez moi.
I'd better not, I've got to be at the gym in a few minutes, but thanks anyway, ladies. I don't know...
- J'en sais rien.
I think I'll give the bar a rest for a while, but thanks anyway.
Je crois que j'irai pas au bar pour un moment, merci quand même.
-... but thanks anyway for the compliment.
- Mais merci du compliment.
No, you're not but thanks anyway, Brother.
Mais merci quand même, mon frère.
But thanks anyway.
Mais merci.
But thanks anyway
En tout cas merci.
Thanks anyway But I've had enough
Merci quand même, mais j'ai assez bu.
But thanks for the news, anyway.
En tout cas, je te remercie de me l'avoir dit.
Thanks anyway, but I prefer going it by myself.
Merci, je préfère y aller seul.
No, thanks anyway, but I'm planning to break the... You should pardon the expression. - Tie that binds.
Merci, mais j'envisage de... pardonnez l'expression...
Thanks anyway, but I don't want no charity.
Merci, je ne demande pas la charité.
Uh-uh. Thanks anyway, Lieutenant, but I'm leaving tomorrow.
Merci, lieutenante, mais je pars demain.
But, you know... - OK, thanks anyway.
Mais, vous savez... bon, merci quand même.
Well, thanks anyway, but you can keep the crown.
Mais tu peux garder la couronne.
I'd have gotten out anyway, but thanks just the same.
Je m'en serais sorti mais merci quand même.
Well, thanks anyway, Emily, but I might as well stay here.
Merci, Émilie, mais il vaut mieux que je reste ici.
But thanks, anyway.
Mais merci quand même.
Thanks anyway, buddy, but l-I don't wanna take your shoes.
Merci, l'ami, mais je ne veux pas prendre tes chaussures.
Oh, thanks anyway, Tony, but I don't want to borrow Jeannie.
Merci, mais je ne veux pas emprunter Jeannie.
Thanks anyway. But it's nothing to worry about.
Je vous remercie, je ne pense pas que ce soit grave.
Well thanks anyway but I'm meeting some people in my mother's saloon.
Eh, bien... merci. Mais on m'attend au bar de ma mère.
Well, thanks anyway, but Gnatpole does our investigating for us on the continent.
Gnatpole est responsable des affaires européennes.
Well, thanks anyway, Esmeralda, but I'm afraid you're too late.
Bon, merci, Esmeralda, mais je crains que ce ne soit trop tard.
But thanks, anyway.
Mais merci en tout cas.
I probably could've manage, but my thanks to you gentlemen, anyway.
Je m'en serais sorti seul, mais merci quand même, messieurs.
But thanks for them anyway. They will serve our purpose splendidly.
Mais merci pour eux, de toute façon, ils serviront notre but.
I miss you too much. - Thanks anyway. - But no, darling!
Tu manques, merci d'avoir appelé.
Thanks anyway, but I'm really pretty happy where I am.
Merci, mais je suis heureux ici.
Thanks anyway, sir, but I think I can manage.
Merci, mais... je me débrouillerai.
But thanks anyway. - How are you, Mr Chase?
- Comment allez-vous?
Thanks anyway, but no thanks.
C'est gentil, mais non.
But no thanks, anyway. Go on.
Mais non merci, de toute façon.
I know, but look, I just want to say thanks anyway.
Je voulais quand même te remercier.
Thanks, anyway, but- -
Merci mais...

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