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Translate.vc / inglés → francés / [ F ] / Fine by me

Fine by me traducir francés

681 traducción paralela
Fine by me.
- Je veux bien, moi.
That's fine by me.
Ça me va.
That's fine by me.
Ça ne me fait pas peur.
Tramp? Fine by me.
Va pour renarde!
That's fine by me.
Tout m'est égal :
- It's fine by me.
- Ça m'est égal.
That's fine by me.
C'est parfait.
It was my mother's idea that I not be there which is fine by me.
Ma mère préférait que je ne sois pas là.
Fine by me.
That's fine by me.
Ça ne me gênerait pas.
If our father wishes to receive you, it's fine by me.
Et si père veut t'accueillir sous son toit, soit.
so you give the orders, which is fine by me.
Tu donnes les ordres. C'est normal.
That's fine by me.
- Fine by me, but -
Si tu veux.
Fine by me.
- Well, it's fine by me.
- Moi, ça me va.
Fine by me.
Ça me va.
- Fine by me.
- Ça me va.
If that's your thinkin', sir, it's fine by me.
Si c'est votre idée, commissaire, ça me va. Allez-y.
It's absolutely fine by me.
Ça ne me pose aucun problème.
I ain't no side of beef to be auctioned off, but hell, fine by me.
Je ne suis pas à vendre comme un quartier de viande mais... enfin, ça me convient.
for a couple of days It's fine by me. If it's just for a few days
D'accord, pour quelques jours.
It's fine by me. I just obey...
Je veux bien, mais j'aurais voulu éviter.
That's fine by me.
- Ca me va.
- Fine by me.
- Je marche.
If you wanna turn back, that's fine by me.
Si tu veux rebrousser chemin, pas de problèmes.
Fine by me, but it will be a relief not to have to see his curly head every day.
Ce sera très bien s'il vient et encore mieux s'il ne vient pas.
- Fine by me.
- C'est bon pour moi!
- Anywhere's fine by me.
- Peu m'importe.
It's fine by me.
Ça me va.
Well, that's just fine by me.
Je n'ai pas d'objection.
We'll give it to the reverend, and that's fine by me.
Allons la récupérer et remettons-la au révérend, ce sera parfait.
Anyway this is fine by me
En tout cas, moi ça me va.
You wanna stick around... and find Viktor, Captain, that's fine by me.
Vous voulez rester pour... boxer Viktor? ça me va parfaitement.
I consider it my duty, for when I marry, I " m entitled by the colony to take for myself a fine piece of bottom land with a brook on it, and I shall have three horses, six cows, 10 pigs.
C'est mon devoir, car quand je me marierai, la colonie me fera choisir une terre fertile avec un ruisseau, et j'aurai trois chevaux, six vaches et dix cochons.
You can pay for the petrol, the work is free just for the pleasure seeing you go home. Fine. I'll wait for you at 10 by the woods.
Bien sûr Jésus, Vous êtes sur la terre et dans les cieux, j'adore pas de fétiche, mais sans Vous, je me sens perdu.
If you wanna kiss me, that's fine by me.
Vous pouvez m'embrasser.
Fine by me.
Allons-y si tu veux...
- Fine I'm not here by chance, but for something heavy on my heart.
- Bien. Je viens pour une chose qui me tient à cœur.
That's fine by me. They are two very valuable pieces.
Deux objets rares.
And I'd just like them to know That their fine work is at least appreciated by me.
Je voudrais simplement qu'ils sachent que j'ai apprécié leur excellent travail.
It seems like half the city is trying to cover it up, which is fine by me. -
À priori, je m'en fous.
Yeah, well, you say you're fine, but me, I'd like another opinion because I'm not too anxious to move to Eastbridge and after four months there, be told by my sweet wife we got to move again
Il se trouve que je ne suis pas d'accord. Si on s'installe à Eastbridge, qui me dit que ma femme ne voudra pas partir parce qu'elle n'aime pas la netteté de ses voisines?
I recently realized that in winter I'm attracted by big breasts. However, in summer small breasts suit me fine.
J'ai réalisé récemment qu'en hiverje suis attiré par les grosses poitrines... alors qu'en été, les poitrines modestes me conviennent parfaitement.
As long as I don't die by your hands that's fine
Tant que ce n'est pas toi qui me tues!
- Really, every time - It's fine by me.
Entrez, si vous voulez.
It's fine by me
Moi, je suis d'accord.
To the fine distinction between which half of the left of the left is recognized by Moscow as the real Communist Party in America?
- Je me suis engagé. - À quoi?
- Mais... il a brutalement annulé des visites le mois dernier et je sens la culpabilité dans ses explications.
I will be fine by myself.
Je me débrouillerai tout seul.
I'd like to open up by saying that my discussions with Elliot have been quite specific and the agreement we reached suits me just fine.
Je dirai pour commencer, que mes discussions avec EIIiot... étaient plutôt spécifiques... et nous sommes arrivés à un accord qui me convient

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