Go to him traducir francés
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You must go to him.
Tu dois le rejoindre.
The car falls when you're hooked to Walter and his body gets caught inside? The hoist line snaps and you will go down with him.
Si la voiture tombe quand tu es accroché à Walter et qu'il reste coincé dedans, la corde cédera et tu tomberas avec lui.
Don't you want to go home tonight and tell him that you're a good man?
Vous ne voulez pas lui dire que vous avez bien agi?
I know you go out there to pray with him.
Je sais que tu pries avec lui.
It's bad enough you're lugging around those disgusting glasses everywhere we go. Let's at least get Kevin look where we want him to.
Déjà que tu te trimballes avec ces lunettes atroces, autant détourner le regard de Kevin.
So maybe you should go talk to this guy with him.
Peut-être devrais-tu y aller avec lui pour parler à ce gars.
It's more of a secure space with the weapons necessary to capture Gabriel so that my men can go to work on him.
C'est un endroit des plus sécurisés avec les armes nécessaires pour capturer Gabriel afin que mes hommes puissent travailler sur lui.
It's dangerous for him to go cold turkey like this. - I know. I know.
C'est dangereux pour lui d'être en état de manque comme ça.
So either you're going to go in and talk him down, or I'm going to go in and take him down.
Soit vous y allez et vous lui faites entendre raison, soit j'y vais et c'est les cloches qu'il entendra.
I better go find him and talk to him.
Je ferais mieux d'aller lui parler.
He saw me at work, so I had to go and talk to him.
Il m'a vu au travail, alors j'ai dû aller lui parler.
Do you want him to go on?
Je continue?
I want to go talk to him.
J'aimerais aller lui parler.
Well, how do you want it to go with him?
Eh bien, comment veux-tu que ça aille avec lui?
And I would promise him, "I am never going to let go."
Et je lui ai promis, "je ne te lâcherai jamais."
But her father had carried her three miles through the wind and rain to get her there. And Dr. Tyler... she said she wasn't gonna let him go home without her.
Mais son père l'avait transportée sur 4 kilomètres à travers le vent et la pluie pour l'amener ici. et Dr Tyler... a dit qu'elle ne le laisserait pas repartir sans elle.
You convinced me to let him go, and now I'm losing him a second time.
Vous m'avez convaincue de le laisser partir, et maintenant, je le perds une seconde fois.
I have to go. You tell him it's not true.
Vous lui dîtes que c'est faux.
He paid Malloy to let him go.
Il a payé Malloy pour le laisser partir.
I have to go back and avenge him.
Je dois y retourner et le venger.
I go smoke a bowl out on the delivery bay and wait for him to bail with the merch.
Je vais fumer un coup sur le quai de livraison et j'attends qu'il roule avec la marchandise.
Tried to poach him from you guys, but he said he'd rather go it alone.
J'ai voulu le débaucher, mais rien à faire.
Released from the hospital an hour ago. Go talk to him.
Sorti de l'hôpital il y a une heure.
Here's what you do : go down to the park, find a homeless guy, give him a sandwich, and while he's eating, tell him your side of the story.
Va au parc, trouve un clochard, donne-lui un sandwich, et pendant qu'il mange, dis-lui ta version de l'histoire.
Shall I go back in and ask him to plead not guilty after all?
Vous voulez que j'aille lui demander de replaider non coupable?
If you want to get back at Theo, why don't you just go to his new school and out him as a narc.
Si tu veux te venger de Théo, pourquoi tu ne vas pas à sa nouvelle école et dire qu'il est STUP?
You will go to your husband's room now and wait for him.
Tu vas aller dans la chambre de ton mari maintenant et l'attendre.
You got two kids now, and one of them needs you to go home and do something really important for him, all right?
T'as deux enfants maintenant, et l'un d'entre eux a besoin de toi à la maison et de faire quelque chose de très important pour lui, ok?
When MIO shot him, he was too damaged to go back to Tenebrae headquarters.
Quand ARM a tiré, il n'a pas pu retourner au siège de Tenebrae.
Or "You'd be mad to let him go."
"Vous seriez folle de le repousser".
I wanted him to go.
Je voulais qu'il aille.
And you went to jail instead of ratting him out. So, you're gonna go in there and you're gonna get him
Vous piégiez des voitures pour lui, et vous avez été en taule au lieu de le dénoncer.
If you want him to go and get new threads, you just go and buy them.
Si tu veux qu'ils aillent s'acheter des fringues, tu y vas.
No, seriously, go to San Diego and fire him.
- Sam! - Non sérieusement, vas à San Diego et dis-lui.
The suspect's brother conveniently cleared your prime suspect, and you let him go on his merry way while looking for someone else to charge with murder.
Le frère de votre suspect a commodément blanchi votre principal suspect, et vous le laissez joyeusement partir en cherchant quelqu'un d'autre à inculper de meurtre.
At least. So how did he get Llamosa to go with him?
Comment l'a-t-il forcé à le suivre?
And that's why I'm gonna go talk to him, the way I would want someone to talk to me.
Et voilà pourquoi je vais aller lui parler, la façon dont je voudrais quelqu'un à qui parler pour moi.
I have to surprise him, Vince, so you go in first.
Je dois le surprendre, Vince, alors tu y vas en premier.
- Go talk to him.
- Va lui parler.
Get him to go into his own mind, cast out Croatoan, and destroy him.
On l'envoie dans son propre esprit, chasser Croatoan et le détruire.
If Nathan doesn't come back, you have to promise me that you're not gonna go in there after him.
Si Nathan ne revient pas, tu dois me promettre que tu n'iras pas là bas le chercher.
So, you're just gonna go in there and talk to him?
Tu vas entrer et lui parler?
We got to go. 'Cause I didn't get to kiss him goodbye.
Parce que je ne lui ai pas fait de baiser d'adieu.
Matan, you are welcome to call your witness to testify if we do go to trial, and, Mrs. Florrick, you're welcome to impeach - him, just like you both did here.
Matan, je vous invite à appeler votre témoin à témoigner si nous allons au procès, et, Mme Florrick, je vous invite à douter de lui, comme vous l'avez déjà fait.
Unfortunately, had to let him go.
Malheureusement, on a dû le relâcher.
Conrad asked me to go away with him.
Conrad m'a demandé de partir avec lui.
They think he's so smart, they want him to skip eighth grade and go right into high school.
Ils pensent qu'il est trop intelligent, ils veulent lui faire sauter la 3éme pour aller directement au lycée.
I told him not to go to that hospital today.
Je lui ai dit de ne pas aller à cet hôpital.
Please, you've got to go back and get him out!
S'il vous plait, vous devez le faire sortir!
I don't mean "ha-ha-ha" funny, more like he wants me to go to the cops with him kind of funny.
- Quoi? Je veux pas dire drôle comme "ha-ha-ha" plus comme il veut que j'aille voir les flics avec lui plutôt drôle.
I prayed for him to go away.
J'ai prié pour qu'il s'en aille.
go to sleep 664
go to hell 1081
go to college 29
go to bed 547
go to sleep now 53
go to your room 325
go to bed now 31
go to school 64
go to the house 16
go to the kitchen 39
go to hell 1081
go to college 29
go to bed 547
go to sleep now 53
go to your room 325
go to bed now 31
go to school 64
go to the house 16
go to the kitchen 39
go to the car 39
go to the bathroom 48
go to work 115
go to new york 16
go to town 28
go to class 25
go to the hospital 36
go to jail 27
go to the bar 16
go to the movies 20
go to the bathroom 48
go to work 115
go to new york 16
go to town 28
go to class 25
go to the hospital 36
go to jail 27
go to the bar 16
go to the movies 20
go to the police 50
go to the right 20
go to her 103
go to the back 19
go to commercial 23
go to them 17
go to it 51
go to 136
go to the right 20
go to her 103
go to the back 19
go to commercial 23
go to them 17
go to it 51
go to 136