In his hands traducir francés
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You've seen him with a ball in his hands.
Vous l'avez vu un ballon en main.
I've seen him with a Bible in his hands. And I know which is the most important.
Je l'ai vu la Bible en main, ce qui est plus important.
Striker wipes out his entire squadron over Macho Grande, and now those people's lives up there are in his hands.
Striker anéantit toute son escadrille au-dessus de Macho Grande et maintenant, il a toutes ces vies entre ses mains, là-haut.
I'm in his hands.
Je suis entre ses mains.
Left in his hands at birth.
Placés dans sa main dès la naissance.
Satan is prince of this world, he holds it in his hands.
Satan est prince de ce monde. Il l'a dans ses mains.
Look at the revolver in his hands.
Regardez le revolver dans ses mains.
I place myself incondicionalmente in his hands.
Je m'en remets entre vos mains, sans réserve.
You see that gun in his hands?
Tu vois ce flingue dans ses mains?
Uh, the tapes are safely in the hands of his publisher.
Les cassettes sont en sécurité chez l'éditeur.
He even looks like God! Except his hands are in his pockets.
Dieu en personne, s'il n'avait pas les mains dans les poches!
Manslaughter. Killed a guy in a fight and tore his ear off with his bare hands.
Il a tué un type dans une bagarre et il lui a arraché l'oreille.
The painter. She placed her life in his hands.
Elle avait pratiquement déposé toute sa vie entre ses mains.
I was just downstairs in the basement. Fenwick is breaking windows with his bare hands.
Fenwick est en bas en train de casser les vitres.
Yet men governments, dignitaries from all over the world have joined hands today to pay homage to this little brown man in the loincloth who led his country to freedom.
Mais des hommes... des gouvernements, des dignitaires du monde entier... sont rassemblés pour rendre hommage... à ce petit homme hâlé, vêtu d'un pagne... qui a su guider son pays vers la liberté.
put my hands on his throat that was my one thought. As luck would have it, one of the islanders had been brought in to my dispensary.
J'y pense le jour, j'y réfléchis la nuit.
You can hardly be unaware of the manner in which I suffered at his hands.
Vous n'ignorez sans doute pas la façon dont il m'a fait souffrir.
There isn't any dirt he doesn't have his hands in.
La totale. Il a trempé dans toutes les sales affaires.
Not with his bare hands, of course, but the Danforths of this world don't murder in that fashion.
Pas de ses propres mains, bien sûr. Les hommes comme Danforth ne tuent pas de cette façon.
In an attempt to free up his hands, Jânio connived towards a "Jan-Jan" slate, which ended up being successful.
Pour ne pas se compromettre, Jânio stimula secrètement le couple Jânio-Jango qui à la fin fut victorieux.
Haskell, of course, would have had to be down on the floor on his hands and knees like a puppy dog, that is, if Nell had actually been sitting in a wheelchair.
Haskell, bien sûr, aurait dû être à genoux par terre comme un petit chien... si Nell était en fait assise dans un fauteuil roulant.
In the end, Ramirez and his valiant followers blew up the national shrine... rather than allow it to fall into Visitor hands.
Ramirez et ses valeureux compagnons ont fait sauter le symbole national plutôt que de le laisser aux mains de l'envahisseur.
He hid his hands in a miserable way because of the disgust for what he had been forced to do.
Il cachait ses mains, le pauvre, et les horreurs qu'on l'avait obligé à faire.
And now he wants to rest in peace in the grave that he dug with his own hands.
Il veut reposer en paix, dans la fosse qu'il a creusée de ses mains.
Virgilio told me that, in fact, the head of the Committee wanted to get his hands on his house.
Virgilio me raconta que le chef du Comité voulait mettre la main sur sa maison.
No, I saw you in the slate quarry and a cold wind was blowing out of the cave and I waited so long for you and above me Eduard was sitting in the woods holding a lump of gold in his hands.
Si... je t'ai vue dans la carriére d'ardoise. Le vent glacial sifflait dans la caverne. Je t'ai attendue...
On Monday next, matters will be right but the Professor and all the principal members of his gang will be in the hands of the police.
Lundi prochain, tout sera terminé. Le professeur et les principaux membres de son gang seront entre les mains de la police.
Maybe he can get his hands on some ampicillin in Los Angeles.
Tâche de voir s'il peut trouver de la pénicilline à Los Angeles.
He didn't dare hide his hands, gone blue in the cold.
Il n'osait pas cacher ses mains bleues de froid.
Biff, his life is in your hands.
Sa vie est entre tes mains, Biff
They caught him with his hands in the till.
Ils ont vu qu'il piquait dans la caisse.
Lester caught him out in Zone 7 and cut off his hands.
Lester lui a coupé la main dans la zone 7.
Fellas that wanted to bring him down in the world and get their hands on his fields and houses.
Voulant le mettre plus bas que terre, prendre ses terres et tout le reste!
And although she had never roller-skated... before in her life... in his capable hands, she did her best.
Et même si elle n'avait jamais fait de patins à roulettes... entre ses mains expertes elle se débrouilla au mieux.
You could be the first guy in this family who didn't have to wash his hands after work.
Tu peux être le premier de la famille à avoir un boulot qui ne salisse pas les mains.
For my 8th birthday, my Grandpa Harry drove me in his old blue pickup to the straightaway behind the Clemens'farm, put my hands on the steering wheel, and slammed his foot into the gas.
Pour mes huit ans, grand-père Harry m'a emmené dans son pick-up bleu à la ligne droite derrière la ferme des Clemens, a placé mes mains sur le volant et a appuyé sur le champignon.
He had his hands in a mash barrel.
Il avait trimé dans ces marmites.
We don't hold back from our partners... and we never leave our partners... holding their dicks in their hands... while some bald motherfucker's got a gun in his ear!
C'est les enfoirés qui ont tué Gallagher, tu le savais? Et tu te dis flic! Chez nous... on travaille dans la confiance... on cache rien à son collègue...
I never thought I'd see a politician with his hands in his own pockets.
J'aurais jamais cru voir ça : un politicien qui garde la main dans sa propre poche!
I wouldn't serve him if he crawled in on his hands and knees.
Ce salaud? Il se traînerait à 4 pattes que je ne le servirais pas
Before poor Marvin Acme was killed, he confided in me that Doom wanted to get his hands on Toontown, and he wouldn't stop at anything.
- Avant d'être tué, Acme voulait mettre la main sur Toonville et que rien ne pourrait l'arrêter.
His hands would shake in the morning.
Sinon ses mains tremblent dès le matin.
Let's say someone expert in chemistry and physiology got his hands on just the right chemical.
Disons qu'un expert en chimie et en physiologie soit tombé sur le bon produit.
He would walk behind me and put his hands in the pockets and, you know....
Il passait derrière moi et mettait ses mains dans les poches pour...
In order to put the universe back as we remember it and get back to our reality, we have to find out the exact date and the specific circumstances of how, where and when Young Biff got his hands on that sports almanac.
Pour rétablir l'univers tel qu'on le connaît et retourner dans notre réalité on doit trouver la date et les circonstances précises où et quand le jeune Biff a reçu l'almanach des sports.
Happy Harry just happens to have in his very hands... a copy of a memo written by one Mr. David Deaver... guidance counselor extraordinaire... to one Miss Loretta Creswood, high school principal.
Harry la trique tient entre ses mains la copie d'une note écrite par l'un d'entre-eux, Mr David Deaver... Du Conseiller d'éducation, "en chef" à Mme Loretta Creswood, principale du Lycée.
I take him back to print him and I make him put his hands down in his pants and he gets some of that shit on his fingers.
Et je lui fais baisser les mains dans son pantalon, il en prend, il a un peu de cette merde sur les doigts.
* I was minding my business * when the devil walked in on me * * waving his hands, said * come on, just follow me * so i... i looked him in the eyes * * and I showed him to the door * and I told him to get lost *'cause I've been there once before * * and I told him to get lost *'cause I've been there once before * * don't wanna be
Ce sont pour ces raisons qu'il faut qu'un exorcisme soit accordé.
And when it is born, the first time you cut his nails... put a million in your hands, hear?
une fois qu'il sera né, la première fois que vous lui couperez les ongles, mettez-lui un million dans la main.
Or I find myself sitting his head in my hands... and an hour or more has gone well.
Je suis assise, sa tête entre mes mains... et une heure après, il a disparu!
His fate was in my hands!
Que son destin était dans mes mains!
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his hands 34
handsome 790
hands 577
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his hands 34
handsome 790
hands 577