In his words traducir francés
369 traducción paralela
On his face, in his words, in his seeming cynicism in his seeming lack of respect can't you clearly see madness?
Sur son visage, par ses mots, par son cynisme par son manque de respect sa folie est évidente.
See the truth in his words!
Devant Dieu, on est toujours plus coupable qu'on ne le pense.
"The street fencing masters," in his words.
"La rue escrime maîtres" dans ses paroles.
There was such sincerity in his words, that it brought tears to my eyes.
Il avait une telle émotion dans la voix que les larmes me sont montées aux yeux.
It appears that they do, in his words, come through from time to time, just on business of course On that old Blighter
Apparemment, il leur arrive, selon ses dires, de le contacter de temps en temps pour le travail, bien sûr, au bigophone.
Was no good, an old crock, in his words
"un vieux schnoque", pour reprendre ses mots.
- The premier says what he means... but sometimes there's more in a man's voice than in his words.
- Le président dit ce qu'il pense... mais parfois la voix d'un homme en dit plus que ses paroles.
I'd like him to come again now and explain in his words why we must return her.
J'aimerais qu'il revienne à nouveau et nous explique pourquoi nous devons la renvoyer.
By these words, he jumps in with the fire poker in his hand, pushes Mary, whose head hit the table, and collapses, unconscious.
" A ces mots, il bondit, le tisonnier à la main. Il bouscule Mary, dont la tête heurte la table. Elle s'écroule, inconsciente.
SpeciaI-effects technician John FuIton will explain in his own words his working methods for the matte shots.
Le technicien des effets spéciaux John Fulton exposera ses méthodes de travail.
I repeat, when Igor Stravinsky wrote his ballet, The Rite of Spring, his purpose was, in his own words, to "express primitive life."
Je répète, quand Igor Stravinski a composé son ballet Le Sacre du Printemps, son but était, a-t-il dit, d'évoquer la vie primitive.
Those were his actual words in the war of 1870.
Oui, lors de la guerre de 1870.
In his very words...
Ses propres paroles furent...
In his own words... Departing from England... the flight across the channel was quite uneventful.
Au départ de l'Angleterre, le vol au dessus de la Manche s'est fait presque sans histoires.
Then shall our names, familiar in his mouth as household words...
Alors nos noms familiers sur ses lèvres comme des mots de tous les jours, Harry le Roi, Bedford et Exeter,
- In other words it entered about here, passed all the way through his body and ended up down there.
- elle a fini là. C'est ça?
Filled with curiosity about places and people remote from his own experience, he wandered to the half-world of London, the words of Lord Henry vibrating in his mind.
Il s'enfonça dans les bas-fonds londoniens. Les paroles de Lord Henry ne le quittaient plus.
My Lord, when Latour gave his evidence in chief the words used by him were, "The Colonel told me to go away." Not, "Get away from me."
Le témoin a dit "le colonel m'a dit de partir" et non "il m'a renvoyé".
The witness may testify in his own words.
Le témoin peut utiliser ses propres termes.
Mrs Holland, will you tell Their Lordships in your own words the substance of the conversation you had with your husband the evening before his death?
Veuillez rendre compte à Leurs Seigneuries de votre conversation avec votre mari, la veille de sa mort.
In any case, his life and fate have best been summed up... ironically enough, in the words of Nazi Germany's sternest enemy... the honorable Winston Churchill.
Sa vie et son destin ont été les mieux décrits, ironiquement, par l'ennemi de l'Allemagne nazie le plus résolu, l'honorable Winston Churchill.
I've asked my client to tell you his story in his own words.
J'ai demandé à mon client de vous raconter son histoire de sa propre bouche.
In other words, all his thoughts.
En d'autres termes, toutes ses pensées.
In other words, I have gracefully refused his challenge, as I do every year.
En d'autres termes, j'ai refusé son défi, comme chaque année.
Roberto's words, his trust in me, had given me the courage to leave.
Le discours de Roberto, sa confiance m'avaient donné le courage de partir.
Each of you is hearing my words in his or her native toungue.
Chacun m'écoutera dans sa langue native.
In other words, you believe the individual must sacrifice his personal feelings... and work with somebody else for the benefit of the whole enterprise?
- En d'autres mots... tu penses que l'individu doit sacrifier ses sentiments personnels... et travailler avec autrui en faveur de l'entreprise globale?
In other words, man can use his knowledge to destroy all spiritual values and reduce the race to bestiality.
En d'autres mots, l'homme peut utiliser ses connaissances pour détruire toutes les valeurs spirituelles et réduire sa race à l'état de bête.
Don't put words in his mouth, Steinbrenner.
Lui cherche pas des poux, Steinbrenner!
In his own words, this isn't a debate, it's a cross-examination in a murder trial.
Ce n'est pas un exercice académique, mais une affaire de meurtre.
Counsel is putting words in his mouth.
La défense parle pour lui.
Sometimes a man has no occasion to remember the words in the whole of his life.
Parfois un homme n'a pas l'occasion de se rappeler ces mots de toute sa vie.
His words, spoken here would echo in Tiberias, Samaria and Caesarea.
De là, les paroles qu'il prononcerait seraient rapportées à Tibériade, en Samarie et en Césarée.
The poet crushed me in his arms, but alas, nature betrayed him and forced him to end his animal attempt with kind and tender words.
Le poete me broya dans ses bras, mais helas, une trahison de la nature l'obligea a terminer en mots gentils et tendres cette tentative faunesque.
What my great grandfather taught and his great grandfather All that was written in the scrolls, in the Zohar and the Temureh You want me to give it to you in three words
Ce que mon père a appris de son grand-père, et celui-ci de son arrière grand-père, ce que nous enseignent les parchemins, et Zohar, et Temureh, tu veux que je te le dise, en deux mots, tout ça?
In his own words, " There are no civilians.
Comme il l'a dit... " II n'y a pas de civils.
Don't you think that Furutaka's words were true, as his life hung in the balance.
Pourquoi Furutaka mentirait, alors que sa vie est en jeu?
Words that Stendhal wrote during his stay in Italy.
C'est de Stendhal quand il était en Italie!
In the words of Sigmund Freud, " Show me a man that can lose his temper
Pour citer Sigmund Freud : " Montrez-moi un homme qui perd son calme,
I sadly remembered the words of my old divisional commander Welk von Schnomm, who used to say : "Macho, Macho, always his head in the clouds". He also said this when my regiment comprised just thirteen men, and I had four of them shot for mutiny.
"Macho, Macho, toujours la tête dans les nuages", disait mon vieux chef de division Welk von Schnomm, même le jour où mon régiment ne comptait plus que treize hommes et où j'en fis fusiller quatre pour mutinerie.
All over the battlefield, whilst the Duke of Cumberland eats his lunch, any clansmen seen to be still alive is either slit in the throat, pistolled through the head or bayonetted and trampled on until, in the words of an eyewitness,
Sur tout le champ de bataille, pendant que le duc déjeune, on cherche les survivants, on les égorge, on leur tire dans la tête, on les piétine jusqu'à ce que, aux dires d'un témoin,
His words still echo in my ears
Ses mots se répercutent encore dans mes oreilles
( DALEKSUPREME ) His words betray greater intelligence than normal in human beings.
Ses mots trahissent une intelligence plus grande que celle d'un humain ordinaire.
- Not in so many words, perhaps... but we'd been talking about his sister earlier.
- Pas en ces termes, mais nous avions parlé de sa sœur avant.
When Dicky died in 1924, his last words to me were, "What I regret most about dying is that you'll have to stop having children."
Quand Dicky rendit son dernier soupir en 1924, telles furent ses ultimes paroles : "Ce qui me chagrine le plus dans la mort, ma chère, " c'est que vous ne pourrez plus avoir d'enfants maintenant. "
But, in his own words from a speech filmed less than two months ago... the only political philosophy I recognize is world peace.
Voici l'extrait d'un discours prononcé il y a moins de deux mois : La seule philosophie politique que j'accepte est la paix dans le monde.
You can carve his words in stone if you've a mind to.
Et vous pouvez graver ses mots dans de la pierre si ça vous dit.
In other words, we can't find anything hidden in his past... that would help us find a weakness to exploit.
En d'autres termes, on ne peut rien trouver dans son passé qui pourrait nous aider à exploiter une faiblesse.
Or, in other words, beware of the Hun in the sun... who, for reasons best known to himself... has confined his recent attacks to our channel convoys.
En d'autres termes, attention au Boche... qui, pour des raisons connues de lui seul a limité ses dernières attaques à nos convois de la Manche.
When Mário de Andrade, a great Brazilian writer, read those tales... he became, in his own words, "lyrically moved and desperate"... because he realized that Brazilian popular culture... ever so satirical, funny and even subversive... towards hypocritical moral standards... that many times were predominant throughout our history... basically preserved the spirit, stories and even characters... created by Native Brazilians centuries bef ore.
Lorsque Mario de Andrade, un grand écrivain brésilien, les lus... il devint, selon ses propres mots, fou d'une commotion lyrique. Parce qu'il se rendit compte que la culture populaire brésilienne... toujours irrévérencieuse, drôle... et même subversive par rapport à la moralité hypocrite... en vigueur aux différentes époques de notre histoire... gardait le esprit, les histoires et mêmes les personnages... créés par nos indiens depuis des siècles.
He merely recited the first two words, "In the" before his death.
Il a seulement récité les 2 premiers mots, "Dans les", avant sa mort.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his words 65
words 313
words to live by 22
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his words 65
words 313
words to live by 22