Go to sleep traducir francés
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Yeah, I thought about zipping myself up into a sleeping bag before I go to sleep, but it, heh, sounds like a poor man's straightjacket.
Ouais, j'ai pensé me fourrer toute entière dans un sac de couchage avant d'aller dormir, mais, ça ferait penser à un pauvre homme en camisole de force.
Just ignore them, Sammy. Try to go to sleep.
Ignore-les, Sammy, et dors.
Now go to sleep, bird, so the person taking care of you can go back to having fun.
Maintenant endors-toi, oiseau, pour que la personne qui s'occupe de toi puisse retourner s'amuser.
If you are terminal, they... they write you a prescription, you drink a little drink, you go to sleep.
Si tu es en phase terminale, ils te prescrivent une petite boisson et tu t'endors.
Now, go to sleep.
Maintenant, va dormir.
I'm actually gonna go to sleep.
J'allais me coucher.
Do you know you're first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning and the last thing before I go to sleep?
Tu sais que tu es ma première pensée à mon réveil, et la dernière, avant de m'endormir?
I want to go to sleep knowing that I'm not gonna be woken up by the sound of you getting your bones jumped.
Je veux dormir en étant sûre que je ne serais pas réveillée par le son de tes ébats.
Please, please go to sleep.
S'il te plait, va dormir.
Go to sleep now.
Dors maintenant.
Go to sleep. Its Saturday.
Allez dormir. c'est samedi.
The doctor said you might have some temporary memory loss, but if you want, it's safe to go to sleep.
Le docteur a dit que tu pouvais avoir quelques pertes de mémoire temporaires, mais si tu veux, tu peux aller dormir.
Go to sleep.
I just wanna go to sleep.
Je veux juste dormir.
Now, would you please stop acting like a child and go to sleep?
Maintenant, voudrais tu s'il te plait arrêter d'agir comme une enfant et aller dormir?
I just got her to go to sleep.
Je viens de la coucher.
I go to sleep, then what?
Je vais dormir, et puis quoi?
Let's try and go to sleep.
Essayons de dormir.
Go to sleep.
Va dormir.
Let's go to sleep.
Allons dormir.
Hopefully, he'll go to sleep at some point.
Espérons qu'à un certain moment, il finira par s'endormir.
Now I can go to sleep.
Maintenant je peux aller dormir.
And if you put your seat back, you will go to sleep.
Et si tu descends ton siège, tu vas t'endormir.
It is, and now, we should go to sleep because we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.
C'est exact et maintenant, nous devrions aller nous coucher parce que nous avons une grosse journée qui nous attend demain. Vraiment?
You read it to Fat Moe before you go to sleep tonight.
Tu lira ça au gros Moe avant d'aller dormir ce soir.
They either go to sleep after marking it all with the same number, or... they can't even mark properly till the end.
Ils dormiront déjà après avoir coché toujours la même colonne ou... ils ne pourront même pas cocher jusqu'à la fin.
It's time for you to go to sleep.
Il est temps de dormir.
- Go back to sleep.
- Retourne dormir.
It's like a sleep walker, but instead of getting up and walking in their sleep, they actually go to the kitchen and eat.
C'est comme le somnambulisme, mais au lieu de se promener, elle pillait le frigo.
Now try and go to sleep.
Essaie de dormir.
Let's go back to sleep.
On se rendort.
Go to sleep.
- Go back to sleep.
- Dormez.
Well, we gotta go, it's very late and the child needs to sleep.
On doit y aller, il est tard. Mon fils doit dormir.
You can go back to sleep.
Tu peux te rendormir.
Go back to sleep.
Retourne te coucher.
Go back to sleep.
No, I go to Milan tonight, I'll sleep there, if I can sleep.
Non, ce soir, je pars pour Milan, je dormirai là-bas, si j'y arrive.
Sleep in this morning, go to the pictures this afternoon.
Dormir ce matin, aller au cinéma cet après-midi.
I want to go home and sleep.
Je voudrais rentrer et dormir.
Go to a party and not sleep with someone? Come on.
Aller à une fête et ne coucher avec personne?
Go back to sleep.
Retourne dormir.
♪ And you can't go back to sleep... ♪
♪ Et que tu ne peux pas te rendormir... ♪
♪ And you can't go back to sleep ♪
♪ Et que tu ne peux pas te rendormir ♪
Go back to sleep, you wicked little cross-breed.
Rendors-toi, sale petite croisée.
Doc says you've been in and out and there's a chance you'd sleep all the time I was here, but we both know you're too mean to go that easy, so come on.
Le doc a dit que tu étais plus ou moins conscient et que tu dormirais sans doute tout le temps que je serais ici, mais nous savons tous deux que tu es trop vicieux pour t'en aller si facilement, donc allez.
It's just, uh- - you go back to sleep, honey.
C'est juste, euh, rendors-toi, chérie.
Go back to sleep.
Retournez dormir.
Go back to sleep.
Reviens te coucher.
Um, I'm gonna go to sleep. I've got...
Je vais dormir.
Go to sleep.
go to sleep now 53
go to hell 1081
go to college 29
go to bed 547
go to your room 325
go to bed now 31
go to school 64
go to the house 16
go to the kitchen 39
go to the car 39
go to hell 1081
go to college 29
go to bed 547
go to your room 325
go to bed now 31
go to school 64
go to the house 16
go to the kitchen 39
go to the car 39
go to the bathroom 48
go to work 115
go to new york 16
go to town 28
go to class 25
go to the hospital 36
go to jail 27
go to the bar 16
go to him 110
go to the police 50
go to work 115
go to new york 16
go to town 28
go to class 25
go to the hospital 36
go to jail 27
go to the bar 16
go to him 110
go to the police 50
go to the movies 20
go to the right 20
go to the back 19
go to her 103
go to commercial 23
go to them 17
go to it 51
go to 136
go to the right 20
go to the back 19
go to her 103
go to commercial 23
go to them 17
go to it 51
go to 136