In his heart traducir francés
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There is more evil in his heart that courage in you.
C'est une âme damnée qui foule ce que vous avez mes frères..
They put one in his heart.
Une balle dans le cœur.
A one-time dirty cop without a loyalty in the world... finds it in his heart to save a worthless rat cripple?
Un ripou sans loyauté, pour une fois dans sa vie, sauve un minable boiteux?
Shinji is probably afraid of pain and has become a coward somewhere in his heart.
Notre Shinji a peur de souffrir, il préfère rester dans son cocon.
According to the X-ray, an electronic equipment has been planted in his heart.
On lui a implanté un appareil électronique.
He still carries fears in his heart, that he must overcome.
Il porte encore en lui les peurs qu'il devra maîtriser.
Haply the seas, and countries different, with variable objects shall expel this something-settled matter in his heart whereon his brains still beating puts him thus from fashion of himself.
D'autres rivages, d'autres pays chasseront peut-être cette chose plantée dans son coeur, sur laquelle son cerveau bute et qui modifie son comportement.
Thus did Samson return to his home hiding in his heart the revenge which one day he would wreak.
Ainsi Samson rentra chez lui, avec en son c ½ ur la vengeance qu'il chercherait un jour.
Samson led his people as a judge yet in his heart the dark desires of man still sought to hold sway over him.
Samson dirigea son peuple en tant que juge, mais dans son c ½ ur, les sombres désirs de l'homme cherchaient à prendre le dessus.
They'll place a Swan-Ganz catheter to monitor pressure in his heart and lungs.
Ils lui placeront un cathéter pour vérifier son cœur et ses poumons.
The Captain has found it in his heart to aid us once again.
Le capitaine est venu nous aider.
I don't just wanna talk about what he's done. I wanna talk about what's in his heart.
- Non, je ne parle pas de ses actions, mais de ce qu'il a au fond de son cœur.
Man always has pain in his heart.
Cette douleur dans le coeur, le mal de vivre...
Not one day, not one hour pass for Odysseus of Troy, with you and your mother in his heart.
Il ne s'est pas passé un jour... pas une heure... tandis qu'il combattait les Troyens... sans qu'il n'ait pensé à toi et à ta mère.
God loves every one of us, Francie. But you know something, Francie? He has a very special place in his heart for you.
Dieu aime chacun de nous, Francie... mail il y a une place spéciale en son coeur pour toi.
He was sick in his heart.
Il avait le coeur malade.
A man draws his sword in order to protect the small wound deep in his heart... It was inflicted in the days long past, at the farthest reach of his memories.
Les hommes prennent l'épée pour soigner les blessures de leur cœur, celles qu'ils ont reçues alors qu'ils n'étaient que des enfants.
Pain is something that man must carry in his heart, and since the heart feels pain so easily, some believe life is pain.
Cette douleur doit être supportée tous les jours, cachée au fond de notre cœur. Ne sois pas comme ceux qui pensent que la vie n'est que souffrance.
I will put doubt in their minds... then I will take her when her heart is not his.
Je vais jeter le doute dans leurs esprits... puis je la prendrai quand son coeur ne sera plus à lui.
You think your tears will stop Charlie from taking his bayonet and sticking it in your little tiny heart?
Tu crois que tes larmes vont empêcher ton ennemi de te planter sa baïonnette dans le bide?
Artie got so upset he had a heart attack... and dropped dead right in front of his wife.
Raide mort d'une crise cardiaque, devant sa femme.
Most days he wasn't bad. His heart wasn't in it.
Il se débrouillait, mais le cœur n'y était pas.
His heart too is in it.
Son coeur est aussi...
This man in his dog heart.
... cet homme a le cœur de son chien.
He's a clever man, a reading man, and I do view... suddenly attaching himself to her like that... a man in his situation, with a broken heart... phoebe Harville was a wonderful woman and he was devoted to her.
Il est intelligent, lit beaucoup. Et je trouve... Se lier soudain à elle de cette façon!
I who killed her husband and his father,..... To take her in her heart's extremest hate,..... With curses in her mouth, tears in her eyes,..... And then to win her,...
Moi qui ai tué son mari et son père, la prendre, pleine de haine, de malédictions et de larmes et pourtant la gagner!
It stopped one of your bullets, Lieutenant, right in front of his heart.
C'est elle qui a stoppé vos balles. Juste devant son coeur.
Sorry. But I've known him a long time and his heart's in the right place.
Mais il a le coeur au bon endroit.
Looks like his heart was cooked right in his chest.
Son coeur semble littéralement carbonisé.
So you didn't have to give Jan electric shock treatment... when his heart stopped in the operation yesterday?
Vous n'avez pas dû lui donner de choc électrique quand son cœur s'est arrêté hier?
In giving my heart, I've taken on every poison stirring in his evil breast.
En donnant mon coeur, j'ai accepté tout le poison qui bouillonnait dans sa poitrine.
And that its heart beats in the humble bodies Of Juan Perón And his wife
C'est son coeur qui bat dans les humbles corps de Juan Peron et de sa femme,
It warms the very sickness in my heart that I shall live and tell him to his teeth :
Mon coeur malade se réchauffe à l'idée de lui dire en face :
There's never a man in Christendom can lesser hide his love or hate than he. For by his face straight shall you know his heart.
Nul chrétien ne sait moins que lui dissimuler son amour ou sa haine, car par son visage, on connaît son cœur.
Well, kiddies, I guess Katherine learned in the end... that the fastest way to a man's heart is through his rib cage.
Et bien les enfants, on dirait que Katerine a saisi au final... que le chemin le plus court pour toucher le coeur d'un homme, était de traverser sa cage thoracique!
He had a heart attack in his ice cream truck.
Il a eu une crise cardiaque dans son camion de glaces.
In what chapter of his bosom? - in the first of his heart.
Du premier chapitre de son cœur.
Cardoso manages in a moment to make love in my heart find refuge when he plays his instrument that is truly huge.
Cardoso peut à souhait mon coeur attendrir en jouant de son sifflet bien grand, sans mentir.
I mean, we came in here, and his heart was okay.
Quand on est arrivé, son cœur allait bien.
Got his heart back in the ER.
Son cœur est reparti aux Urgences.
And he promised he would never raise his hand. And I know in my heart... Ricardo did not hurt her.
Si tu veux mettre ton gilet pare-balles, ça veut dire que tu traînes en mauvaise compagnie.
So I compared the bacteria levels in the cup... with that of the sample that fell on the snow... and I deduced that Mr. Hargrove succumbed to his heart attack... somewhere between 1 : 45 and 2 : 00 a.m.
J'ai comparé les bactéries du verre à celles trouvées dans la neige et j'en déduis que M. Hargrove a succombé à son attaque entre 1h45 et 2h du matin.
I don't think he could spontaneously break a bone but he could certainly stop his heart or break a key blood vessel in his brain.
Il ne peut pas se briser un os de manière spontanée. Mais un vaisseau cérébral pourrait se rompre et son coeur s'arrêter.
But if I'm right, this is one man who left his heart in San Francisco.
Mais si j'ai raison, il a laissé son coeur à San Francisco.
First I will turn Gotham into an icy graveyard then I will pull Batman's heart from his body and feel it freeze in my hands.
D'abord, je ferai de Gotham un cimetière glacé... puis j'arracherai le coeur de Batman de sa poitrine... et je le sentirai geler dans mes mains.
The cry from the heart of a real artist trapped in commercial hell, pitying his good fortune.
Le cri du cœur de l'artiste piégé dans l'enfer commercial et qui supplie le destin.
Show me a man who is not a slave to his pride. His place is in my heart.
Désignez-moi un homme qui ne soit pas esclave de l'orgueil que je le porte avec vous dans mon coeur.
There's an EEG in there as well, monitoring his heart.
On lui fait un électro cardiogramme, pour contrôler son cœur.
He only has gypsy friends in Paris. Oh, I kiss his heart and his head!
Oh, j'embrasse son coeur et sa tête!
See his image in your heart
Voyez son image dans votre coeur
His words were like daggers in my heart.
Ses mots me frappaient au coer comme des coups de poignard.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his heart 57
his heart stopped 19
heart 404
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his words 17
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his heart 57
his heart stopped 19
heart 404
heartbeat 33
heartless 34
hearts 66
heartbreak 27
hearted 198
heartbreaker 20
heartburn 19
heartbreaking 30
heart beating 18
heart rate 87
heartless 34
hearts 66
heartbreak 27
hearted 198
heartbreaker 20
heartburn 19
heartbreaking 30
heart beating 18
heart rate 87
hearts and minds 20
heart attack 174
heart failure 23
heart surgery 35
heart disease 37
heartedly 17
heartbroken 26
heart rate's 34
heart attack 174
heart failure 23
heart surgery 35
heart disease 37
heartedly 17
heartbroken 26
heart rate's 34