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Hold on there traducir francés

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Hold on there, I've got a stitch.
J'ai un point de côté!
Wait a minute. Hold on there.
Attends, bouge pas.
Just hold on there a minute, chief.
Attendez, chef.
Hold on there!
Ne nous emballons pas.
Hold on there, Ump.
Un instant.
Wait, hold on there, Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Une minute, grand maître.
hold on there, sport.
Attends là, mon gars.
Hold on there.
Attends un peu.
Hold on there.
Deux secondes.
Hold on, Tommy. There's more at the door.
Oh, non, Tommy.
And Rome shall sea how easy it is to straighten one's back and hold one's head high when the will is there.
Et tout Rome verra comme il est facile de se redresser et garder la tête haute quand on en a la volonté.
Okay, now, hold it right there.
On ne bouge plus.
If there's a way you could warn us to hold on the story, we'd appreciate it.
Mais si vous nous guidiez, nous apprécierions.
If there's any reason we should hold on the story... hang up the phone before I get to 10.
Si nous devons tout stopper, raccrochez avant dix.
Hold on this piece right here till it slides down there just like that
Je vais l'enlever.
He deserves it. Hey, hold on there a minute now.
- Hé, attendez un peu.
Hold it! When I came to work for you, there were a couple of things we agreed upon I don't do.
Quand vous m'avez embauchée, on s'est mises d'accord sur deux choses.
Hold it right there, boss.
On ne bouge plus.
It was there, on the 4th March that I urged the nation within the then frontiers of the Reich to show it's faith in me to enable me independent of parliamentary difficulties to take hold of Germany's destiny and shape it more auspiciously
Vienne, 1938 : Nous voulons notre Führer!
Hold on, J.J. There's no such word as a "snerk."
Minute, J. J. "Snerk", ce n'est pas un mot.
If we can get back up there, without them catching on we can hold up for a while.
Si on peut remonter là-bas sans qu'ils nous attrapent on peut tenir un moment.
- Boogeyman is outside. Laurie... out there. - Hold on.
Le croquemitaine, dehors.
Hold it right there! Come on.
- Hé, attendez, vous, là-bas!
Initial damping's going off. Hold on, people, there's going to be a little bump.
Amortissement initial achevé Préparez-vous au choc.
Put him on hold. Tell him I'll be right there.
Qu'il attende!
Hold up there.
On croyait que vous étiez mort.
on lighter occasions, these used to hold the perfect martini. There's a presence in that house.
En de meilleurs jours, ils contenaient un excellent martini.
And that method uses a spacecraft to hold the disc and scan the sky for another telescope to see if there are any planets.
On utilise un engin spatial pour déplacer le disque. Il scrute le ciel, et un télescope essaie de détecter des planètes.
There are too many people here, hold on
Pas ici, il y a du monde.
OK, Beeblebrox, hold it right there, we got you covered!
OK Bibbicy. Ne bouge plus! On vous tient en joue.
You know, push on his fingers and go into like a headstand... and just hold himself there with two fingers.
Il se hissait littéralement... et faisait le poirier sur deux doigts seulement!
I'd go down there and... hold my nose and put a double rubber on my dick... and fuck all those dockside whores down there.
J'y allais en me bouchant le nez etje mettais deux capotes pour baiser toutes les putes du port qu'il y a lâ-bas.
Hold the "E" string down on the fifth fret right there at the top.
Joue la 5ème case sur le Mi.
Hold it right there, Knight.
On ne bouge plus. Je le tiens.
Hold that on there.
Tiens ça dessus.
No monsters outside Tad's window. Can't hold on out there.
Pas de monstres à la fenêtre, vous glisseriez du toit.
Hold on a second there.
Attendez une seconde.
Okay, hold it right there.
Bon, on arrête.
It's a cliff down there! Hold on!
Ne poussez pas.
Hold it right there.
On ne bouge plus!
Get them to hold on that tight. Open it up when I get there.
Qu'ils tiennent bon.
You hold on tight, there's no stopping them now.
Serrez-vous bien contre Grand-Mère... Personne ne peut plus les arrêter, maintenant...
Okay, girls, hold it right there.
Les filles, on ne bouge plus!
Let's hold it right there.
On arrête tout.
As we sit here chatting... there are important papers flying rampant around my apartment...'cause I don't have anything to hold them down with.
Pendant qu'on bavarde. Mes documents tourbillonnent en délire sans aucune retenue.
Hold on kid, we're almost there
Tiens bon fiston, on arrive
Is there someplace I can get hold of you?
Où peut-on vous joindre?
Hold on, there he is!
Il est là-bas.
When he gets there, he puts it on hold.
Quand il est là, il le bloque.
There's nothing to hold on to out there.
Il n'y a aucune prise.
What's the hold up there, are you tired already?
Et alors, là, ça bouchonne, on est déjà fatigué?

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