His dog traducir francés
1,860 traducción paralela
A man marrying his dog?
Un homme pourra épouse son chien?
My ex moved out and left his dog.
Mon ex a déménagé et a laissé son chien.
Lady stole from her husband repeatedly, stole from his children, had his dog put to sleep.
Madame vole son mari, et pas qu'un peu, vole ses fils, fait piquer le chien.
"Love Me, my dog" In French, expression is : "Who loves Bertrand, love his dog."
"Aime-moi, aime mon chien" En français, l'expression est : "Qui aime Bertrand, aime son chien."
This meek little art dealer shot them'cause they killed his dog.
Ce gentil petit marchand d'art les a abattus parce qu'ils avaient tué son chien.
- -Um, around 15, and jerome might bring his dog.
Et Jerome amène sûrement son chien.
Perhaps a crucifix or in his case, his dog tags.
Peut-être une croix ou dans son cas ses plaques d'identification.
His dog Digby was 3 years, 2 weeks, 6 days, 5 hours, and 9 minutes old.
Son chien Digby était âgé de 3 ans, 2 semaines, 6 jours, 5 heures et 9 minutes.
His dog Cantaloupe was the sole witness and only suspect in the murder.
Sa chienne Cantaloupe était l'unique témoin mais aussi l'unique suspecte.
Allez, kate.
he just started yelling, so arthur shot him! and his dog wouldn't stop yelling at me, and it took my finger!
Il s'est mis à crier, alors Arthur lui a tiré dessus, et ce chien n'arrêtait pas d'hurler, et il m'a arraché le doigt!
Il a dit qu'il traitait Lena comme une chienne.
Il m'a amené ici, pour que je sois son chien.
Il a fait de moi son chien.
His dog, digby.
{ \ pos ( 192,245 ) } Son chien, Digby.
I kidnapped his dog?
J'ai kidnappé son chien?
"Carlos fuentes," from his dog tags.
"Carlos Fuentes", d'après sa plaque.
His dog's been sick for months.
Son chien était malade.
His dog?
Son chien?
He dodged a financial scandal by standing with his wife and begging for his dog.
Il a évité le scandale en restant avec sa femme et son chien Checker *.
I saw bigtimefeed a couple to his dog.
J'ai vu Bigtime nourrir son chien deux outrois fois.
Maybe someone didn't approve of his choice of slushee flavors and... And sicced his dog on the poor bastard.
Quelqu'un n'a peut-être pas apprécié son choix de Slushees et a lancé son chien sur ce pauvre bougre.
His dog found the body.
Son chien a trouvé le corps.
I found a backpack with a few of his belongings, his dog tags.
J'ai trouvé un sac à dos, avec quelques unes de ses affaires, ses plaques d'identification.
He's saying - - something to do with his dog that used sleep in the hallway.
Il dit quelque chose à propos d'un chien qui dormait dans le couloir.
You never told him I was the one who ran over his dog, did you?
Tu ne lui as jamais dit que c'est moi qui avais écrasé son chien?
His dog would be alive.
- Son chien aussi.
Dog ate two of his toes before Sanjay stuck a finger up his ass.
Le chien a mangé deux de ses orteils avant que Sanjay lui mette le doigt dans le cul.
I look at Jimmy, and he's running over the little dog with the little racecar and carting away his body with the little wheelbarrow.
Je regarde Jimmy, il a percuté le chien avec la voiture et il a transporté le corps avec une petite brouette.
... in which the dog, well-known Pluto, falls asleep, and in his sleep is persecuted by, haunted by the dream
... dans lequel Pluto s'endort.
The dog's definitely not on his leash at this time.
Le chien n'est vraiment pas sous contrôle, là.
This guy got some lowlife to kidnap his ex-wife's show dog.
Ce type avait fait kidnapper le chien de concours de son ex-femme par des voyous.
You know, he's got me fetching his food and the paper and his slippers like I'm a dog.
Je lui apporte de la nourriture, son journal et ses pantoufles comme un chien.
His first dog had a bark that could peel paint.
Son premier chien avait un aboiement à en réveiller les morts.
His name is Bill. He's a dog.
- Il s'appelle Bill, c'est un chien.
Did you know that a dog chases his tail when he finds himself in a dilemma he can't resolve?
Tu savais qu'un chien essaye d'attraper sa queue quand il est confronté à un dilemme qu'il ne peut pas résoudre?
A guy's got this kind of cash, you'd think he'd be able to pay for his own freaking bagel dog.
Un mec qui cache 5000 $ dans une lampe peut se permettre de payer un hot-dog quand il va au cinéma. Tu n'as pas compris.
She wants to tax us all to death and make it legal for a man to marry his own dog.
Elle veut tous nous taxer à en crever. Rendre légal le mariage entre un homme et son chien.
Because her dog needs his shots.
Parce que son chien a besoin d'un rappel.
With his vicious dog and foul breath.
Avec son chien vicieux et son haleine fétide.
Stripped of his rights, and thrown in a hole like a dog.
Dépouillé de ses droits, et jeté dans un trou comme un chien.
And when the police dog broke a tooth on his shin bone, he was also charged with assaulting an officer.
Et quand le chien policier s'est cassé une dent sur son tibia, il a aussi été inculpé d'agression sur un agent de police.
John Ringel realized he could murder his wife and blame it on your dog.
John Ringel a réalisé qu'il pouvait tuer sa femme et faire accuser votre chien.
We think the dog spread the infection through his saliva.
Nous pensons que le chien a répandu l'infection par sa salive.
- Harold Hundin, a renowned dog breeder and president of the Papen county kennel club, was 37 years, 11 weeks, 5 days, 1 hour, and 2 minutes old when he was stabbed multiple times in his office at the Papen county kennel club.
Voilà les faits : Harold Hundin, un éleveur de chiens renommé et président du club canin du comté de Papen, était âgé de 37 ans, 11 semaines, 5 jours, 1 heure et 2 minutes, quand il fût poignardé à plusieurs reprises dans son bureau du club canin du comté de Papen.
Feeling something was amiss at the k-18 dog studio, Emerson Cod's subconscious mind put it together before his conscious mind could.
Sentant que quelque chose manquait au studio canin K18, le subconscient d'Emerson Cod mettait en place le puzzle avant que ne le puisse son esprit conscient.
Mad dog had a brand-new bike parked outside his trailer.
Mad-dog avait une moto flambant neuve garée devant sa caravane.
Dog has a fulminating fungus on his pad.
II a des champignons à Ia patte.
And then Deckard takes this puts it into his trench coat that he was wearing at this point walks out of the farmhouse, across the field a little dog shows up, starts yapping at his feet and is barking as Deckard takes off.
Deckard la prend, la met dans son trench-coat, marche vers la ferme, suivi par un petit chien qui jappe et qui continue à japper pendant que Deckard décolle.
So he just wrenched it out of my hands, put it over his head this time, and wrapped himself in a ball, and then just started making this weird growling sound, just growling, you know, like... well, growling like a dog.
Il s'est couvert la tête, s'est roulé en boule... et a commencé à émettre des sons, comme des grognements. Il grognait comme un chien.
Stomped on his dream... you ain't nothin'but a hound dog been snooping''round my door you ain't nothin'but a hound dog been snooping''round my door you can wag your tail
Il piétinait son rêve... Tu es difficile à trouver.
dogs 267
doggy 93
dog food 22
doggie 88
doggett 48
dogmatix 17
dogen 20
dogs barking 59
dog barking 129
dog barks 84
doggy 93
dog food 22
doggie 88
doggett 48
dogmatix 17
dogen 20
dogs barking 59
dog barking 129
dog barks 84
dog shit 17
doggone it 40
dog head 21
dog whimpering 16
dog barking in distance 31
dog whimpers 17
his daughter 107
his dad 33
his death 19
doggone it 40
dog head 21
dog whimpering 16
dog barking in distance 31
dog whimpers 17
his daughter 107
his dad 33
his death 19