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Commodus has launched a strike against the Senate, demanding an even larger gift for his people... a day of games.
Commode lance une offensive contre le sénat en réclamant un cadeau des plus coûteux pour son peuple : une journée de Jeux.
By forcing the Senate to pay for his games,
En forçant le sénat à financer ses Jeux,
In the case of Cleander, it's fairly clear that there was, in fact, a mob calling for his blood.
Dans le cas de Cléandre, on sait que la foule demandait sa tête.
After months of training and preparation for his games,
Après des mois d'entraînement et de préparation pour ses Jeux,
For his games, Commodus is certain if he can embody the Roman god, he too will be invincible... and be forever honored by the Roman people.
Pendant ses Jeux, Commode pense qu'en se mettant dans la peau de ce dieu, il sera lui aussi invincible et à jamais honoré par le peuple de Rome.
- For his wine.
- À mettre dans son vin.
He doesn't stop for his own candy.
Il n'arrete pas.
That money was for his father's life! His father's life!
C'était l'indemnité de décès de son père!
And there was a guy downstairs, and they was beating him with a crowbar, and he was begging for his life.
Il y avait un type en bas, et ils le tapaient avec une barre de fer. Il les suppliait.
Staff deal with tourist bookings, while pilot Herve Rougier watches the celebrations on television, and waits for his next clients to arrive.
Le personnel s'occupe des réservations. Le pilote Hervé Rougier regarde les festivités à la télévision en attendant l'arrivée du prochain client.
As he grabs the cash, the guard grabs his jeans... and suddenly, he's in shorts, sprinting for his life.
Il attrape l'argent et les agents attrapent son jean. Il se retrouve en short, obligé de courir pour sauver sa peau.
Now, for his disappearing act.
Passons à la disparation.
Paunch, he was named for his belly.
Ensuite, Paunch, qui avait du bide.
A terrorist who fears for his life, who killed innocent Israelis, knows that he's in our sights.
Un terroriste qui craint pour sa vie, qui a tué des Israéliens innocents, sait qu'il est dans le viseur.
Otherwise... we will send his head in a box to you... and you're responsible for his death. "
Sinon, on vous enverra sa tête dans une boîte, et vous aurez sa mort sur la conscience. "
For Commodus, the Senate's betrayal is a decisive move against his reign.
Pour Commode, le sénat vient de prouver qu'il ne reconnaît pas sa légitimité.
Commodus takes his campaign for the people... a step further.
Commode poursuit sa campagne de séduction auprès du peuple.
Cleander is determined to take his place... and will do anything to seize the position for himself.
Cléandre est résolu à prendre sa place. Et il est prêt à tout pour parvenir à ses fins.
Commodus is one example, in which there's a nexus of lower-status people around the Emperor who are perceived as his friends and are thought of as dangerous for this reason.
Ils étaient vus comme étant ses amis et donc considérés comme dangereux.
But while Commodus prepares for one of his most important days as Emperor,
Commode se prépare à vivre l'un des jours les plus importants de son règne.
For Commodus, the attempt on his life and the murder of his closest advisor... shakes the foundation of his reign.
Pour Commode, la tentative d'assassinat à son encontre et le meurtre de son plus proche conseiller fragilisent son règne.
Cleander looks at his position as a way for him to gain his own power and gain his own popularity.
Cléandre voit son poste comme un moyen de renforcer son pouvoir et sa popularité.
While Cleander continues his campaign for power,
Alors que Cléandre poursuit son ascension,
In the palace, the Emperor has his choice of attractive slaves... servants available for pleasure day and night.
Au palais, l'empereur a l'embarras du choix. Les servantes sont à sa disposition jour et nuit.
Commodus begins to realize he's not ready for the arena, and with the games quickly approaching, he starts devising a way to secure his victory.
Commode commence à réaliser qu'il n'est pas prêt pour l'arène. Les Jeux arrivant à grands pas, il cherche un moyen d'assurer sa victoire
For Commodus, fighting as a gladiator will solidify his popularity and secure his legacy as Emperor.
Pour Commode, combattre comme un gladiateur finira d'assoir sa popularité, et marquera les esprits pour toujours.
So he marks anyone who knows of his plan for banishment or execution in an official royal document known as a proscription list.
Alors il condamne tous ceux qui sont au courant au bannissement ou à la mort dans un document officiel appelé la liste de proscription.
But his blood test came back positive for PCBs.
Mais son sang est revenu positif aux PCBs.
He'd step over his mother's body for the love of a dollar. This fuckin'... "
Il piétinerait sa mere pour un dollar. "
Once in a while the manager... here's the vacation... after a 20-hour shift, walks out and leans on his own body weight for ten seconds.
De temps a autre, le gérant, apres une journée de 20 h, sort et se prélasse dix secondes.
About a month ago, I won a big case for a client, and he wanted to settle his legal fees with cash.
Il y a environ un mois, j'ai gagné une grosse affaire pour un client, et il voulait régler ses frais juridiques en liquide.
And when I went to the house, there were people cleaning his house, folding his laundry, doing things for Tom, personally...
Et quand je suis arrivée à la maison, il y avait des gens qui nettoyaient sa maison, qui pliaient son linge, qui faisaient des choses pour Tom, personnellement...
Years later, he ramains bitter and angry for the humiliation he endured as a result and refuses to accept personal responsibility for any of his actions.
Des années plus tard, il reste plein d'amertume et de colère face à l'humiliation qu'il a subie en conséquence et refuse d'accepter la responsabilité personnelle de la moindre de ses actions.
The Apollo is a ship that L. Ron Hubbard purchased in 1968 to be his floating headquarters for Scientology.
L'Apollo est un bateau que L. Ron Hubbard a acheté en 1968 pour y établir ses quartiers généraux flottants de la Scientologie.
Commodore's Messengers are the people who work directly for L. Ron Hubbard, so the messengers became his personal assistants and ultimately became the people that ran Scientology.
Les Messagers du Commodore, ce sont les gens qui travaillent directement pour L. Ron Hubbard, donc les messagers devenaient ses assistants personnels et ultimement ils devenaient les gens qui géraient la Scientologie.
So I to then quickly, alone, get on a plane to London and brief John Travolta and his PR people and security to be on the lookout for the bald lunatic that was John Sweeney.
Alors, je suis vite parti, seul, prendre un avion pour Londres pour briefer John Travolta et ses attachés de PR et de sécurité d'être à l'affût de ce dément patenté qu'était John Sweeney.
I had a doctor's appointment, and Mike was waiting for me outside in the car, and his... his brother, his daughter, and a bunch of senior...
J'avais un rendez-vous chez le docteur, et Mike m'attendait dehors dans la voiture, et son... son frère, sa fille, et un tas de cadres supérieurs...
[reporter 1 ] Martin Burnham, one of the three American hostages, flew to the resort Saturday together with his wife Gracia... [ reporter 2]... has been allowed to broadcast an appeal for the government in Manila to negotiate his release.
Martin Burnham, un des trois otages américains, était arrivé avec sa femme à Dos Palmas samedi... a été autorisé à transmettre un message au gouvernement à Manille pour négocier sa libération.
The next day, Jay and his buddy got spotted by police, crashed their car, they got arrested and the cruel irony is that Ma testified against her son to reduce her sentence, so now she's in jail for 13 months, he's serving life.
Le jour suivant, Jay et son ami sont repérés par la police, ont un accident de voiture et se font arrêter. Le plus ironique : la mère témoigne contre son fils contre une réduction de peine.
Give in and she's his prisoner for life.
Si elle cède, elle sera à sa merci à jamais.
And in 1916, this scam artist was poised for the greatest score of his career.
En 1916, ce roi de l'arnaque allait faire le plus gros coup de sa carrière.
Knowing that would mean he'd be paying out civil damages claims for the rest of his life, Hatfield declined the fee.
En sachant qu'il aurait dû payer de sa poche les dégâts causés jusqu'à la fin de ses jours, Hatfield a refusé.
DB's ready for phase two of his plan.
D.B. est prêt pour la deuxième étape.
And it's quite likely that Reader lost his nerve and he didn't wanna take the risk of going back in for a second time.
Il semblerait que Reader se soit dégonflé et ne voulait pas prendre le risque de revenir une deuxième fois.
- For a moment, his will seemed broken.
Un instant, il sembla défait.
James experiences more than three times his body weight for four seconds and racers can even stray into G-LOC territory.
James supporte trois fois le poids de son corps pendant quatre secondes et les pilotes peuvent même perdre connaissance.
The carnival ride actually pinned him to his seat - for a buttock-squashing 5.75 Gs. - Oh...
Ce tour de manège l'a scotché à son siège avec 5,75 g.
And at number one... the man who sacrificed his body to make life safer for every g-force junkie to come,
En premier, l'homme qui a sacrifié son corps pour sécuriser la vie des accros à la force g du futur.
Keahi has been evolving his bionic boots for years with the key elements being tough rubber springs to mimic animal Achilles tendons. with a spring-loaded toe and mountain bike tire for grip.
Keahi a fait évoluer ses bottes bioniques au fil des ans, avec des ressorts en caoutchouc dur au lieu des tendons d'Achille des animaux, un orteil muni d'un ressort et un pneu de VTT pour l'adhésion.
Guess I'll just have to take his word for it.
Je vais devoir le croire sur parole.
I pray for Ronaldo that he has a chance to heal all of the issues and emotions that he may still have regarding his past.
Je prie pour Ronaldo. J'espère qu'il pourra s'affranchir des démons et des émotions de son passé.
for his sake 47
hiss 20
history 358
hisses 49
hissing 70
historical 17
hispanic 52
his father 174
his nephew 20
his mother 223
hiss 20
history 358
hisses 49
hissing 70
historical 17
hispanic 52
his father 174
his nephew 20
his mother 223
his brother 146
his wife 438
his family 108
his best friend 29
his name is dr 18
his son 135
his soul 16
his sister 102
his friend 45
his head 38
his wife 438
his family 108
his best friend 29
his name is dr 18
his son 135
his soul 16
his sister 102
his friend 45
his head 38
historically 99
his house 47
his birthday 23
his name is 110
his watch 21
his shoes 20
his name is ethan 17
his ex 116
his daughter 107
his place 22
his house 47
his birthday 23
his name is 110
his watch 21
his shoes 20
his name is ethan 17
his ex 116
his daughter 107
his place 22