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How you've grown traducir francés

153 traducción paralela
How you've grown.
Comme tu as grandi.
How you've grown!
Comme tu as grandi!
How you've grown!
Tu as grandi...
My son Joseph, the Lord sees you and how you've grown vain and proud as a peacock.
Josef, mon fils, le Seigneur sait que tu es devenu dissolu et orgueilleux.
My, how you've grown.
Comme tu as grandi!
Look how good-looking you've grown.
Tu es devenu un beau garçon.
Good gracious, how you've grown.
Seigneur, ce que tu as grandi!
How you've grown.
Tu as grandi.
Amazing how they've grown to love our welfare house since you've grown.
C'est étonnant combien ils l'aiment depuis que vous avez grandi.
Being able to recognise that shows how much you've grown up
Tu as de ces expressions! Tu es une femme maintenant.
How pretty you've grown to be, Dunyasha!
Mon Dieu, Dounia, tu sais que t'es devenue très jolie fille!
Look at how she's grown up in the 20 years you've been gone!
Regarde comme elle a grandi en vingt ans pendant ton absence!
Look how you've grown!
Comme tu as grandi!
How you've grown.
Tu as grandi!
How you've grown.
Ce que t'as grandi!
Just look how you've grown!
Laisse-moi te regarder! Comme tu as grandi!
But now that I've seen how much you've grown, I think we better exchange them for a couple of bolts of dress goods.
Mais tu es devenue une vraie jeune femme, alors nous les échangerons contre de belles toilettes.
Show her how much you've all grown.
Montrez-lui que vous avez grandi.
Master Joey, how you've grown.
Maître Joey, vous avez bien grandi.
And how you've grown since Santa saw you last year.
Comme tu as grandi depuis l'an dernier.
How busy and grown-up you've become.
Vous avez grandi bien vite.
Oh, I'm only surprised at how big you've grown.
Oh, je suis surpris parce que vous avez beaucoup grandi.
How you've grown, Tonino!
Comme tu as grandi, Tonino!
My little one, how you've grown and here you are ripe for marriage, woman of Vissani.
Ma petite... comme tu as grandi bien vite, et tu es mûre pour les noces, Femme de Vissani...
Oh, how tall and strong you've grown.
Comme tu as changé, te voilà tout à fait grand.
My, how you've grown!
Bravo, ma petite.
How you've grown, Marie.
- Comment vous vous êtes connus, où ça? Quand?
Look how you've grown!
Tu as bien grandi.
How you've grown, Jean-Baptiste.
Comme tu es grand, Jean-Baptiste.
My how you've grown!
Comme tu as grandi, tu as changé!
- I can't get over how you've grown, Maya.
Je n'en reviens pas de te voir si adulte, Maya.
How you've grown, Reine.
Comme tu as grandi, Reine.
- Look how you've grown!
Tu t'es fait grand!
You'll never get over how much he's grown... since the last time you've seen him.
Vous allez voir combien il a grandi... depuis la dernière fois que vous l'avez vu.
How tall you've grown.
Comme tu as grandi!
My, how you've grown!
Tu as grandi.
How you've grown.
Comme vous avez grandi.
My God, how you've grown. You look marvelous.
Tu as grandi!
My, how you've grown.
Comme tu as grandi.
And how do I keep you in the style you've grown accustomed to?
Et comment continuer à te donner ce à quoi tu t'es habitué?
How much you've grown in a year!
Comme tu as grandi en un an!
Andy, how you've grown.
Comme tu as grandi.
- My how you've grown, Bonuk.
- Comme t'as grandi, Bonuk.
How you've grown, Bonuk.
Comme tu as grandi Bonuk.
You've grown some, haven't you? And how!
Mais tu as grandi!
How YOU've grown!
Eh bien, bravo!
All right. Now we've seen what you can do with a boy. How would you like to go a few rounds with a grown-up?
Très bien, on a vu ce que vous saviez faire avec des hommes, voyons un peu ce que vous savez faire avec des plus grands.
You've grown so pretty, but how pale you are.
Tu es belle, mais que tu es pâle.
Look how you've grown.
Comme tu as grandi!
How much you've grown, uh?
Qu'est ce que t'as grandi, hein?
How you've grown, Manu! How handsome you are, you look like a man.
Comme t'es beau, on dirait un homme.

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