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Hypothetically speaking traducir francés

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Well, hypothetically speaking, what if you didn't have to worry?
Mais si par exemple, je te relève de toutes ces tâches?
Anyway, hypothetically speaking, even if I did fall in love, there might be reasons why I couldn't marry him.
Même en admettant que j'aime un garçon, il pourrait se présenter des tas d'obstacles à notre mariage.
If I were a murderer - hypothetically speaking - it'd be made to order.
Si j'étais un meurtrier, je le mettrais là.
Well, suppose it were to resurface. I mean, uh, hypothetically speaking.
Une hypothèse : admettons qu'il réapparaisse.
Hypothetically speaking?
- C'est une hypothèse?
- Hypothetically speaking? - Hypothetically speaking.
- Hypothétiquement parlant?
- Hypothetically speaking.
- Hypothétiquement parlant.
Hypothetically - hypothetically speaking.
Hypothétiquement parlant...
Think about it - hypothetically speaking -
Pensez-y, hypothétiquement parlant.
- Well, hypothetically speaking, if he were gay... how would that make you feel?
D'accord, supposons simplement que Jack soit homo... comment tu réagirais?
Hypothetically speaking.
- Hypothétiquement.
you know, like, you know, hypothetically speaking. how would, you know, how would it go down?
Je connais justement un certain Dale, expert en la matière
That I had, hypothetically speaking fallen for or was in the process of falling for the worst possible person that I could ever fall for.
Comment dire? Je suis comme en train de tomber amoureux d'une personne dont il est déconseillé de tomber amoureux.
You know, hypothetically speaking, that is.
Vous voyez, c'est juste une hypothèse.
Let's just say that, hypothetically speaking... it were possible to accelerate your molecular structure... until the rest of the world seemed as if it were standing still.
Il vise à accélérer la structure moléculaire, jusqu'à ce que le monde paraisse figé aux yeux du sujet.
- Hypothetically speaking.
- C'est une image.
Hypothetically speaking, if there was, would it threaten the integrity of the force field?
Si cela arrivait, le champ de force serait-il menacé?
Lola, hypothetically speaking, what's it like to hold 25 million in your hands?
Lola, c'est qu'une hypothèse, mais ça fait quoi d'avoir 25 millions en main?
Okay, let's just say, hypothetically speaking, that the police are running out of time.
Disons, par exemple, que la police n'a plus le temps.
Hypothetically speaking, of course.
Il ne s'agit que d'une hypothèse, bien sûr.
This is hypothetically speaking.
C'est tout à fait hypothétique.
So, hypothetically speaking, which one do you like?
Alors, supposons, laquelle te plaît?
Hypothetically speaking, if I was part of a story, a narrative even if it was only in my mind what would you suggest that I do?
Supposons que je fasse partie d'un récit, d'une narration, ne serait-ce... qu'en esprit, que conseilleriez-vous?
You know, hypothetically speaking...
Tu sais, je parlais hypothétiquement.
Hypothetically speaking, with this type of neural hyperactivity, he'd be prone to all sorts of seizures, strokes, tumors.
Hypothétiquement, avec ce genre d'hyperactivité neuronale, il serait sujet à des crises cardiaques, des attaques, des tumeurs.
Hey, Seth, hypothetically speaking, if I was your girlfriend, and I had health issues, would you want to know about them?
Hé, Seth, hypothétiquement parlant, si j'étais ta copine, et que j'avais des problèmes de santé. Tu voudrais être au courant?
Hypothetically speaking, are we allowed to see other people?
Simple hypothèse. Je peux sortir avec une autre fille?
Um... hypothetically speaking, do you think I-I cross some sort of a line if I hire a private detective to do some just minimal background check on my ex-wife's boyfriend?
Hum... Hypothétiquement parlant, est-ce que tu crois que je dépasse les limites si j'engage un détective privé pour vérifier un minimum qui est le petit ami de mon ex-femme?
Hypothetically speaking, if you love a girl, who is actually a boy inside, what does that make new.
Hypothétiquement parlant, si vous aimez une fille qui est en fait un garçon à l'intérieur, qu'est-ce que ça fait de vous?
Hypothetically speaking here... do you think you could teach a horse to sit on a barstool and drink beer?
Est-ce qu'un cheval pourrait apprendre à boire de la bière sur un tabouret?
Hypothetically speaking, of course.
Hypothétiquement parlant.
But hypothetically speaking?
Mais hypothétiquement?
Hypothetically speaking, of course.
Hypothétiquement, bien entendu.
- Hypothetically speaking.
Je parle en théorie, c'est un exemple.
Hypothetically speaking of course.
Hypothétiquement parlant, bien sûr.
Well, if we're speaking hypothetically... nothing of an accidental nature could occur until after the birthday.
Si on parle en termes d'hypothèse, rien d'accidentel ne peut arriver avant l'anniversaire.
- We were speaking hypothetically.
- On parlait hypothétiquement.
hypothetically speaking, it's not like you're without options.
Mais encore?
Speaking hypothetically, yes.
En toute hypothèse, oui.
Again, speaking hypothetically, I'd have to say... yes
Une fois encore, en toute hypothèse, je dirais... oui
Are you speaking hypothetically?
En toute hypothèse?
Yes, of course I'm speaking hypothetically!
Oui, Bien sûr que je parle en toute hypothèse!
I'm speaking hypothetically.
- J'émets une hypothèse.
I am merely speaking hypothetically.
- J'émets une hypothèse.
Cummings was just speaking hypothetically.
Cummings parlait hypothétiquement.
I was speaking hypothetically, darling. We're not really talking about me.
On ne parle pas de moi
Hypothetically speaking, how much would you pay for something like that?
Probablement pas.
I mean, we're just speaking hypothetically.
On parle de simples hypothèses.
- Um, speaking hypothetically...
hypothétiquement parlant...
Speaking hypothetically, would it be possible to make the...
- Hypothétiquement parlant, est-ce qu'il serait possible d'effectuer le...
Are we still speaking hypothetically?
Toujours hypothétiquement?

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