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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ D ] / Didn't find anything

Didn't find anything traducir francés

518 traducción paralela
- I mean I didn't find anything compromising on anybody
- Je veux dire, j'ai rien trouvé de compromettant sur personne.
You didn't happen to find anything in this brush, did you?
N'avez-vous rien trouvé dans ce blaireau?
- Oh, Dunhill, I didn't find anything yet.
- Dunhill, je n'ai encore rien trouvé.
- She obviously didn't find anything.
- Evidemment, elle n'a rien trouvé.
I didn't find anything.
- Je n'ai rien trouvé.
We searched everything, didn't find anything.
- On a fouillé partout. Rien!
Don't tell me you didn't find out anything about her?
Ne me dis pas que tu ne sais rien d'elle. Mais si.
- Didn't you find out anything about them?
- Sais-tu quoi que ce soit sur eux?
I didn't find anything to make in my vast kingdom.
Je ne trouvais rien à faire dans mon vaste royaume.
Surely you didn't expect to find anything wrong?
Vous pensiez qu'il n'en serait pas ainsi?
Oh, I didn't expect to find you here, ma'am. ls there anything I can do?
Je ne pensais pas vous trouver ici. Je peux faire quelque chose?
─ No. They didn't find anything wrong.
Non, mais j'ai eu droit à la totale.
I guarantee you didn't find anything as lovely as this at Gregory's.
Il n'y a rien d'aussi joli chez Gregory, je vous le garantis.
- You didn't find anything.
- Vous n'avez rien trouvé.
He didn't find anything good to say about me, did he?
Pas en termes flatteurs, je parie.
I didn't think they'd find anything wrong.
Je ne pensais pas qu'on trouverait quoi que ce soit.
They say they didn't find anything. I have no reason to doubt them.
Ils prétendent n'avoir rien trouver, je n'ai aucune raison d'en douter d'eux.
I'd be just as happy if you didn't find anything.
J'aimerais autant ne pas les retrouver.
You wanna take a look inside? I didn't find anything.
Jetez un œil à l'intérieur.
You find out anything you didn't know?
Qu'as-tu découvert?
We searched the janitor's room. We didn't find anything.
On a fouillé la chambre du concierge sans succès.
That lab technician didn't find anything.
Ils n'ont rien trouvé.
Go ahead. We didn't find anything.
- Tu peux te renseigner.
He looked all over the city, but didn't find anything.
- Il a fouillé toute la nuit. Il a trouvé personne.
Didn't you find anything?
Vous n'avez rien trouvé dans la valise? - Quoi donc?
We didn't find anything.
Nous n'avons rien trouvé.
Then again, didn't find anything to base a fact or suspicion on.
Mais rien qui nous permette de soupçonner quoi que ce soit.
Didn't you find out anything?
N'as-tu rien pu apprendre?
- You didn't find anything? Nothing. Let's clear the way here.
Je n'ai rien découvert.
As long as the authorities didn't find my food supplies, they wouldn't suspect anything.
Tant qu'on ne contrôlait pas mon chargement, je pouvais toujours m'en sortir.
I warned you that if you didn't find anything your career would suffer,
Je t'avais pourtant bien dit que si tu ne trouvais rien, ta carrière en souffrirait.
So we didn't find out anything.
Nous n'avons rien trouvé.
But I didn't find anything suspect in the accounting books.
Ils disent qu'il a réussi grâce à sa sincérité.
I didn't find anything, Effendi
J'ai cherché et je n'ai rien trouvé, Effendi.
But, unfortunately, we didn't find anything else.
Malheureusement, on n'a rien trouvé.
I've done some research, but didn't find anything.
J'ai fait faire une enquête, mais ça n'a rien donné.
- Didn't find anything.
- J'ai rien trouvé.
I didn't find out about anything yesterday that I didn't know already.
Je n'ai rien appris hier. Je le savais déjà.
Why didn't you ever find out anything from that girl?
Cette fille ne vous a rien appris.
- You didn't find anything?
Vous n'avez rien trouvé, à part son sac à main et sa veste?
Well, I am, sort of, because you see Mike didn't find anything wrong with it.
Oui, parce que Mike ne lui a rien trouvé.
We didn't find anything from what was stolen from deputy Miclea.
Aucune trace des objets voles du depute Miclea! Oui...
- I've been a hard man to find. - You didn't call or anything.
- J'étais introuvable ces temps-ci.
We didn't find anything in the underground,
Nous n'avons rien trouvé dans le souterrain.
I stayed with her until I graduated high school, which was a year ago, and there didn't seem to be anything much holding'me back, so I decided now is the time to move around and find out what was going on.
C'était il y a un an et comme rien ne semblait me retenir... j'ai décidé qu'il était temps de bouger et de voir ce qui se passe.
I think you're going to be real sorry when you find out I didn't do anything.
Tu seras désolé quand tu comprendras que je n'ai rien fait.
You didn't happen to find a key that doesn't fit anything in this place?
Vous n'auriez pas trouvé une clé qui ne va dans aucune serrure?
I didn't find out anything.
Je n'ai rien découvert.
- They didn't find anything.
La police a surveillé le bâtiment toute la nuit, ils n'ont rien trouvé.
Find out why the man on duty in Tower One didn't report anything.
Trouvez pourquoi le mirador No 1 n'a rien signalé.
I told you, didn't I? ! He can't find anything.
- Qu'est-ce que je disais?

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