Just as friends traducir francés
378 traducción paralela
I mean, just as friends, you know.
Je veux dire, comme amies, vous savez.
Just as friends
- On fait ça en copains.
But please understand : Just as friends.
Comprends bien, ce serait un geste d'amitié.
Just as friends - you're married too?
C'est amical. Vous êtes marié, pas vrai?
But just as friends.
Mais en amis.
M. Wilson a ramené quelques amis après, pour un dernier verre.
And if I bleached my hair, I could look just. ... as cheap and tough as Darlene and six friends.
Et si je me décolorais les cheveux, j'aurais l'air aussi vulgaire que Darlene et six de ses amies.
Anything you say, just as long as we're friends.
Il me suffit que nous restions amis.
You're new here, and good friends are hard to find... just as in any other industry.
Vous êtes nouveau et il est dur de trouver de bons amis... tout comme dans n'importe quelle activité.
Going to remain just friends forever?
Tu as fait tout ce chemin pour ça!
All I gotta do is just spread the word around those friends and those newsboys will show up tomorrow just as good as new.
Je le ferai savoir à ces amis et demain ces journalistes vont refaire surface.
Everything's just as it was when we were friends... and I came over all the time.
Tout est resté comme au temps où nous étions amies... et me voilà revenue.
We could be good friends just as well.
Nous pourrions rester amis sans que tu le quittes.
Only, wouldn't you be just as happy if instead we got to be very good friends?
Mais seriez-vous très malheureux si on restait plutôt de très bons amis?
So why don't we just part as friends?
Alors pourquoi ne pas nous quitter bons amis?
Oh, you could go on sleeping with Justin... as long as he lied to himself, and you lied to yourself. And you both dated girls and labeled yourselves men, and called yourselves just fond friends.
Tu pouvais coucher avec lui du moment que vous continuiez à vous mentir, à sortir avec des filles, à être des hommes et de vous considérer bons amis!
I acted as though we were just friends each time I saw her... which wasn't very often, I can tell you that.
J'ai fait comme si nous n'étions qu'amis chaque fois que je l'ai vue... pas très souvent d'ailleurs, je peux vous le dire.
"Just as it was in my youth", he cried " when I sat in the shade and read to my friends about the Boer War...
Mon père était sévère avec son fouet et toutes ces abeilles autour de lui. Nous avons tout à apprendre de la nature, toujours. "
I wanted to ask, friends, do all the courses here contain so much cumin as in the cumin soup I just ate?
Je voulais savoir, camarades, si tous les mets chez vous contiennent tellement de cumin comme dans la soupe au cumin que je viens de manger.
We'd just as well sit down and talk out the ground rules of a few things before your friends get here.
On va fixer les règles avant que tes copains arrivent.
I mean, I really think of myself quite smugly. I just think I'm a perfectly nice guy, uh, you know... so long as I think of the world as consisting of, you know... just the small circle of the people that I know as friends... or the few people that we know in this little world of our little hobbies... the theater or whatever it is.
Je trouve que je suis un type très bien... en tout cas dans le petit cercle de mes amis ou de mes collègues de théâtre...
The Visitors appeared suddenly in the skies over the world... just as they did on that terrible day two years ago... when they came as friends.
Les Visiteurs apparurent soudain dans le ciel, tout comme ce jour fatidique il y a deux ans, lorsqu'ils vinrent en se disant nos amis.
But didn't you just buy the Gold Madonna from my friends the Ralstons?
N'as-tu pas acheté La Madonne d'or à mes amis, les Ralston?
You just wasted two of my friends.
T'as bousillé deux de mes gars.
You just pity him since he has no friends.
T'as pitié de lui, parce qu'il n'a pas de copains.
I mean, I know I've asked you out a few times, actually several times and you've made it clear your career comes first... -... and you just wanna be friends- - - Jesse, I know- -
Je t'ai proposé de sortir avec moi plusieurs fois et tu m'as prévenu que ta carrière était ta priorité, que tu veux être amis...
Do you have any women friends, just friends?
Tu as des amies femmes?
And I just want to say I feel real happy... to have such good, close personal friends as you guys.
Et je veux juste dire que je me sens vraiment heureux de vous avoir comme super-bons copains.
I want you to know, dear, that we're your friends and that Mr Madox hated having'to do it just as much as I hate havin'to mention it now.
Sachez que nous sommes vos amis et que M. Madox m'a raconté ça à contrecœur, tout comme j'en parle maintenant à contrecœur.
Did you just say we're not friends?
T'as dit qu'on n'était pas amis?
I've told my friends, just as you asked.
Je l'ai dit à tous mes amis, comme vous le souhaitiez.
And thou will fail to save thy friends, just as thou failed to save thy sister!
Tu échoueras à sauver tes amis, comme tu as échoué à sauver ta petite soeur!
To be honest, it looks like you just made friends with a Mack truck.
Pour être franche, on dirait que tu as sympathisé avec un semi-remorque.
she's your friend... we're all friends... we're just a little high-strung right now this is a high-pressure situation, remember, Billy... your life has only as many pressures as you create.
Nous sommes tous des potes, on est juste un peu tendus. C'est une situation très tendue, mais, rappelle-toi Billy... Ta vie ne présente que les tensions que tu crées, toi!
But as far as the three of us go, let's just be friends.
Mais pour ce qui nous concerne, contentons-nous d'etre amis.
About as certain as you are that Angela and cutie-pie are just friends.
Aussi certaine que vous de l'amitié entre Angela et "visage d'Ange".
In a moment, I'll have what I came for... while all of you will end up as sausage meat... alone on some sad, plastic plate... dead and medium red... no friends, no family, no pulse... just slapped between two buns... smothered in onions, with fries on the side.
J'aurai ce que je veux et vous deviendrez de la chair à saucisse. Seuls sur une assiette en plastique. Morts et saignants.
You know, one day I believe that you're gonna wake up... and realize you no longer have a brother... and you no longer have any friends, and on that day... I'm gonna be standing front and center just laughing my fuckin'head off.
Tu sais, un jour, je crois que tu vas te réveiller... et te rendre compte que t'as plus de frère... et que t'as plus d'amis, et ce jour-là... je serai au milieu du premier rang, mort de rire.
They have families. Friends. People who love them and miss them and want them back, just as I do.
Ils ont des familles, des amis, des gens qui les aiment et qui veulent les revoir, tout comme moi.
I'll have men around me by the dozen and lovers all known as "just good friends."
et je prendrai des admirateurs en série et des amants, dénommés : camarades.
I'm just saying you don't make friends as easily as... uh, some people.
Tout ce que je dis, c'est que tu n'es pas aussi sociable... que certaines personnes.
Bring me all the way up here just to blow me and my friends up? Is that it?
Tu nous as amené ici pour nous faire exploser, c'est ça?
Dear Susan and Todd, I have failed you as a husband and a father, just as I failed my friends and co-workers.
Chers Susan et Todd, j'ai échoué auprès de vous, comme auprès de mes amis et collègues.
Just a poet? You wrote poems while your friends did the killing?
Et tu as écrit des poèmes pendant que tes amis tuaient à tout-va.
To some honest friends who have the same interest as I do. I'll be more than willing to teach them. Just a second.
Je donne des cours à tous ceux qui sont aussi passionnés que moi.
So if you kill a friends brother, isn't that just as bad?
Ca n'est pas aussi mal de tuer le frere d'un ami?
I'm just thinking out loud here but the concept of two horny teenagers coming together for some gleeful coitus and parting as friends is positively revolutionary in this day and age.
Je pense tout haut, mais l'idée d'ados obsédés se réunissant pour un joyeux coïïït et se séparant en amis est révolutionnaire pour notre époque.
Because you think it's okay for casual acquaintances, or even friends to just use each other as scratching posts?
Parce que tu trouves normal pour des connaissances, ou des amis, de s'utiliser pour se soulager?
And seeing as how we are friends, but now we're friends that do that it's just gonna take time getting used to.
Et maintenant, on est des amis qui... le font... J'ai juste besoin de temps.
I told myself all day it was just another dinner with friends. But, as I stood waiting, in my new, very favorite dress I realized it meant a lot more.
Je m'étais dit que ce n'était qu'un dîner entre amis, mais une fois devant sa porte, dans ma nouvelle robe préférée, je compris que ça voulait dire beaucoup plus.
As I stand here, reunited with my friends and family for one last time, I want you, the people I love, to know just how sorry I am for all the pain that I've caused you.
En cet instant, alors que je suis avec mes amis, ma famille une dernière fois, je veux que vous, ceux que j'aime, sachiez que je suis désolé de vous avoir causé tant de peine.
just asking 127
just ask 167
just ask him 36
just as well 121
just as you are 21
just ask me 37
just ask her 22
just as you say 20
just as i thought 141
just as a precaution 17
just ask 167
just ask him 36
just as well 121
just as you are 21
just ask me 37
just ask her 22
just as you say 20
just as i thought 141
just as a precaution 17
just as you said 18
just as i suspected 36
as friends 76
friends 2160
friendship 155
friends with benefits 24
friends forever 21
friends and family 37
friends of yours 55
friends of mine 20
just as i suspected 36
as friends 76
friends 2160
friendship 155
friends with benefits 24
friends forever 21
friends and family 37
friends of yours 55
friends of mine 20
just come home 43
just eat it 38
just do it 1237
just so you know 1100
just breathe 514
just be cool 104
just relax 1151
just be yourself 145
just go 1748
just me 553
just eat it 38
just do it 1237
just so you know 1100
just breathe 514
just be cool 104
just relax 1151
just be yourself 145
just go 1748
just me 553
just talk to me 109
just let it be 17
just bear with me 31
just kidding 689
just be honest with me 16
just like that 1429
just answer the questions 19
just eat 44
just a little 454
just be nice 17
just let it be 17
just bear with me 31
just kidding 689
just be honest with me 16
just like that 1429
just answer the questions 19
just eat 44
just a little 454
just be nice 17
just a man 25
just be patient 84
just us 261
just beautiful 39
just a joke 49
just be quiet 102
just before 43
just be 37
just because 150
just be there 28
just be patient 84
just us 261
just beautiful 39
just a joke 49
just be quiet 102
just before 43
just be 37
just because 150
just be there 28