In his house traducir francés
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I think we should do the surgery in his house like we planned.
On devrait l'opérer chez lui.
Why would this guy Jin kill somebody he let live in his house?
Pourquoi ce Jin tuerait-il quelqu'un qu'il laisse vivre dans sa maison?
A stranger color in his house...
Un Noir dans votre maison...
Were you in his house two months ago?
- Vous étiez chez lui, il y a 2 mois?
The cat hair that was in his house was a positive match.
Les poils de chat qui était dans sa maison coïncident.
Frankly, I don't feel at home in his house.
Je me sens pas chez moi dans cette maison.
Why were you in his house?
Que faisais-tu chez lui?
It is not a coincidence that Judgment Day fell upon us when we were all here, safe in His house of worship.
Ce n'est pas une coïncidence si le jugement dernier survient quand nous sommes ici, en sécurité dans Sa maison.
If Niles was innocent, then why were Conor's things in his house? And how did those seeds get on my floor?
Niles innocent, pourquoi les objets de Conor chez lui?
Keeping her in his house is distance dream.
La tenir dans sa maison c'est un rêve.
He makes pickles in Cape Town and this man has three chefs in his house.
- Oui? Il fabrique des pickles à Cape Town.. .. et cet homme possède 3 chefs.
- Harass him. - Like what? - Put the gun in his house and phone the fucking dibble.
Fous le flingue chez lui et appelle les flics.
- Yeah, but gun in his house. - You can't do that because if...
Il peut pas faire ça...
Would you use a plumber if you found out { \ that } all the drains in his house were blocked?
Appellerais-tu un plombier dont la maison est toujours inondée?
I came over, there's a guy in his house.
J'arrive et il y a ce gars dans la maison.
Let's go to his house and beat him in front of his kids.
On va chez lui, et on le tabasse devant ses gosses.
Your first school dance, getting your driver's license, going over to your best friend's house finding his mother ODed in the tub, or however you cop your first feel.
Ta première boum, avoir ton permis, trouver la mère d'un pote dans sa baignoire, morte d'une OD. - Peu importe ta première fois.
That's how he bought his house, in very suspicious circumstances, from a partisan he had pushed to bankruptcy.
C'est ainsi qu'il aurait acheté son hôtel, dans des conditions très suspectes, à un partisan qu'il aurait poussé à la banqueroute.
I forgot the first guy in the house supposed to have money in his pocket.
Le 1er homme rentré doit avoir de l'argent sur lui.
I remember him running through the house, a crazed look in his eyes.
Je me souviens qu'il courait dans la maison, une lueur de folie dans le regard.
He kept a diary which the police found in his own house.
Il tenait un journal intime que la police a retrouvé.
And how's he gonna feel when we're hauling treasure up out of the water in front of his beach house?
Comment il réagira quand on sortira le trésor face à sa maison?
Do you know how many people watched his farewell speech in the White House?
Sais-tu combien de gens ont regardé son discours d'adieu?
Owen lives alone now at his father's house in Fairview.
Owen vit maintenant seul dans la maison de son père.
Daddy's going to live in his own house.
Papa va vivre dans sa maison à lui.
Your great-grandfather, first colored man to own his own house in Johnson Square.
Ton arrière grand-père était le premier homme de couleur à acheter une maison sur Johnson Square.
- Maybe he didn't like getting shot in his own house! - Put it down!
- Pose-le!
His head's as big as the house I grew up in but...
Sa tête a la taille de la maison où j'ai grandi mais...
When my device was in Tuxhorn's house, it must've been next to his PDA. Sucked up data from it.
Mon appareil a dû se trouver près du PDA de Tuxhorn.
Lost his house in a fire, didn't have insurance.
Sa maison a brûlé et il n'était pas assuré.
In light of the potential bioweapon attack, the President ordered him moved to the White House for his safety.
Suite à la possible attaque biologique, la Présidente a ordonné qu'il soit transféré à la Maison Blanche.
So much so that he and his son, Nose wrapped their house in plastic and only came out wearing full bio suits.
A tel point qu'avec son fils, Nose, ils ont plastifié leur maison et ne sortaient plus sans leur combinaison.
His PO, Justafarro, says he's living in a halfway house in Queens.
Il vivrait dans une maison de réinsertion du Queens.
It had Robin, marooned on an island with guns and a dog and- - and a house in the trees and all sorts devices for his comfort.
Robin serait naufragé sur une île. Avec des armes et un chien. Il vivrait dans une cabane sur les arbres avec toutes sortes d'accessoires pour son confort.
To his house in the trees.
À sa cabane dans les arbres.
Actually, he was the kind of guy who was so wrapped up in his work and research and whatever else, you could be walking around the house with a bloody stump and he wouldn't notice.
Il était plutôt tellement pris par son travail et sa recherche qu'on pouvait pisser du sang qu'il ne le voyait pas.
Three kids in private school, he just remortgaged his house,
Trois enfants à l'école privée, il a une réhypothèque,
I sold his house in Vasendorf, and with the money opened a tailor's shop in town.
Avec cet argent, j'ouvris un atelier de tailleur en ville.
He owed Pug over 200,000 for the equipment in his grow house.
Il devait à Pug 200 000 dollar pour l'équipement de sa plantation.
Barry hates when I'm in the house during his poker night.
Barry veut que je parte pendant le poker.
I've had it with cancer, Yom Kippurs, bar mitzvahs, his parents who make me feel oh so goy, and that damp beach house in Arcachon!
J'en peux plus du cancer. J'en peux plus des kippours, des bar-mitsvahs, de ses parents qui me font sentir go.i., de la maison d'Arcachon qui est bouffée par l'humidité.
He'll take you in a bullock-cart to his house.
Il t'enmèra à sa maison dans une charette.
I mean, other than the call... that he made to his attorney last night, from up in the tree, there's a few calls to a delivery company, a few more to a temp agency, and then there's a whole bunch to an address in Burbank, which happens to be his mother's house.
À part l'appel passé à son avocat la nuit dernière, du haut de l'arbre, quelques appels à une société de livraison et à une agence d'intérim et tout un paquet à une adresse à Burbank qui s'avère être chez sa mère.
He lives in the attic at his mother's house.
Il vit chez sa mère, dans le grenier.
His house was in ruins.
Pourquoi ne pas faire ceci?
Uh, tonight I have to ride my bike over to his house in New Jersey to hold his hand during Lost.
Ce soir, je vais à vélo chez lui dans le New Jersey, tenir sa main pendant Lost.
I'd say the evidence in his house is plenty.
Il y a assez de preuves dans sa maison.
back in my parents'house, in Tommy's room, with all his sports trophies and awards.
Je me croyais chez mes parents, dans la chambre de Tommy, avec ses trophées et récompenses.
If you would just move back to Brooklyn, then he could go to his real school, and stay in his real house.
Tu devrais revenir à Brooklyn. Il ne changera pas d'école, et il restera chez lui.
- I drove to his house... in Larchmont. - Get out?
- De partir?
Think of any reason why he might've been calling your extension at WCNU from his house in the Cayman Islands?
D'après vous, pourquoi a-t-il essayé de vous appeler à WCNU depuis sa maison dans les Îles Caïmans?
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his house 47
house 1583
houses 83
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his house 47
house 1583
houses 83
housewife 19
housekeeping 91
housekeeper 25
house counsel 18
house rules 39
house fire 20
in high school 193
in hindsight 63
in high 25
housekeeping 91
housekeeper 25
house counsel 18
house rules 39
house fire 20
in high school 193
in hindsight 63
in high 25